Monday, April 20, 2009


There was an article in the "Tribune" yesterday concerning overdue parking tickets. It said that the city is owed over $221,000 in fines!

This is outrageous. These people saw the signs when they decided to park where they did. Why should anyone get by without paying their fines? I know the city is trying to encourage more people to live and work downtown but this is sending the wrong message.

Everyone complains about special treatment for some people. This is special treatment to the max


Ceece said...

shirley, that is the best post title ever. ;-)

shirley baird said...

Thanks Courtney

Anonymous said...

Like we have said before:

1. Selective parking tickets
2. Selective billing
3. Selective code enforcement
4. Selective grants
5. Selective parking
6. Selective two way streets
7. Selective property taxes
This list could go on and on.

No-two way streets, why waste taxpayers dollars, on a "bullshit campaign promise!"

We are drawing a line in the sand for this battle!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"No two-way streets, why waste taxpayers [sic] dollars..."?[I'll avoid the profanity that is supposed to 'verboten' at this blog.]

Turning the one-way streets to two-way would reap huge benefits for a pittance of cost.

Travel speeds would be reduced because two-way traffic requires more driver awareness. The more aware a driver needs to be, the slower they go.

Lower travel speeds reduce noise and enhance neighborhood livability.

Lower travel speeds reduce accidents and lower the cost of damages in accidents.

Lower travel speeds reduce the severity of injuries in accidents and lower health care costs.

Lower travel speeds reduce pollutants emitted by our vehicles.

Lower travel speeds create a less hostile environment for bicyclists and pedestrians. (I wanted to write that they create a more friendly environment, but this is still southern Indiana.)

Public safety would be enhanced: the Spring Street and Market Street firehouses would be able to respond in either direction without having to make three additional turning moves.

Installing traffic signals (Beharrell and Spring plus 11th and Spring come to mind) would help reduce travel speeds as well as making pedestrian movements much easier and safer.

Before Gov. Mitch decided that our unique system of numbering plates by county was too expensive to retain, I would find myself walking or biking these streets and be astounded by the number of '10' and '31' plates -- Clark and Harrison counties --using our streets presumably as a cut-through. We should not return to two-way streets to benefit people who aren't from here, especially when the feds and state have paid multiple millions to build them I-64 and 265? I, for one, don't think so.

This is a no brainer for those that have a brain. Anon -5:56, you obviously aren't one of them.

As to the Parking Tickets? You earn 'em, you pay for 'em. In full.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, 'Reece -- lighten up with the profanity.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I'm with you on this one anonymous. NO two way streets on Spring, Market, Pearl and Bank. Forget about bike lanes also. A complete waste of taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

6:38, Maybe in Europe but NOT in New Albany. Now that's a real no-brainer for us taxpayers. We got better use for that $1-$2,000,000 million.

The New Albanian said...

I love it.

Anonymous said...

How about the illegal tickets they've been handing out since Feburary 2000 - 2009? Is the city going to give the fine fees paid back to us?

Great blog you got here Shitley.

Anonymous said...

Parking tickets has become a part of revenue generation rather than keeping traffic flowing and fair play. I don't object to parking tickets. I do object to parking ticket cherry picking though. I smell a lawsuit coming on, how about you all?

The New Albanian said...

Outstanding idea. File another lawsuit, paralyze the city some more, and voila -- all your predictions about how bad the city works magically come true.

And still none of you offer positive solutions for anything, just the usual squeals of outrage at a world you don't fathom.

Anonymous said...

The reason for Spring Street going from two way to one way, was because of so many vehicle accidents. We need more Street Department employees, a new City County Building worse than we need the reversal of Spring Street and other streets.

Anonymous said...

The New Albanian, would you feel differently, if you had not invested money in your business downtown? How can you justify spending "our tax dollars" downtown? We've already invested over #12,000,000 million downtown. I pay $1,200 every six month's on property taxes just like you do at your brewery.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the others. I don't support the mayor changing Spring and other streets. We got other bigger issues to deal with.

The New Albanian said...

Is there any evidence to back the assertion that streets were changed to on-way because of accidents?

The New Albanian said...

And permit me to express the sheer joy of debating with masked people. It always lightens my day. Thanks, Shirley, for your act of empowerment. And thanks to the other two people who post here.

The New Albanian said...

We've already invested over #12,000,000 million downtown.Can this figure be verified?

shirley baird said...

to anon 5:56 and 7:16 I'm ignoring
the profanity for now but if you do it again your comment will be deleted.


shirley baird said...

It's been a rough morning. I tried to avoid a pothole on Daisy Lane, "mission impossible" I know.

Of course I blew a new tire in the process.


shirley baird said...

Personally, I really don't have a strong opinion on one way or 2 way streets. But I know if the street dept. would time the traffic lights so a driver would have to drive the speed limit to make all of the green lights our speeding problem would be solved.

If you don't believe me drive down Market, Liberty, or one of the other streets in downtown Louisville.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you blew a tire Shirley, isn't Daisy Lane the area our city just paid $3 million to re do?

Anonymous said...

