Friday, June 12, 2009


I called Mr. Don Harshey, the Floyd County Director of Community Corrections today and left a message on his voice mail. He returned my call very quickly and gave me a lot of information about community service.

As it turns out these people are kept quite busy. Following is a list of some of the projects these people perform:

  • Upkeep on the Township cemeteries.

  • Clean up the parking lot behind the old Schmitt Furniture building (city owned property).

  • Pick up the driftwood and debris along the riverfront after a flood.

  • Maintain the area near the exit ramps from the expressways.

  • Upkeep along the Greenway.

  • Clean the outdoor enclosures for the animals at the shelter.

  • Work with the Code Enforcement Officer to clean out and board up abandoned houses.

  • Help the Veterans organizations and other non-profits.

  • Unload the trucks taking food to the Food Bank every Thursday.

He said this plan has been in effect for over twenty years. They do not go down Main St. and pick up candy wrappers because the prefer to have the workers do ongoing projects, especially for charitable organizations.

Mr. Harshey said that plans that work never get recognition but if there was a problem they would be all over the news, sad but true.


Christopher D said...

Long long ago in a galaxy far away, I was a worksite supervisor for FCCC.
At that time, I had a crew of Juveniles that we would take to the riverfront park to clean up and remove graffitti.
I wasnt sure if that organization was still around or not, because that was over 15 years ago.
But I thought if it were still around, Harshey would still be in charge.

(JEEESUS, I hope this doesnt warrant more comments from the peanut gallery about plastic police cars)

The New Albanian said...

Good reporting from Mrs. Baird, and the closing lament holds true. I'm sure Professor Erika can find something bad to say about it when she's finished with David Letterman.

Anonymous said...



The New Albanian said...

Umm, it's neither Erik nor Erika, but if she wants to play games, then I'm willing to laugh right along ... at, not with, her. I don't hide. Why should she?

Anonymous said...

Off topic, I have a question for Christopher D. On one of your blogs, I think:Report A Problem. You even allow and want anonymous reporting of derelict property. So what is the difference between anonymous blogging and anonymous reporting? You seem to have a double standard here.

Christopher D said...

The report a problem blog has not been active for quite some time.

Having an avenue for a person who is afraid of retribution from a neighbor or a landlord for reporting gross violations of housing codes, health codes, or safety codes, that can result in the injury or illness of a citizen, that would be in turn handed over to the PROPER AUTHORITIES for proper handling of a situation that effects the everyday life and safety of a person is quite different that constantly slandering, belittling, public and private people on personal and professional matters.
That blog (which never was implemented fully) was intended to deal with PROPERTY ISSUES only as a clearing house, so that persons wanting to make an OFFICIAL complaint could do so, and know that it would have been turned over to the city.
Another reason is the simple fact that not everyone has a blogger account, and would not do so to email one complaint.

Sorry, NO double standards here. If you want to slander a person or spill forth verbal regurgitation with NO significant data to back up those words, then you SHOULD put your name to it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Citizens for Accountability for the current article in today's Tribune. I'm with you Ms. Denhart, stop wasting time and our tax dollars, and start spending more time on fighting and preventing crime.

I'm not one to be posting negative comments about the "donut-hogging, do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do." But I totally agree with her on this one.

Christopher D said...

" I'm not one to be posting negative comments about the "donut-hogging, do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do." But I totally agree with her on this one."

I dont think you can get much more negative than such a stereotyping comment.

Erik Denhart showed nothing more than a complete lack of the basic understanding of Law enforcement and its role in the community.

Christopher D said...


Given the fact that Ms. Denhart is the sibling of a fromer New Albany Police Officer, she should if nothing else respect the "family" she was once part of, but of course, causing trouble is probably more important than respecting family bonds.

(Her sibling was one of my fathers Patrol Officers, and her deceased niece was a friend of mine during childhood at all of the FOP picnics and cookouts)

Anonymous said...

I say this, after reading today's opinion page of the tribune: Require all residents & law abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons. At minimum, EVERY home must have a gun. Then turn around and FIRE 75% of the cops now on the street. Leave just enough Policeman on the paytoll to come and pick up the bodies of the burglars and muggers(and of course take the mandatory police report.)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous wrote "I would like to thank Citizens for Accountability...."


That's some funny stuff, Vicky!

Keep recruiting, maybe your presidency will some day have a following.

Anonymous said...

Christopher D, can you prove Ms. Denhart's name is Erik? Just because you use to be a part time auxiliary cop, doesn't qualify you to assume something you can not back up.

Kuddos to Ms. Denhart, finally someone has the balls to expose what is really going on with our police department.

I personally know all about you and your dad.

Anonymous said...

Denhart has balls now? Wow, she's taking this "Eric" thing seriously!

Anonymous said...

New Albany’s violent crime, on a scale from 1 — low crime — to 10, is a 4. Violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Indiana’s average is 3.

Are these made up stats? Where'd you get them?

Anonymous said...

New Albany’s violent crime, on a scale from 1 — low crime — to 10, is a 4. Violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Indiana’s average is 3.

Are these made up stats? Where'd you get them?

