Saturday, September 11, 2010


Well, I have a new computer and am back on line. In trying to write my first article in several weeks I could not decide on a subject so I will discuss several different ones.

The Tolls: Maybe you are tired of reading all of the newspapers and blogs about this subject but it is important and we need to keep letting the Bridges Coalition or whoever know we mean business and will not allow these tolls to be shoved down our throats. If anyone wants to organize a protest please let me know and I'll be there.

Sewer Bills: Today's Tribune had an article about liens being placed on properties where the sewer bill is over 90 days past due and foreclosures are forthcoming. Although I agree in the idea, I think each case should be judged individually. If a homeowner is actually trying to keep up with their obligations and cannot help from being past due, maybe we should not rush to foreclose if they have a good reason, loss of job for instance. But the homeowner should take the initiative and contact the Sewer Dept. and explain their circumstances, not just sit back and do nothing.

The Home Tour: I had purchased a ticket but unable to make it. But the weather seemed to have cooperated and the Farmers Market looked pretty crowded this afternoon so it looked like it was a success. Thanks to all of the homeowners who allowed strangers to come in an tour your lovely homes, see you next year.

Men of Distinction: This was the reason I was not able to participate in the Home Tour. I had purchased tickets for both events without realizing they were taking place at the same time. A couple of friends told me that they would disown me if I did not attend so the choice was made for me. But it was a wonderful event with Dawne Gee as the emcee and the men who certainly deserved the honor.

The Democrat Picnic: The annual Floyd County Democrat picnic takes place tomorrow at Garry E. Cavan Park aka Edwardsville Park in Georgetown tomorrow. Please come if you can. It will be a great time with good food and good fellowshop. And a big thank you to our hosts, Sheriff Darrell Mills and Linda Moeller.
Please tell them how much you appreciate their hard work when you see them tomorrow.