Good point! I suggest you drive down Mount Tabor and see if you still have a front end on your by the time you get to Grantline Road.

p.s. I drive a $32,000 car not a clunker.

Anonymous said...

(car) sorry about that Shirley. I'm new at blogging.

shirley baird said...

The part of Daisy Lane with the pothole is down the hill as you are going West? (toward State St) before the bridge. It is on the right, I tried to going around but there was a car coming.

Marcey Wisman contacted the street dept. today. Thanks Marcey

After posting this article I hope she didn't tell them it was me. We may never get it fixed. lol

Anonymous said...

The INDOT Dept. once told some Spring Street was originally "designed" to be two way specifically for truck routing to and from the x-ways. Never hard anything about accidents, per se.

If Spring Street did go two ways, NA could be like other river cities where there would no longer be truck traffic on Main Street, the historical river mansion area; like other river town with same.

Sword cuts both ways sometimes.

Ceece said...

@anonymous 11:32, the trucks are actually supposed to go down Main St, since it is a state run rd, not Spring St.

Anonymous said...

C, there are no reasons for trucks to travel down Main St to get to the expressways, either to or fro. (Not in the "historical" area, businesses requiring same.) It is definitely out of their way to jog over to go down Main, rather than going down Spring. Sorry, have to disagree. West end of Main, yes...Vincennes and Galt Street area, no reason to get on the expressway via Main when they can simply go down Spring.

Christopher D said...

Two Words:


'nuff said.

Ceece said...

weather its out of the way or not, that is the way the "passing through" trucks are supposed to go. As soon as I find more info, I'll link it.

Anonymous said...

Figures. Mentality of New Albany. Forget about protecting the beautiful assets you have, as are protected even in nearby cities, so you can have trucks drive out of their way.

Topping it all off you want to see a court battle where this procedure is already in place bypassing trucks from their riverfront mansions, lol!

Are we speaking desperation here? 2 Funny!.! (If it wasn't so sad.)

Rather than speaking to INDOT (whom works for all of us), SUE...

2 much Shirley, lol!

Anonymous said...


you are totally correct.Ondot calls the shots on Main Street, not Roger Baylor and his thugs.

The New Albanian said...

ONDOT and thugs?

This surely is the funniest site on the Internet.

Anonymous said...

I agree with several posting here. We don't need 2 way streets on Spring "AT" all. Politics and political favors should stay out of this Bond and stimulus money decision. "We have a lot of things in this city that need to be addressed, and two way streets are NOT a priority!" btw: Some poeple recently have inquired at City Hall, State and Federal levels about trying to have England removed from office. If you are looking for clues just look at what he has done from day one. His first raise before taking office. After winning, England blew up his nice-guy CHANGED image and stomped around City Hall to show who was boss. Later he told city departments not to take directions from the City Council and made sure all authority, and credit, flowed through his office and etc. etc. He fails to supply our council with the proper information, the list goes on and on. I do hope they get him removed from office. He's the worse mayor New Albany has ever had. I encourage other like minded to contact your Council member and let them know: two way streets are not the priority!

Anonymous said...

The New Albanian,

I see several typos on your blog. So cut the crap out.

The first issue is he wants residents downtown to get a free pass. (buy a $100 permit per vehicle)wave fines, which is illegal under Indiana code.

Our $12,500 month City attorney should know this.

Second issue, is he wants to add into the $10,000,000 million bond, $2,000,000 million conversion of East Spring, East Market, East Elm, Pearl and Bank Streets. From one-way to two-way, installation of bike lanes, sidewalks and traffic devices and lsndcaping.

You can help move this issue in the right direction by contacting your council representatives. Tell them "NO" with using $2,000,000 million, on changing one-way to two-way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If my mom were alive today, she'd probably give England the same scolding she use to give me. "You have a champagne appetite and a Coca-Cola budget." (Believe me I now live on a budget.) Advice like that used to be common sense, but Deputy Doug does not have common sense.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one smart mom you have anonymous 5:14.

Anonymous said...

Two way streets should be based on pedestrain safety. Everyone agrees pedestrain safety is important, ask yourselves what should we do about it and how fae are we willing to go to inconvenience drivers? I am condifent two-way streets are not safer, especially Spring Street, but those who feel otherwise disagree on the means, not the ends.

As they say, if it isn't broke don't fix it. Leave Spring and Pearl, Market and Bank Street alone.

Anonymous said...

First of all $10,000,000 million will not pave all of our streets. We don't need to put this debt on the backs of our kids, grandchildren or raise my taxes.
Don't use the excuse for emissions reductions just isn't there. And if you do your research the general principal of traffic theory is that if you turn, you yield: straight moving traffic has the right of way over turning traffic. Also visually impaired pedestrains can't use aural clues to decide when to cross. I say leave our streets alone.

Anonymous said...

The two biggest types of street injuries and deaths were cars hitting pedestrains and motorcyclisis not wearing a helmet. What would happen on Spring Street and Charlestown road if they added bike lanes then what? Yes, people have gotten use to Spring street being "just like it is." I can remember when Spring and Market was two way before. People screamed and honked at anyone who slows down to turn or park, people treat the left lane as if it was a passing lane, red lights were consistenly ran, and the speed limit was a joke.
But if you make it two lanes, traffic will be worse.

