Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I must admit to being a little confused. There was an article in the Tribune today about the need for a new swimming pool in the area of Community Park. Right below was a picture of the three pools at the YMCA which were barely occupied.

Would someone please explain to me what is wrong with these pools?

The article went on to say that the children who live in public housing are transported to the YMCA twice a week to swim for free. I think this is a wonderful idea and I commend the management of the YMCA for doing this service.

Still, the administration sees a need for more swimming facilities. Can't the Camille Wright pool be rebuilt? I know it was expensive to repair but there is already a hole in the ground...

Just wondering.


Ceece said...

Hi Shirley,

I think that the pools at the YMCA are a little small for open community use. The therapy pool has an age limit and has a lot of classes going on, the lap pool has half of the pool reserved for laps and the other half is typically reserved for swim lessons, classes or swim team practice. There are maybe only a couple hours a week when there is an actual open swim.

The small family pool isn't really very big plus it's really only for younger kids, sometimes when there is no open swim the big kids/teenagers come over too the family pool and it's just too much and too crowded.

So yes, I think there is a need for a big, Harrison County type public pool.

Hope that helps!

shirley baird said...

Thanks Courtney,

I don't have a "Y" membership so I didn't know.


Anonymous said...

You do not need a membership to swim at the YMCA

Anonymous said...

Another option is a nice splash park for the kids. Cheaper and can be used for a longer period of time. Louisville is debating this very thing.

Anonymous said...

From FOS today:

It is no longer about having the most qualified person for the job, it now has become about "making history" with a first of this or that race in a particular job or office.

Wait a minute. The nominee is a top graduate of a top law school, has served as a federal prosecutor, a federal district court judge, and a federal court of appeals judge. She is among the most respected jurists in the nation. What basis do you have “Eric” to say she is not the most qualified?

Anonymous said...

Remember that Obama was editor of Harvard Law Review and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. He probably knows more about constitutional law that any President in the last 100 years. It’s plain careless and wrong to suggest that he is ignorant of the constitution.

Anonymous said...

President Obama is bi-racial not black.

Anonymous said...

President Obama is a human. Not a race.

Christopher D said...

The Idea of "splash" parks sounds better to me.
They can be turned on and opened up on days that fall outside the normal pool season that are hot.
IF the design is made right, a splash park could also double as a skating rink in the winter....

The New Albanian said...

Whatever it is, it shouldn't be at Community Park. The green spots inside the beltway are disappearing quickly.

Buy the country club and put it there. Can't afford it? Just take the sewer rate EDIT subsidies back out of the cesspool, and use them.

Iamhoosier said...

Uh, using that to put more police on. Aren't you paying attention??vbg

Agree about the green space. Maybe we could put it in the west end? Now, how to pay for it? Hmmm, how about the county paying for it. After all, it is a county parks department and WE ALL PAY COUNTY TAXES.

Christopher D said...

We could take the polluted contaminated 2045 silver street that we are going to give CCE and Eastridge a profit for raping the nearly every environmental law on the books and turn that into the New Albany Floyd County Family fun water park!
INstead of sandboxes we could have shredder tire boxes, tire swings to jump off of into the pool (huge tanks full of questionable stuff are all ready in the ground, cut the lids of and instant swimming pools)

Anonymous said...

good point Shirley, my thoughts are, they should rebuild the Camille Wright Pool, instead of building a $3.5 water park. But why would they do that, when they are NOT spending their own money but ours. It's ok to do, when it is not their money. Just like the YMCA.

By not investing the money in Camile Wright, they must of thought they could force us ALL to join the YMCA.

My family joined the Clarksville Family Pool location.

Anonymous said...

By not investing the money in Camile Wright, they must of thought they could force us ALL to join the YMCA.

You are nuts. Do you think England gets a kick back from YMCA memberships or something?

Anonymous said...

June 24, 11:36. We are not biting on your comments, keep writing.

dan chandler said...

I agree with the June 24, 11:36 post that there’s little to the argument that Judge Sotomayor is unqualified. Put on context of the post, the “she’s not qualified” comment read as a racist rant to me. We heard these types of objections to Thomas too, but not to most other prospective Justices. I do not agree with Justice Thomas on most of his opinions, but there’s no objective data to which I could have pointed at the time of his appointment to reasonably call him unqualified.

From a purely objective standpoint, Sotomayor is among the most qualified Supreme Court nominations in decades. She is very well regarded in legal circles. I know my Constitutional law professor from law school for years has spoken highly over her opinions. He’s hardly the only one.

It’s OK to disagree that she’s the right choice for the Supreme Court. I’m sure if you hold particularly conservative views, you will think she is the wrong choice. But ideology is different than experience, temperament and intellect. By those metrics, Sotomayor is extraordinarily qualified.

