Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I don't know if that was the plan but that is basically how last night's city council meeting went. The handful of speakers including myself expressed concern over issues which were mainly tabled until a later meeting. This is the run down:

  • R-09-23 Resolution Confirming the Establishment of an Economic Revitalization Area for Matt Chalfant d/b/a/ Chalfant Industries, Inc. by the Common Council of the City of New Albany. 8-1 Mr. Gahan was the no vote.
  • R09-24 Resolution of the Common Council of the city of New Albany Amending the "New Albany-Fringe area Comprehensive Plan 2020". Mr. Price tabled until he could form a committee with Mr. Gahan and Mr. McLaughlin.
  • A-09-12 Ordinance for Appropriations and Tax Rates. Mrs. Garry wanted a yes vote on the first reading until she goes to Indy to find out more about the 2009 budget. (votes) Ceasar-yes, Price-no, McLaughlin-no,Benedetti-no, Gahan-no,Gonder-no-Messer-yes,Zurschmeide-no,Coffey-no.
  • A-09-13 An Ordinance to Fix the Non-Reverting Budgets For the Year 2010. (votes) Ceasar-yes,Price-no,McLaughlin-no,Benedetti-abstain,Gahan-no,Gonder-yes,Messer-yes,Zurschmeide-no,Coffey-no.
  • A-09-14 An Ordinance Setting Salaries for the Year 2010 for Non Bargaining Unit Employees,. the vote was the same as above except Mrs. Benedetti voted no on this one.
  • G-09-20 Ordinance To Replace A Tabled Ordinance Seeking A Moratorium on Building Permits (Mr. Gonder tabled this Ordinance before so he could consult with the attorney for the council) (votes) Ceasar-yes,Price-yes,McLaughlin-yes,Benedetti-yes,Gahan-no,Gonder-yes,Messer-yes,Zurschmeide-no,Coffey-no.
  • A-09-11 Ordinance Appropriating Funds for One Time Cost Of Living Recognition Payment and Setting Amount Of Payments. Mr. Ceasar tabled this before the 3rd reading despite my argument that the amount is insignificant considering the size of the budget and should be passed.
  • G-09-19 An Ordinance to Reflect Technical Changes Necessary As A Result of An Agreement With the Town of Georgetown. (vote) Ceasar-yes,Price-no,McLaughlin-no,Benedetti-yes,Gahan-no,Gonder-yes,Messer-yes,Zurschmeide-no,Coffey-no. Even after Mr. Stewart's comments the vote failed 5-4.
This was one of the fastest moving meetings on record, even with a full agenda the meeting adjourned before 9:00. Apparently everyone had their mind made up in advance because there was little discussion.

I guess those New Albany High School students will have to come back another time if they want to be entertained.


Christopher D said...

In other news, the proposal by CBE, LLC (formally CCE, LLC) to relocated the tire shredding operation to 111 and Corydon Pike was rejected this evening 4 to ).
Maury Glodberg had recused himself from the proceedings as he had conversations with various factions with in the 5 day limit as set by law.

It is a shame that now 15 jobs are in jeopardy, but that is the price that is paid for working for a business that scoffs at environmental laws.

Two parties are to blame for this, first being the owners and operators of CBE for operating outside the guidelines set, and the CIty of New Albany for allowing the violations to occur and to continue to occur with out swift and definate action.

Anonymous said...

Chuckle, Chuckle! I literally cannot stop laughing about the VFW and their point of view! Shame it took their lawyer to express it.

Main Street Preservation needs to be up on this since it is IN THEIR HISTORICAL AREA!

Wonder what they are trying to do with poor ole Hughie's place.

A bunch of people need to read the revised Comprehensive Plan. You never know what ole Carl has up his sleeve, yuck, yuck, yuck.

And, I agree with you C D ; there is enough blame to go around!

Thank you for the info Shirley! A fan.

shirley baird said...

I feel sorry for those 15 employees, I did not know how many people he employed.

But we cannot let this man continue to do business in our town.

Thanks for the update Chris.

Christopher D said...

Shirley, I too feel horrible of the potential loss of jobs, especially jobs where the employer pays for the health coverage for the employees and their families.
New Albany needs these jobs. Our economy needs these jobs, and our area needs the services that CCE in its basic form provides.
But what New Albany does not need it businesses that ignore Federal, State, and Local laws and operates with a spiteful manner, and in the process manages to destroy or severely damage our waterways, our groundwater, and most importantly what little greenspace we have left in the city limits.
I was Shocked last night to hear Mr. Naville consistantly referring to the wetlands at the proposed site as "useless swamps"
These areas are excellent protection from flooding, they are one of the best natural filters for ground water. And the ones in question provide a migratory resting grounds for creatures such as Sandhill Cranes, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Great Egrets, Blue wing teal, White winged Scoters, the list goes on and on...

Anonymous said...

My personal opinion about last nights meeting. Councilman Messer made a total ass out of himself.

He thanked Mr. Eastridge for supporting the FOP and told what all Eastridge did for the police tow in lot. One thing he forgot was they dumped a bunch of toxic "shit" there, and EPA is going after all of them.

Pat Harrison is facing a $25,000 fine but blames the city.