The New Albanian said...

Spring Street traffic can be worse than now? Hard to imagine. Your general theme is "we're used to it this way, therefore don't change it." That's the same argument people formerly used for letting sewage run in ditches by the side of the road.

Anonymous said...

We have better use of $2 million dollars, than changing Spring Street.

Anonymous said...


Boredom is in the eye >YAWN< of...the >YAWN<. What were you saying again, The New Albanian?

The New Albanian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The New Albanian said...


... "I got a gal, in Kalamazoo."

Or maybe those are locker combinations from junior high school?

Don't mind me, kiddies. I'm just working on another Tribune column: "Boiling the Bitter Coffey."

Anonymous said...


The New Albanian said...

J, I'm flattered that you used all-screaming caps, because I can see the veins popping out of a geriatric neck, and that makes me laugh.

Sorry to disappoint, but the business is fine so far. I cordially invite you to come down and have a Progressive Pint with me.

Anonymous said...

"We have better use of $2 million dollars, than changing Spring Street."

Stop the lies about the $2 million figure. That estimate includes pavement that you must pay for whether the traffic goes one way or two. If you say "save" $2 million, then you're saying never, ever, ever resurface Spring St. again. To make two way, the only real additional costs are switching out a couple stoplights. That will cost a few hundred thousand, not a few million. Get your facts straight.

The asphalt, the paint, and the sidewalks all cost the same however you do it. Do you assume traffic engineering hit perfection in New Albany in the 1950s?

The streets were designed to be two way and have been two way for most of New Albany's 200 years. They had it right the first time.

Anonymous said...

who are these anonymous people who say they want to keep the one way streets? must be someone who lives in clarksville and works in corydon. wouldn't want to add 2 minutes travel time to their speedy short cut to I-64. those people who just use new albany as a short cut don't care about the noise levels on spring street. they don't care that property values won't increase when it's not two way again. they don't care if it takes logner for fire trucks to get to an emergency since half the streets are off limits to the direction the fire trucks need to travel. i live in new albany. i pay taxes in new albany. i say quit listening to these outsiders who just want their short cut through our town.

Anonymous said...

2:56 either your lying or the mayor is. Which is it? I'd say both. It's in the bond paperwork stupid.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Councilman Price was right again. Don't you just love that guy? See what happens when you write mean nasty lies about certain council members, they put your two way street project on the back burner. I guess England found out there would be a march on City Hall if he tried.

Hats off to the little people!

Anonymous said...

England needs to go. It seems that anything goes, as long as it is with other peoples money. It is time that responsible council members stop caving in to the most extreme demands of England. We can't afford unlimited deficit spending in the name of a small group of people imposing their views.
I'm sure that all the people who are losing their jobs, savings and houses are just thrilled about these stupid ideas England has.
It's an appalling waste of taxpayer's money on reversing two way streets, and adding bike paths.
It's hard to believe that people are that stoopid!

Anonymous said...

Anyone going to the Oaks or Derby?

Anonymous said...

I recommend the Mayor and most of the Council members get fired.

Anonymous said...

Really, the "bond paper" compares repaving with two-way versus repaving without two-way? I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

“Little people” this, “little people” that. Blah blah blah. Does “Citizens for Accountability” only admit smurfs?

I’m not an elected official. I’m not a millionaire. I live in New Albany and pay taxes in New Albany. I want two way streets on Spring, Markets and Elm. Some bike lanes, a couple medians and improved sidewalks would be nice too. Maybe we can even afford a trash can or two. Who knows?

You say the Mayor should go? I voted for him as did a majority of New Albanians. If you’re so concerned about “We the People...,” sit back and watch unconstitutional majority rule in action.

Anonymous said...

Does Freedom of Misspeech have scientific polling data to support its assertion that only a “small minority” of New Albanians want Spring St. to be two way?

Oh, I forgot the comments of “Brad” and “Jackie.” Freedom of Speech is entitled to its own facts.

Anonymous said...

8:39, you sure don't want much do you? How are we going to pay for your wish list?

2:46, Sorry, but I agree with Freedom Of Speech. There is more to New Albany than putting all of our eggs in the downtown basket, and didn't England promise certain business owners downtown he would change certain streets? Now come on folks, is two way streets the least of our problems?

Anonymous said...

i want what other cities have. there's no reason why new albany cannot be a beautiful city.

Anonymous said...

Enough Roger, go play in your own sand box and leave us alone.

The New Albanian said...

Spoken like a condescending geriatric.

Nice mask. Wear it often?

But it's so much fun here. Reckon I'll stay.

Anonymous said...

There is no way the england administration can pave 10 million worth in one paving season. 1/4 mile of daisy lane took six months. They should submit bids and be specific as to the streets and the time frame and not have descretionary funds to play with.

Anonymous said...

Parking tickets are like any other citation. If I feel I have been wrongly ticketed, there should be a court to seek relief. If I feel I am not guilty then I should be able to make my plea. Other than that, collect the fines!