What justification does F.O.S. have to write she is unqualified? The mere fact that an opinion (or four) of hers has been overturned is hardly evidence of being a bad judge. That’s part of being a judge. Let me elaborate.

First, several of the other justices never were judged before being appointed to the court. They were academics. It’s easy to have no opinions overturned when you never wrote a single opinion.

Second, she has issued far more opinions than any other judge has before coming to the court. The more opinions you write, the higher the odds are that one will be overturned.

Third, having an opinion overturned does not mean the opinion was “wrong.” Often appellate courts do not agree with one another. This is called a “split in the circuits” (for Circuit Courts). Cases that represent a split in the circuits make up the bulk of the cases heard by the Supreme Court. A court in California might decide an issue differently than a court in Boston. That is part of the reason why we have a Supreme Court, to maintain consistency. That’s also why they often make 4-5 and 5-4 decisions. The constitution is not always black and white. Four of the judges may see things the way the second circuit saw things while five of the judges see things the sixth circuit’s way. Splits are natural and when they are reconciled, someone, some appellate court judge, is overruled.

Fourth, the Supreme Court often overturns ITSELF. This happens often but the most famous case is the Supreme Court case of Plessey vs. Ferguson which was overturned by another Supreme Court case (Brown vs. Board of Education) even though it was the same issue. Times change, technology changes, society changes, and thus the law changes, and when the law changes, often that’s a court overruling a prior decision.

Fifth, any opinion overturned by her at the appeals level was not her opinion alone. Appellate courts always have at least three judges hearing an appeal. For there to be any opinion at all, at least two and possibly three of the judges must render it. Sometimes, as many as 20 judges will hear an issue, thus requiring 11 or so judges to agree.

I’ll admit I’m not a constitutional scholar. However, I know enough that I’ll be happy to debate Professor Eric on the issue at the time and place of his choosing.

Anonymous said...

Why is it, when another person does not agree with you thought process, you label them a racist?

The New Albanian said...

You stopped reading after the word "racist"? Too bad. You might have learned something.

dan chandler said...

The FOS post began by speaking of race, noting not that Sotomayor was nominated by the President, but that the first Hispanic was nominated by the first black President. FOS then wrote that Sotomayor was unqualified.

Sotomayor has been a federal judge for over 17 years. Before being appointed to the Supreme Court, Stevens had been a federal judge for five years, Roberts for 2 years, Ginsberg for 2 years, and Souter for approximately six months (Souter had spent time before that as a New Hampshire Supreme Court Justice not state court rulings less frequently make it to the supreme court).

I ask, what would make her sufficiently qualified in FOS’s opinion? Should she have served 40 years on the bench first, 18 years some how being insufficient? Should she have graduated from Harvard, being that Yale is but a good enough law school? FOS cited only ONE reason for her supposed lack of qualification, a reason that is easily and definitively refutable.

When someone writes that we shouldn’t appoint the “Hispanic nominee” because she’s unqualified, and then cannot articulate a reasonable explanation for why she’s supposedly unqualified, I’m suspicious of the writer’s racial views.

Meatbe said...

With respect to the first issue, I agree with Ceece that there is a need for a big outdoor pool in our community. The Y is great, but I think that kids should be spending time swimming outside in the summertime. To my knowledge, there's currently no place for them to do so in New Albany.

Regarding the second issue, there is no doubt in my mind that Judge Sotomayor is qualified to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. While it would be a bit of a stretch to say that she is one of the most highly qualified nominees of all time, it is obvious that her credentials are very similar to those of other recent court appointees.

President Obama himself clearly has a solid background as a constitutional scholar. It would be silly to suggest otherwise. In comparing his knowledge and background to those of his predecessors, I think that we also have to include Bill Clinton in the discussion. Clinton was a graduate of Yale Law School, a Rhodes Scholar, and a law professor at the University of Arkansas-Fayettville.

RememberCharlemagne said...

Everybody is missing the point here. The reason New Albany can not progress is because those who are involved are not asking the right questions. First why did New Albany not have enough money to take care of the pool they had? One answer and probably the most correct is it didn't have the money. That brings in another question. If New Albany didn't have the money to take care of the pool they have how can the take care of a very expensive new pool? Why doesn't New Albany have the money to take care of a simple pool. The most correct answer is they don't have enough tax revenue. That brings in another question. Why isn't the tax revenue enough to fund our city when other cities of our size do. The best answer is our socio-ecomoical base is low.

That is why the current Mayor and defenders of the Mayor are doing more damage then are doing good. They are doing everything but addressing the root of the problem. A new pool will not change this and Roger is correct why should we take one of the few large good green spaces and mess it up. Where Roger is wrong is the country club property, because he has not addressed the first questions. It is not time to build a pool that we can not fund, new or old. We need to cure our ills first. This is a hard fix but it is the one that will turn the direction of New Albany for the long term. Things are more dynamic then the questions prior but they speak to the truth.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should start by shutting down half of our public housing.

