Friday, April 16, 2010


Hello everybody. I missed the first part of the council meeting last night so I did not get to hear the mayor speak. I heard that he told there were death threats. That is deplorable. I hope these people get arrested and convicted of terroristic threatening.

The bill that no one really wanted to pass did pass. Of course I'm talking about the sewer rate increase. Even the council members who voted for it said they did not like it but it was the lesser of two evils. Mr. Skomp said again how antsy the SRL is getting. He said their emails are getting pretty curt. He also admitted that if the city went into receivership our sewer rates could double. I don't like it either but we taxpayers paid this company to research and find the best solution for us. From what I understand they still need to pass G-10-10 which determines from which TIF districts the money will be taken. This meeting will take place on April 27. Since I have a prior commitment I will not be able to attend.

In other news, the position of full time attorney/grant writer passed the first two readings with 5 aye's (Ceasar,Benedetti, Messer, Zurschmeide, and Gonder), 3 nay's (Price,McLaughlin, & Gahan), and one abstention (Coffey).

Finally the whole council came together and voted unanimously to appropriate $100,000 from the Riverboat funds to demolish those 14 unsafe houses and buildings. All of us in attendance held our breath but thankfully the building did not fall on our heads.