Sunday, February 27, 2011


As expected, the State has cut our city budget again this year. This year we could be over as much as 3 million dollars.

Naturally this is a major concern for all of us and difficult decisions must be made.  There has been a lot of talk about cutting expenses or raising taxes, and naturally neither option is appealing to anyone.  Now is certainly not the time to raise taxes with the economy in the shape that it is in.  So that leaves cutting expenses.  Where should we begin? 

I don't have the answer to that question but I want to find out.  I think the City Council needs to hold a series of budget meetings to go over the budget line by line and see where cuts, if any, can be made.  The public should also be allowed to view this information either on line or in print.  This is our money and our budget.  Yes, I know we are legally entitled to this information.  But we need easier access.  Not everyone has the opportunity to attend meetings or visit the Controllers Office during business hours.  We hear a lot of talk about transparency, I think the City of New Albany needs more transparency.  The more knowledge people have the better they become at decision making.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The "Tribune" reported that residents will be able to receive funding to repair their homes even if they are still living in them. 

New Directions Housing Corp. is making funds available for emergency repairs.  The amounts go up to $5,000 and are available to homeowners with a combined household income totaling 80% or less than the New Albany average.  That comes out to $49,450 for a family of four, per Daniel Suddeath's article.  Deputy Mayor Carl Malysz encourage residents to contact the New Directions office for more information.
Their number is (502) 589-2272.

This is administered through the New Albany Redevelopment Commission (812) 948-5333. So I would suggest that homeowners call each department to obtain as much help as is available.

Executive Director Joe Gleissner spoke about obtaining additional grant funding during the 2/7/11 city council meeting.  CM Messer asked about the homeowners who needed repairs to their roof or other areas.  He said that the grant funds should be shared with these people.  Mr. Gleissner said that legally the funds must be used only for vacant properties.  He offered to make an effort to let resident of the SEJ neighborhood know what funds are available to them.

We need to help Mr. Gleissner with this effort.  And we need to tell residents in other neighborhoods about New Directions.

Monday, February 7, 2011


There was a lot of discussion about the budget tonight and how to make it balance.  In fact there were two resolutions with opposite opinions on how to accomplish this feat.

R-11-05 Resolution to Not use EDIT Funds for Anticipated 2011 Budget Shortfalls. CM Benedetti talked with someone in the office of the DGLF who said they would send down a budget whether or not there was a deficit in the General Fund.

A-11-02 Ordinance For the Appropriation of EDIT Funds CM Ceasar wrote an Ordinance which was the total opposite of CM Benedetti's. 

Both failed.  It was that kind of night.  However CM Gahan called for a work session for the 2011 budget process to begin.

There were a couple of positive steps, though:
  1. We will have metal detectors in the City-County Bldg. with guards on duty.
  2. There will be a Board set up to determine how to combine our city and county 911 systems.
  3. CM Gonder will replace CM Price (with his permission) to the Historic Preservation Committee. Also the Mayor will send letters to all residents in historic districts to advise them that they live in an historic district.
Yes, there were several things accomplished but the meeting was still too long, 7:30 to 10:00.  The members are going to have to manage their time a little better.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Warren Nash

With all of the buzz about the candidates running for Mayor or City Council, one important topic has been slightly overlooked.

And that is the systematic effort to sabotage Warren Nash's career.  Mr. Nash has done a fine job as the Director of Solid Waste for several years and now for no apparent reason he was told that his services were no longer needed.

I don't know the reasoning behind this, but from what I have read there is no good reason.  If it's politics, the Democrats need to step up to the plate and defend member who has served the party for all of his life.  If it's his age, then everyone, even young people, should be up in arms  because if we live long enough we all may be subject to age discrimination.

Either way, this puts a black mark on the citizens of New Albany.