The New Albanian said...

"We need to cure our ills first. This is a hard fix but it is the one that will turn the direction of New Albany for the long term. Things are more dynamic then the questions prior but they speak to the truth."

Okay, obtuse but I'll bite.

What is this "hard fix"?

Do you, as a Republican, feel it is proper to use EDIT funds as rate subsidies?

Please commence with the direction change instructions. We are rapt.

RememberCharlemagne said...

Your comment is an oversimplification to a more complex issue but it is the correct direction that New Albany needs to make priorty one. This is why the current Mayor is getting a failing grade. The Mayor's staff attempted to receive grant money for SLJ neighborhood but it was not a ready project and the application failed. If the Mayor would have from day one of his administration been formulating a redevelopment plan and had things in order there would have been a better chance that New Albany would have received some grant money. Instead we had a Mayor who made Spring St. Hill Rd. a priority, a road that was not in use for 6 some odd years. He then went on a buying spree, buying 100,000 dollar fire boat that isn't needed. He spent 100,000 on a old church that was known to have structural issues. This move could have cost the city but we luck out because the Mayor did do right by insuring it twice the value. It could have ended worse and it ended badly because now the structure will have to be torn down. Right away citizens need to be asking themselves; the city currently owns two historic strutures and both will have to be torn down or someone will have to be willing to invest more money than they are worth to fix them. Why should the city continue to purchase old buildings if they can not maintain them? The answer is they shouldn't.
That brings us to the orginal issue that he now wants a pool in Community Park. The Mayor is doing everything but what needs to be done as priorty one.
Anon 8:49 you also bring up a point with your comment why isn't the Mayor doing more to get rid of our section 8 housing. The simplest answer is he can't because it follows under the jurisdiction of the New Albany Housing Authority, headed by Bob Lane. The Mayor can only appoint a board member and thus has only indirect influence. Is this a good enough reason not to try to find a way to work more with the Housing Autority? The answer is no but the Mayor has not made it a priority and we are left with Bob Lane.
Speaking about Bob Lane opens up the disucssion further and we come a little closer to a starting point for your comment and that is Bob Lane needs to be fired. The shortest explaintion for this is what is happening to Crystal Court. Under the direction of Bob, Crystal Court,one of New Albany's housing projects built in 1941, is being renovated. To Bob this is great but we are now investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into Crystal Court and the end product is we get a shiny Crystal Court with all the old problems. The better thing to have happened would to have had a better Housing Director who would have torn down Crystal Court and redeveloped it into mixed income houing like Louisville and many other cities have. The resultant would be that we would no longer have Crytal Court and we would be starting the slow but correct process of turning New Alany around.

The New Albanian said...

Wow. As streams of consciousness go, that was awesome.

I glean this: If we'd fire Bob Lane, there'd be a redevelopment plan and all old buildings could come down.

Um, okay.

Can you answer the one specific question I asked?

RememberCharlemagne said...

I can't say that I would call myself a Republican but if the money for the sewer subsidy is going to be used for police it can't be used for redevelopment. I do not like the idea of our sewer rates not reflecting the true cost but as a New Albany resident I feel our rates are high and understand why they were subsidized. To answer your question directly no they should not be subsidized but if they are going to increase we need to figure out how to lower them. This also brings up a question should the 1,000,000 in EDIT money go to the police or could it be better served to redevelope section 8 housing? My comment at 10:04 was direct to Anon not your response.

The New Albanian said...

Thank you.

RememberCharlemagne said...

another thing is that your snipped comments don't help and I make an effort to explain that these are short simple answers to more dynamic problems but they speak to the root and truth of the problem.

The New Albanian said...

You have a history of following your own script and being unresponsive (and defensive) at counter attempts at thrust and parry. You're thrown off your talking points by "snipped" comments.

That's why I make them.

The New Albanian said...

Another thing: We'd love to have you engage in these discussions at the "other" blog. People reading here should know that the reason you don't appear there is because we don't permit anonymity and you won't follow the policy.

Just for the record.

RememberCharlemagne said...

I have a personal feeling that ideas need to stand alone and they should not be influenced by who or what you are. The best example of this is when Thomas Jefferson entered the competition for the design of the New Capitol Building he entered anonymously so not to influence judges to his design. He was a man of high charater and he wanted his idea to stand on its own and I am of the same thought. So many people want to let everyone know they are a lawyer, docotor, etc etc because they may lack a true understanding of what they know and rely on a peice of paper to make them feel their idea is better.
I am not thrown off by your comments you are not asking the right questions for the answers you wish to receive that is why they are not helpful. Once again problems regarding New Albany are complex and can not be answer thoroughly in forums of this nature

Anonymous said...

