Thursday, March 1, 2012


I was asked to post the agenda for council meetings in advance.  I will also be posting the results of Monday's meeting.  This will probably be posted on Tuesday since we are having a work session following the regular meeting.

R-12-04 Resolution Concerning Procurement of Electronic Devices for City Council Use (Zurschmeide)
This was discussed at an earlier work session.  The council members receive so much information and documentation in paper form that it may be more cost efficient to supply the members with a small device such as a tablet PC, small laptop or iPad. CM Zurschmeide would be assigned to gather the information to see which device is most cost effective, should this resolution pass.

G-11-13  Ordinance Allowing the Appropriation of $8,000 for the Purpose of Paying for a 2011 State Board of Accounts Audit Assistance Proposal                                                             (Coffey 1 & 2)
Our State Board of Accounts has found numerous errors in 2011 as in the past.  The proposal is to hire the London Witte Group LLC to assist in solving our audit problems.  This is to help the city be in compliance with the State Board of Accounts on several issues bank account reconciliation, financial transactions, records entries and fund reporting.

A-12-03 Appropriation for Spring St. Hill Road Repairs                                                              (Caesar 1 & 2)
The low bid for this project was $540,000.  The city has been asked to help fund the repairs in addition to requesting disaster relief from FEMA.

There will be a work session Monday 3/5 to discuss Spring St. Hill

I am presenting this agenda without any editorial comments.  This is mainly because I have just received the packet and have not had time to study it.  Also, I prefer to wait until the meeting and listen to all comments from the citizens and from city officials before making a final decision.