Christopher D said...

There is very few people who know ALL about me.
My former status as an auxiliary officer has NO bearing on this what so ever. I did my duty to repay the city for the outreach they gave to my family following the death of my father, nothing more nothing less.(and to support the family of police officers who where there for us in our time of need after his death)

Everyone knows that the character of "erik" is played by Denhart, any common fool can figure that out.

It is just shocking and disgusting to me personally that a person whose own family members were police officers, fire fighters, etc would be so negative about everything that those officers do, dont do, etc. All based on opinions with NO EXPERIENCE to back up such opinions. (which, ok maybe my former reserve status DOES have a bearing in this, since I know what its like to be out there on the street with no back up anywhere close, can she say that, no I didnt think so)
I do not present what I say as fact as she claims to, but when I do, I cite my sources, and I post my actual NAME to it, and if I am wrong I admit it, unlike the throngs of anonymous "contributors" around here who point fingers, make up fake data, and not have the maturity to even stand behind what they say.

But please with my curiousity, feel free to tell me "personally all about me and my father", this should be good!
Since you know all about us, then tell me what street did I grow up on, what was his middle name? what was his badge number, what was mine? What rank and branch of service did my father serve in and when.
What certifications do I hold with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security? What task force am I on with IPHCA?
If you want to represent the fact that you know personally all about us, then by all means, put up or shut up.....

Anonymous said...

Sign me up to join, Citizens for Accountability.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up to join, Citizens for Accountability.



We'll beleive this is a mass movement when we see PROOF that there's actually multiple people involved.

If only the "professor" understood what "proof" meant.

"Proof" does not mean a bunch of anonymous posts that are intended to make it sound like they're coming from more than one person.

Anonymous said...

4:43 PM

Going after a good family in this community to try and further your own hatred of a few political figures that beat you two in the elections isn't an advisible thing to do.


Anonymous said...

So if the police department is over spending my tax dollars it's ok with you? It's ok for Haub's to say; if you vote against this, it's blood on your hands. Bull shit! Give me a break, Mr. D. People wonder why our city is broke. My neighbor is a member of citizens for accountability and from what I know they have the info to back up what they say. Fir your information it is way past due for this exposure. How many of the citizens in New Albany even make $30,000? Not many of my neighbor's do. So it's more important to have senior's to chose between buying their medicine or paying a higher rate for water, sewer, stormwater,garbage and everything else. So, if the city is wasting our money, we are suppose to NOT bitch? If the city is broke how can we continue to pay all these increases, because we have idiots in office who don't know how to manage money. We live on a budget and so should the city.

Anonymous said...

The majority of NA families make more than $30,000. Check the data.

Anonymous said...

So if the police department is over spending my tax dollars it's ok with you?

Ther are 37,000 other tax payers in New Albany. Get over it that the city does not revolve around you.

Anonymous said...

...because we have idiots in office...

Finally, something we agree on!

Price and Coffey are idiots, aren't they.

Anonymous said...

F.O.S. reminds me of my friends who "Saved" all this tuition money by not going to college. Well, sometimes an investment pays off in the long run.

Christopher D said...

low income citizens DO NOT have to choose between anything and their medications, and if FOS was such wonderful advocates of these "little people" then that information as to how they can get their medications would be sent out instead of regurgitated verbal bile.
As far as income is concerned, $25k is the median income of the entire state of Indiana.
However, that has little or no bearing on police protection, and how many officers are hired now does it?
Anonymous posters always brag about having the proof to back up all of these outlandish postings and accusations, yet none is EVER brought forward.
Other than Denhart being listed in a couple of articles in the tribune as the president of CFA, there has not been a single other member named, or cited.
There is no website information for CFA, no contact information, no membership information, nothing.
Bring it all out, and if its on the up and up, and real, and if community advocacy is the TRUE goal of CFA, and not just a political revenge agenda, then I will join.
And I will bring with me the resources I have that can truly make a difference in the lives of "the little people".
And evidently one of the followers knows all about me, so it shouldnt be hard to contact me with the information.
Time to put up or shut up.

Satirist said...

Vicky/Eric, you mentioned in your article today that the police department was over budget on a number of items. You did not look at the whole budget. You did not mention any items that were under budget. You did not show that the initial budget was not unreasonably low. You did not show that there were no extraordinary items that would have caused this past year to be unusually high. In all, you did a very poor job of budgetary analysis.

Satirist said...

If the crime elsewhere is 3, and the crime in NA is 4, then I ask, "Why is our crime rate 33.3% HIGHER than elsewhere?"

Satirist said...

Ms. Denhart's letter to the Tribune does not look at all of the factors involves in policing. Should we look at each item she discussed?

Anonymous said...

I've called the police on a few occassions. All of the calls were worthless and nothing was done. The dirst was when my car was vandalzed. "Come down to the Police Station and make a report." The secind time when my home was burglarized, "Come down to the Police Station and make a report." The third was when my store was burglarize, I had a cop come out who wrote a report while jawing with his buddies on the radio laughing and listening to radio calls.

