Friday, August 21, 2009


The August 20th City Council meeting was all about rate increases. The Stormwater Board wanted to raise the monthly fee by $2.00 to cover maintenance work on the sewers. There was much discussion about this issue from the public and from the city officials.
  • Jason Hublar of the Falling Run Group questioned where the money would be spent if the fees were raised. He said the $100,000 appropriated was spent in another neighborhood. A representative from the Stormwater board said the funds are used on a case by case basis.
  • Vicki Denhart of Citizens for Accountability said the council members need to go out and talk to the citizens. She added that flooding is not a one time issue. Additionally she said that taxes paid are not meeting the tax payers' needs, and that the trash and garbage collection should be bid out. As for the budget, she said we cannot freeze the 2009 because we don't have a 2009 budget approved as of yet.
  • Richard Berryman complimented the council but complained that the garbage truck had left a stream of filthy, smelly water in front of his home and was told to use bleach and water and clean up the mess himself.
  • Brent Glotzbach wanted to lower the $5.00 request for an increase in garbage collection.

Councilman Gahan brought up the Linden Meadows problem. Asked if the council could do anything to help. Mr. Malysz said that he was aware of the problem. The Linden Meadows project was not turning out as planned. He added that the State had hired an engineer and an architect who will report back to the Administration. Mayor England suggested that the city leave the issue in the state's hands.

The mayor also added that the garbage problem needs to be resolved because the Street Dept. employees need to be working to paint the lines on the streets. This is a safety issue.

After voting, the Stormwater ordinance was amended to a $1.00 per month increase and was approved.

The garbage/trash increase was not approved.

Since the meeting lasted from 7:30 to after 10:00 this is obviously a very condensed version. Any attendees please expand the coverage if you wish.


Anonymous said...

Shirley, not long ago, you challenged us to “start an ‘I love New Albany Campaign.’"

That’s what the YES signs are for. Show New Albany you love it. Show New Albany that instead of negativity, you are willing to take the time and suggest ways to make it the best it can be.

I hope you get a YES sign Shirley. What do you plan on writing in?

Iamhoosier said...

Thanks for the report, Shirley.


The New Albanian said...

Did anyone catch Jason Hublar's meaning with the "other neighborhood" reference? What was he talking about?

Anonymous said...

Everyone says we're all just stupid. I have you know that Citizens for Accountability is planning an EDUCATIONAL TRIP to AFRICA. You can read all about it on our website.


Anonymous said...

Shirley, I published this a few a few articles down how I would declare the City caters to Developers (certain ones) in several different actions/ways.

1. Castlewood was suppose to be a retention pond and nothing was to built there (Storm Water Master Plan # ?). Remember the fiasco there recently?

2. Because of the EPA agreement and IDEM agreement, the City is only allowed "so many credits" to build (like we don't have enough empty buildings and houses in town.
The ratio of the cost of credits is 5 to 1. Guess who pays the 5, we do. We tried to get that changed and could not get the votes needed. We wonder why the Mayor could not increase the developer's credit costs to come into compliance with the taxpayers.

3. The City built a beautiful sewer plant, cost a lot of money, looks pretty coming in from Caesar's. The EPA stated the plant was really nice, now if the City could just get the sewage to the plant.

There are so many old, and many crushed, clay sewer lines. For the money we have paid on the plant, etc., we could have simply inlined every pipe in the City and in my humble opinion would not be in the mess we are today.

There is an underground river and a lot of us know about it. Remember the old wells at the old Purity Mill. Wells up and down Market so why is it going to cost us more with the fiasco on State St?

Georgetown HAS to get off of our lines because the City will not let them have any credits; we need them more. The pecking order would be "in City" first, outer fringe areas second and then Georgetown (never).


August 20, 2009 11:58 PM

Thought it may have become buried amongst all the angst going on between certain people.

Thank you for letting me be heard.

Little Old Anonymous

Anonymous said...


As a representative of Develop New Albany, why would you make such disparaging remarks about a Council member who hasn't been in office for years?

Where is the code enforcement your group. and us before you, where did it go? The new code enforcement office is answering phones in the Clerk's office.

Where are the campaign promises that things "would be right this time"?

As such a history buff, do you not feel you should learn from the people who KNOW what is going on and it's past which leads to it's present?

Somehow, I just don't understand unless there is an agenda I am unaware.

No blasting you, trying to understand. Thanks,


Anonymous said...

Little Old Anonymous, I think your questions while a little confused are fair enough and should be answered.

Speaking of someone holding themselves out as one thing and actually being another, there's one area where Vickie Denhart and Roger Baylor agree. Citizens for Accountability just published a story about it this morning. They even got them a picture of Vickie and Roger arm in arm. Amazing! Go to to see if for yourself because you won't believe it.

This is what I want to know. When is someone doing to do something about this problem?

Anonymous said...

We are NOT biting Mr. Anonymous 10:54.

Anonymous said...

We are NOT biting Mr. Anonymous 10:54.

You mean you're not rebutting, because you can't. That site shows the logical conclusion of what would happen if you got everything you wanted, CFA.

Anonymous said...

Thanks CFA. I can't wait to hear Price's lecture on house money saving tips! Gotta run those non-businesses like a business!

shirley baird said...

Anon 8/22 12:06

I have it from good authority that no one from code enforcement has EVER answered phones in the City Clerk's office.

There is an Ordinance Violation Bureau Clerk who collect payment, sends out letters and helps answer the phone. This might be who you are thinking of.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Shirley.

Anonymous said...

Does everyone here agree that all ordinances and other laws should be enforced at all times in New Albany?

Anonymous said...

Citizens for Accountability would like to congratulate Dan Coffey for receiving his prestigious good government award. You can read more about it at our website.

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CFA Staff