I must apologize for missing last night's council meeting. I had minor surgery last Thursday and was not up to going. This is especially true since I returned to work this morning, at 6:00AM no less.
So if anyone wants to report, please feel free to do so.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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Unless you were on some top shelf drugs, this one was probably best missed.
Bizarre is the very best description I can bring to mind and that is so lame a reference that I'm ashamed to use even it.
Let's suffice to say, you had to be here and fortunately few were.
Even they didn't stay to the bitter end.
For a more comprehensive update, check out NAC.
Take care and get well soon.
On a more positive note.
A few weeks ago there was an article in the CJ about an organization in Louisville who recycles computers, monitors, and other such electronic equipment that is no longer of use.
According to to the paper they had teamed up with a church or two in Louisville and set up a collection area in one of the church parking lots on a weekend.
The idea was to give folks an alternative to dispose of the stuff rather than it ending up in the landfills (who don't want it there anyway).
I spoke with John Manzo at lunch today and proposed that we in the neighborhoods work in conceert with him to organize such an event here in New Albany sometime soon.
Albeit early in the discussion process, he seemed amenable to the idea.
I'll work on it from this end and keep all informed as it progresses.
Dan Coffey said that for so long as "them people" annoy him, he'll do nothing for himself, his district or the city itself.
As for the victory of the "little people" as reported by the masked Erika, I decided to deal with that in my Thursday Tribune column.
Echoing Lloyd ... get well soon. We need you to run for 1st district council in 2011.
Thanks for your good wishes. I will talk to Becky and Pat about the computers. That is a great idea.
Thanks for your good wishes also. BTW I don't live in the fist district any more.
Just in case anyone is interested, you can take any electrical device be it a TV, computer, old toaster, to the Metro Louisville Waste Mgt Facility at 636 Meriwether Ave to recycle. I did this with alot of old stereos, dvds, etc that we got out of a house that we helped to clean up.
The City sends it to the KY State Reformatories for the inmates to remove the poisonous parts and recycle the other components. It gives the inmates a skill and keeps our landfills free of gold, mercury, lead, etc from these old items.
I think the idea of combining civic/church groups for a recycle effort is a good idea, but for those who may not get the chance to get there or find out too late, this is also an option. I've never been turned away from there just because of my IN tags, but I also smile widely and am genuine in my reason to be there.
Sounds like a threat to me Roger? I'm one of the so called "little people" and "damn proud of it."
ps I sure hope your feeling better Shirley, glad to see you back on line. What's your thoughts on Price's idea, pay as you go?
Threat? Read much? If you do, then tune in to the Trib on Thursday.
Warning: You won't like it. At. All.
I as a munchkin myself, I wish idiots on here would stop trying to keep the “little people” label all to themselves.
Besides, don’t hold it against Roger that he’s over six foot.
Anonymous little person, how do we know you’re not big and fat?
I’m damn proud of being one of the little people because by little people, I mean small minded. I like to hate Roger for little, petty reasons! Thinking makes my little person's little brain hurt.
Dwarfs of the World Unite! Long live Coffey and his Braintrust, Steve Price!
We've earned that label. If you had common sense you just might understand who the "little people are." As stated I am also proud to be a member of New Albany's "little people" I wear that badge of honor.
pathetic, childish shoving match in a dirty little schoolyard sandbox.
Freedom of Speech rocks and so does Councilman Price. Great job Erik and Steve, someone needs to be fighting for the taxpayers.
As Jackie Gleason use to say: "how sweeeeet it is!"
Another proud member of New Albany's "little people."
Maybe if the mayor had not played politics and gotten some other deserving small business owner a $50,000 low interest loan. Myself and others might have a little sympathy for you, but we don't.
England is nothing but a "crook, which makes you NO better.
Bash the mayor if it lifts your dress, but the fact reminds that he has nothing to do with the awarding of the Horseshoe Foundation's revolving loan or 1SI's administering of it.
Tell you what. Ask Michael Dalby, CEO of 1SI. He'll tell you, but he won't tell you what you so desperately want to hear, because it isn't about facts with you.
It's about feelings, and what you feel is spite toward anyone who is capable and achieves something.
Isn't that right, trognonymous?
