Thursday, December 24, 2009





Iamhoosier said...

Merry Christmas, Shriley.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to All. Merry Christmas, Shirley!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays, we got radar ready for Santa. A special Merry Christmas to all the little people.

Anonymous said...

Holiday Cheers to all. It ain't a holiday unless your drunk.

Iamhoosier said...

Guess I qualify, 1:10, seeing as I misspelled Shirley's name!! LOL

Forgive me Shirley.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Mr. Iamhoosier, we know your not a bad guy or the enemy.

A little opinionate, but hey, we all get a spur in our saddle every once and awhile.

Again, Merry Christmas Mark.

Anonymous said...

To: The Voice of the People,

As we celebrate another holiday season, we wanted to thank you for your support and criticism.

From our family to yours, we wish you a joyous and safe holiday season.

Merry Christmas Jim & Shirley


Anonymous said...

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

Anonymous said...

As the holiest day of the year for Christmas fast approaches, I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas. I believe that each of us should remember the true meaning of December 25. It is the say of the birth of our Lord and Saviour,to our non-Christian friends we say Happy Holidays. Please remember to pray for our troops, as they serve thousands of miles away from home.

Anonymous said...

And now comes the HAPPY NEW YEAR PART! Hope everyone has a happier New Year. Been rather rough for a LOT OF PEOPLE; the recession, the foreclosures (having to be out of your home within 24 hours notice); the children, our children and the new society we have led them into.

Here is to our Faith helping to keep us strong. There seems to be a ripple in the plastics and now silicone little manufacturing firms. Hear they are hiring up at the Plastics Plant (I think somewhere across from the Ammo Plant). They are working 7 days, 10 hours starting pay $9 something.

Good wishes to all, whether we like each other in blog land or not.

I appreciate my right to not identify myself (consider all of the ghost writers over the years, masterpieces). I appreciate other people's right to not allow any comments on their blog if you do not identify yourself. Hope the arguments can end and let all have their place in society, whether you like them or not. That must be my first wish for the New Year; Harmony, Hope, Peace, Faith, all the good things.


Anonymous said...



Christopher D said...

Indeed, happy New Year! Lets try to make 2010 a year for positive change, cooperation, and betterment of our neighborhoods, communities, and our city by working together to effect meaningful direction in the daily lives of not only all of us who call New Albany home, but also for the future generations we are only borrowing this city from for a time.

Had you heard that there is the possibility that substantial funding is being set aside for massive expansion of community health centers (FQHC's) across the country to target the most medically underserved areas of our country, if this is true, it will have a more postive impact on health care than any other measures!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays and a big thank you for keeping up with New Albany politics. I am so pleased we have an alternative to the beer blog. Everytime I tune in there I am subjected to their trivial rants about how the city should spend more money to increase alcohol sales.

Thanks again for keeping your eye on what is important!

Iamhoosier said...

Dec. 24, 3:38,
Thanks for the sentiment(seriously) but most of the people that you seem to think of as "enemies" are really not.

I heartily agree that I am most definitely opinionated. For better or worse.

shirley baird said...

Thank you everyone for your Christmas greetings and good wishes.

No Chris, I had not heard about the funding for the clinics, great news.

Anonymous said...

England running again? You've got to be kidding.