Sorry Charlie, you own the land but were dumb enough to lease the land to the city.

Anyone elected or running in 2011 better change their thinking about raising property taxes.

Either saying it or putting it in print. That's surely a NO vote for you.

What the hell was Messer thinking?

btw, did anyone see all those "NO" signs in the Eastridge presentation?

Christopher D said...

I did see the signs, and I did see how it was used to further the case for CBE to move, and I did see members of CFA giggling about it, that to me was more discouraging than Messers actions.
I too, was shocked by CM Messers Comments, but I wouldnt go so far as to say he made an ass of himself. He stated his personal opinion on the matter.
Regardless, the measure failed to pass. Lets concentrate on the fact that the commission decided to undertake their responsibility to work to protect the health, safety and well being of the city at large.

The New Albanian said...

Chris, can you e-mail me privately to elaborate on the potty-mouth reference elsewhere, earlier? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Christopher D, Mr. Naville consistantly referring to the wetlands at the proposed site as "useless swamps" was because he was representing Mr. Eastridge. If he would have been representing you he would have said, "These areas are excellent protection from flooding, they are one of the best natural filters for ground water".
It is just a job.

Anonymous said...

btw, did anyone see all those "NO" signs in the Eastridge presentation?

No signs seem to be popular with slumlords and polluters. If you're against rules regulating toxic waste, then you're against tax revenues required to pay for enforcement of rules regulating toxic waste.

All rules, whether against dumping toxic waste, renting out an uninhabitable building, or murder, are useless unless there's someone there to enforce the rules.

Christopher D said...

"Christopher D, Mr. Naville consistantly referring to the wetlands at the proposed site as "useless swamps" was because he was representing Mr. Eastridge. If he would have been representing you he would have said, "These areas are excellent protection from flooding, they are one of the best natural filters for ground water".
It is just a job."

I understand that, if my posting in someway cast a negative light on Mr. Naville, it was not intentional. I just personally didnt like the wording.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that has been the problem. Maybe enough people haven't said "NO" enough.

FederalFarmer said...

I love the wetlands, especially Loop Island. It's one of the best secrets about New Albany.

People from out of town have been impressed with it's trails and view of the Ohio River.

That place is already polluted by Marshalls junk yard. Take one dip in "blood pond" and you find out where all the motor oil from the cars went. But, I still wouldn't want a tire plant there either to make it worse.

Did anyone else catch that on WHAS? It was there top store at 6pm.

Anonymous said...

The plan is for the wetlands to get a major clean up and removal of junk yards for greenway expansion. Details aren't clear. Time table much less clear.

Christopher D said...

Loop Island is a Diamond in the rough, definately.
I make regular trips down there, all though at this point, early morning and late evenings I go armed (legally), but I have been lucky enough to photo a family of bald Eagle over the last two years raising two juveniles, the first years now is mature, and this years has thankfully been seen hunting the Ohio River pretty efficiently.
Others have been able to photo Coyote (a VERY MUCH needed natural preditor and not the monster that they are made out to be, if you ever want to complain about how many Canada Geese there are, try and find a Coyote and ask him why he isn't doing his job)
My only fear about the loop once it becomes part of the greenway belt is the increase in foot and bike traffic may drive off the Eagles, Osprey, beaver and Coyote.

FederalFarmer said...

Please don't shoot me.

Seriously you think something will happen to you in Loop Island?

I've never come across shady characters that made me uncomfortable.

There has been at least 6 times I've walked back to the Ohio river next to Silver Creek in the pitch black with no flash light by myself. Please don't shoot me if you hear something.

Christopher D said...

I have run into to many shady characters down there, and other places along the river, and for the most part, I have had some good conversations with them.
Not once have I even come close to having my legally carried side arm exposed.
In fact in 17 years of having the ability of carrying a concealed weapon, the only time it has been drawn was when I was working as a reserve police officer, and at target ranges.
Basically, you dont have to worry about me any at all, I am not a a gun freak, I am not a person who feels every threat should be met with a gun.
A firearm is the absolute last resort, after all other means, including escaping has been completely exhausted. It should not be brandished, it should not leave its holster unless there is absolutely positively no alternative other than deadly force, and that is ONLY if the threat that I, my family, or another innocent individual may be faced with poses a threat of serious bodily harm or death. (this does NOT include the threat of loss of property). Also, as I side note, a firearm is not just a form of protection against other people.
Have you ever been viciously attacked by a stray dog? I have, and that is basically what started all of the issues with my right leg, and the surgeries to repair or remove multiple large blood vessals that had chronic issues with DVT's.

(But I fully understand your concern, honestly, if you were to run across me down there, you would not even know that I am licensed to carry, and that would be the way it stayed)

Matt Nash said...

I saw what appeared to me a deserted camp site that seemed a little shady.

Every time I try to take a picture the birds always fly away. There was a falcon in my yard this morning. I think he was hunting squirrels

Christopher D said...

there actaully has been a good increase in Coopers hawks, American Kestrals and Peregrine Falcons around here lately Matt

FederalFarmer said...

I camped at the deserted shady campsite you are mentioning, it was probably me.

Anonymous said...

Matt that was a very good column you wrote recently. I hope your son is doing very well.

I hope that your recent column can be an example to others.