Sure seems to be a whole lot of people willing to criticize the batters, but never seem to really step up to the plate themselves.
Ms. Baird: I honestly believe that your intentions are honest, and meant only to benefit the community. However, how can you continue to allow comments that are nothing more than hateful, spiteful, filth? It sadly is, whether you believe it or not, a reflection upon you and your family. You need to take a moment and realize that your name is attached to this trash.
Anon 5/6 6:02
Thanks, I am feeling much better. I do like Mr. Price's pay as you go idea and will be doing an article about it soon. I think we should not borrow any more than necessary.
Anon 5/6 11:32 I allow people to comment as long as they don't use foul language. I don't think other people's comments are any reflection on myself or my family. Only my own comments affect me. As for my family, well, my husband speaks for himself as many of you know.
I've got a serious question. Really.
If you consider yourself one of the so called little people, just how do you define little people? What make you different from those you don't consider to be little people?
Just so you know, I consider myself just "people", not big or little.
Excellent Question, IAM. I was wondering that myself.
I could be wrong, but the “little person” seems to be implying that s/he is some how more disadvantaged that those with whom s/he disagrees.
Since when has not getting your way 100% of the time made someone “little”?
To me, “little people” implies that the writer feels that there are powerful forces unfairly aligned against him/her, forces which s/he does not fully understand. From the confused legal references, from the repeated and clearly incorrect references to Mr. Baylor getting his Horseshoe/1SI loan unfairly, and from the many syntax and spelling errors, I believe it’s safe to say that the writer’s “little person” self identity comes from his/her inability to grasp certain basics.
On a related note, if you don’t value education, you’re not going to value income taxes or property taxes to fund education. If you cannot understand and thus do not value cultural amenities, your natural impulse will be to deem as wasteful tax dollars to fund same. In a way, reading the manner in which the posts are written, it’s easy to understand why s/he has his/her positions.
I don't know about anyone else but I have always thought the "little people" were just average people. Not necessiarily disadvantaged but just working people. The people that Barack Obama talked to during his campaign. It doesn't seem to me to be anything to be ashamed of. I consider myself a little person.
I really don’t understand the little vs. non-little people posturing. I work too. I disagree with more than half of what is written on FOS. Why does FOS insist that people who disagree with her are not “little people.”
I really don’t understand the little vs. non-little people posturing. I work too. I disagree with more than half of what is written on FOS. Why does FOS insist that people who disagree with her are not “little people.”
she thinks that if you disagree with her you are lazy and don't work.
Thanks for your answer, Shirley.
Anyone else? Anyone have examples of "big people" and how they are different from "little people"? Anyone care to classify me? What is a "victory" for "little people"?
I also consider myself one of the little people. FOS is entitled to their opinion/opinions just like everyone else. But, when they back it up with facts, laws and etc. I find them very creditable. Jealousy is a disease.
9:15 you have a choice to read Freedom Of Speech or not, or any other blog. I just happen to agree with 98% of what he writes and I wish them even more success. Am I one of the little people? Yes, and I feel someone needs to fight for tax payers.
Thank you Shirley, for allowing me and others to state my/their thoughts, opinions and different points of view.
But I'm a taxpyer too and you are not fighting for me.
I'm not trying to get into a discussion on the merits of FOS. That's a discussion for another day.
Two of you just said that you are "little people". What makes you think that you are the "little people"? Is anyone who pays taxes a member?
I really am trying to understand.
If you were one of the little people, you would not be asking this question Mark.
That's right, Mark. If ya gotta ask, you'll never know ... because they're masked.
At least Shirley tried to answer my question.
While I'm still not sure what "little people" are, from what I have gathered so far, you are not one of them. You take responibility for your words by signing your name. You go to meetings and try to learn what is going on. You are actually trying to make New Albany a better place. That makes you a "big person" in my book.
9:15 you have a choice to read Freedom Of Speech or not, or any other blog. I just happen to agree with 98% of what he writes and I wish them even more success.
You really do think we’re stupid, don’t you.
Thank you Shirley, for allowing me and others to state my/their thoughts, opinions and different points of view.
And how is it that you can express your thoughts, opinions and different points of view less effectively without a mask?
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