O know cops, my best friend was married to one. He had major fidelity issues, hanging with New Albany hookers.

And I'm not saying that we don't need cops. What I'm saying is cops by large have alienated the general public.

From where I sit, I read that the population of NA area is declining. If that's so, why the need for more expensive "civil servants?"

Bottom line: use what we have. Make better use of our assets. Craptree is not the man for the job and neither is England.

Satirist said...

Go Hillary!

(Nevermind that your husband managed to be the only President since 1969 to balance the budget while still putting 100,000 new police officers on the streets. The Clintons have always been moderates, like me. They did not cut taxes after Bush the elder. Unsafe neighborhoods are cheap. We want safe neighborhoods).

Anonymous said...

Enough with "more cops." It's stupid already. Instead of adding more cops, why not make better use of the cops we have. Why is it necessary to have 4-5-6 cop[s show up when someone gets a ticket?

Satirist said...

O know cops, my best friend was married to one. He had major fidelity issues, hanging with New Albany hookers.

By this logic, you would say all policy officers are unfaithful and all unfaithful are police officers? This is terrible, terrible logic and would earn an “F” in my Pol. Sci. 101 class.

Policy by anecdote is bad policy. Look at the whole group, not individuals.

Even if they are unfaithful, that’s not the city’s problem. Crime fighting is the problem.

Anonymous said...

We want to close a blind eye to the elephant (police department) in the room and just keep feeding it. Why not shove it out of the room then it won't cost us any money?
New Albany's spending is out of control and I see us one step behind Lake County. What will we do then? By the way, I do like to comment and I am by no means anti cop.
I am not blaming ANYONE in particular as there are not just one but many. Some of the police officers are just overpaid as the school district.
Let's go for a full audit before we give them more money or hire more police officers.
Heaven help us.

Satirist said...

While not all of the anonymous posts here have been anti-cop, a few are. No matter what you think of their service, and no matter how deserved your critiques may be, as soon as someone writes a hateful thing towards cops they automatically discredit themselves and become an embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

nice photo of the good professor. That one wasnt too hard to find on an image search was it?
photos have an encrypted exif data file with them

Anonymous said...

Wake up. This is war and those terrorist are hiding behind the badge.

I generally support our police, but to hire more of them is still a sour taste. Most of our money has been used to raise pay of the mayor and of the existing force.

I will not support any more funds dedicated to police officers.

Two thumps up for Mrs. Denhart.

Anonymous said...

Crabtree should be bringing all of these 61 officers in for re-training at their own expense. No more overtime -- nothing. Let the police officers try and live like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Two thumps up for Mrs. Denhart.

And she'd give herself more than two thumbs up if she had more hands.

Anonymous said...

Police officers, who are constant whiners about, police cars, paltry salaries, and myriad benefits they receive, might consider emplyment in other industries where pay is actually based on performance, not civil service handouts. Of course the swaggering Clint Eastwood wannabees we abundantly have on the force, might just find that their ridiculous whinning isn't worth a dime out here in the real world.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that all of this one persons griping and bitching is for naught. The measure is passed and we have the opportunity to hire more officers for our streets.
The good transgendered pseudonymical professor now has to drop to the floor kick and scream, to throw little hissy fits and fill the blogs with her multiple personality disorder.

Anonymous said...


The New Albanian said...


It was a resolution. When introduced in ordinance form, it will require three readings, correct?

Anonymous said...

THIRD SENTENCE: "...those terrorist are hiding behind the badge."

SECOND SENTENCE: "I generally support our police..."

Do you call everyone you support a terrorist? It's logic like that that makes FOS/CFA so laughable.

Anonymous said...

....BTW, the plural of terrorist is terrorists, as in "...those terrorists."

Anonymous said...

Mr. C. do you realize how stuid you made yourself look in todays tribune? In my book, pretty damn stupid.

The New Albanian said...

I love it. One person writes a letter to the newspaper and signs it. Another person who is too cowardly to sign his/her name calls the first person "stuid."

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the coward's the "stuid" one.

Guess I'll sign my name again.

Christopher D said...

Why because I spoke out to defend the men and women who protect our city?
Or is it because I had the b*lls to speak out against the all powerful CFA and it throngs of minions who control all but time itself.
And again, I at least stand behind my opinions, and have the courage to put my name to it. How about you?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I thought Mr. Drake called her Vicki E. Denhart!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Mrs. Baird, for deleting some comments and allowing others. Here we thought you were different and fair.

shirley baird said...

to anon 5:07

I just sat down at my computer and saw some of the comments posted after 4:00PM today.

I did delete some of the worst comments and the references made to them.

I do the best I can to be fair but I cannot sit and read the blog all day since I have a job and a family.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Baird I suggest you remove several last comments, I think it is called deflimination of character.

Anonymous said...

For something to be defamatory, it must be untrue. Something that is unflattering, unwanted or embarrassing still can be true.

Anonymous said...

Hi im TotalWierdo68,

Im new here so im just saying hi, and heres a few things you should know :).
i am 22 years old,
i am employed as a programmer
i [b]love [/b]community chats :)


[i]Nice meeting you all :)[/i]