Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The first speaker was the Mayor who mentioned a couple of public forums. The first being at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on June 8. This will be to discuss the McDonald Lane Federal improvement project. The second will be at the library on 6/16. Both meetings will begin at 6:00PM.

He added that the funds are there to finish Daisy Lane from Green Valley Rd to the top of the hill due to stimulus funds. Mt. Tabor Rd. will be repaired with Federal Funds also. There will be a meeting at IUS to discuss this but there is no date set as yet.

As far as the rest of the paving, there are no funds available yet but he is hoping to use Riverboat and EDIT. He needs $5,000,000 for city wide paving but can make do with $500,000 from Riverboat and $500,000 from TIF.

Kay Garry was the next speaker. She asked that all department heads turn in their budgets for 2011. She added that representatives from DGLF will meet in her office on 6/15 @ 9:00AM and hopes to obtain the 1782 form for the 2010 budgets at that time. She also wants to meet with department heads on 6/21 to discuss budgets. The council decided to meet for 90 minutes for two days for budget discussions.

Shane Gibson was up next. He said that the yard waste and other trash pickup are not in the sanitation company's contract. The street dept. is now picking up these items when people call. The sanitation company wants to make a deal to include these pickups in their contract and lower their fees in order to extend their contract for another three years. Mr. Price and Mrs. Benedetti disagreed. They want more transparency for the citizens and therefore more open bids.

David Brewer (Building Commissioner) spoke about our problems with dilapidated homes and code enforcement. He hired an additional code enforcement officer, John Berger (sp). This department also has a "hot line" for complaint calls. In the last two months there have been 225 complaints on grass and weeds. Out of that they are unable to locate the owners of 95 homes. He is looking at re-doing the ordinances and added that the city needs a vacant housing ordinance.

Public comments:

David Shireman, VP of the Firefighters Union said that as of 1/1/11 the number of people off will go from 4 to 3. This will help cut back on overtime.

Jameson Bledsoe first thanked the Mayor for setting up the forums and went on to discuss the demolition of houses. He asked if there were standards set to replace these homes. Many times the newer structures seem to be sub standard and out of place with the rest of the neighborhood. He also noted that if there is a house with the siding falling off this is not against code unless there is a hole in the outside wall. He also asked for the city to consider setting up a commission to establish more strict guidelines. Mr. Coffey stated that the Building Commission and Planning Commission should be sufficient to handle these matters.

The Ordinances and Resolutions:

G-10-14 Health Dept. inspection fees. Set up a standard annual fee for vendors at Farmers Markets instead of charging them for every time they set up. Passed 8-0. CM Caesar was absent.

G-10-15 Regulating the disposal of dead animals. Passed 8-0.

Z-10-02 Variance to change property on Grantline Rd. North of 265 from industrial to residential to accommodate the Struble family.
Passed 5 to 3. Mrs. Benedetti, Mr. Zurschmeide, and Mr. Gonder voted no.

A-10-06 Appropriation of $350,000 from paving funds from 2009 to establish handicap ramps. Passed 7-1 Mr. Price voted no.

R-10-15 Increase Housing Board by 2 seats.
Failed 2-6 All voted no except Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Gonder.

R-10-16 Stormwater Master Plan
I did not stay for this vote but the "Tribune" article by Daniel Suddeath stated that it passed.

Sorry this was not posted sooner, blame Blogger.