In remebering Charlemagne, let snot forget the good kings beleif in the people, and this unending appetite for learning.
Such forums as these are the exact place that change takes root.
This is the smokey bar room of 50 years, the crowded frontier cabin of 200 years ago.

The New Albanian said...

"In remebering Charlemagne, let snot forget"

I couldn't agree more. Let snot forget, and sometimes remeber.

RemeberCharlemagne wrote:

"you are not asking the right questions for the answers you wish to receive that is why they are not helpful."

A presumptuous assertion, eh? My questions are as "right" as rain, even though I'm "left" at the altar during answer time.

RemCha then wrote:

"Once again problems regarding New Albany are complex and can not be answer thoroughly in forums of this nature"

Begging the question: If they can't be "answer" thoroughly, I assume this means no one can answer thoroughly, including you, so why exactly did you come here to a forum "of this nature" to give non-thorough answers?

"(Thomas Jefferson) was a man of high charater and he wanted his idea to stand on its own and I am of the same thought."

I'm of the thought that this is a disappointing Jefferson reference, indeed. Why not indicate his high "charater" by referencing his signing of the Declaration of Independence, along with other founders who eschewed the mask for the light of day?

Speaking of Debby Boone, You're lighting up my life today.

"Get along Kid Charlemagne."
-- Donald Fagen

Iamhoosier said...

RemCha wrote,
"So many people want to let everyone know they are a lawyer, docotor, etc etc because they may lack a true understanding of what they know and rely on a peice of paper to make them feel their idea is better."

Is this kind of like the guy that mentioned the following in his Tribune guest column?

" When I was overnighting in Atlanta as an airline pilot..."

Being an airline pilot had absolutely nothing to do with his point. James Bledsoe, I believe?

Anonymous said...

Hey it's not nice to out people, especially Charlemagne.

RememberCharlemagne said...

The issues that are effecting New Albany and many cities are complex. Full time professions are attained to deal with these problems. Roger or anyone, if you think that you can sit down and blog every variable out then you have an ability that you are not currently using.

I agree with Anon 11:30 when he/she added "Such forums as these are the exact place that change takes root". Root is the beginning from a small seed. I would agree partially with blogs being the same as the Masonic Halls above taverns 200 years ago. Where they differ is they were not only a place to discuss they were a place for action before a "Tea Party". Is there a page by page plan on any New Albany blog connecting step by step procedures to reverse the course we find ourselves in. Please let me know because ,if, I have not seen such site. That is what I'm getting at.

Sorry to disappoint lamhoosier I am not James Bledsoe. Your point lamhoosier is exactly what I'm talking about. I find it amusing that some of you think that people who disagree, with most of you, are under the direction of people like Mattews. There are more people that disagree with things discussed on "other" blogs then you seem to think.

Roger the correct question to better understand someone would be the question that,ask, not tell what someone thinks.

Roger, you ask why participate in such a blog? I am a citizen. I have not seen anyone make proactive, not reactionary, points or comments that I have made today. Doing so may allow people to see another point of view. Therefore formulating a better opinion.
Unlike certain people I do believe that not only my opinion can change but other as long as they are willing to listen to other people's point of view.

The New Albanian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The New Albanian said...

"I find it amusing that some of you think that people who disagree, with most of you, are under the direction of people like Mattews."

What I find amusing is the reference to "Mattews."

Where'd you get that one? The name hasn't been mentioned during this thread.

RememberCharlemagne said...

You made mention of "other" blogs and it was off of your blog. I have made comments on your blog that you did not want people to read pertaining to such subject.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

RemCha is well aware that anyone can comment as they wish at NAC, so long as they reveal their identity. Dissenting opinions are welcome and published like any other.

Don't mistake his cowardice for anything but what it is.

RememberCharlemagne said...

That is another reason for being anonymous people like Jeff just wants to insult people because he has no meaningful or insightful thing to say. I am sorry that you cannot comprehend why I wish an idea be viewed on its own merits.

It is funning or sad, on an adult level, that my participation on a topic about pools has lead to insults from the Bayor blog world. Last time I knew I don't post messages on his site. I am on another person's site, her rules. He was the one who introduced the "other" blog I just expanded it. There are some people who believe in a true freedom of speech not a censored one like Roger. That is why I am so hard on him I was disappointed to find that he would be of that type.

A more productive dialog if Roger will still bite would be how can we change the socio-economic level of our city that we would be able to fund another outdoor pool.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

You made a comment about censorship on NAC. It was false and I responded.

Thus far, you've not made any concrete suggestions regarding swimming pools or the socio-economic base.

If you do, I might respond to those.

The New Albanian said...

The reality-based identity policy at NAC has been in place for quite some time. It requires that the identities of comment contributors be confirmed by the senion editor (me), and ensures that confidentiality is preserved if desired. I don't disclose identities entrusted to me in this fashion, and everyone knows it.

RemCha contested this some weeks back and did not yield to reason. That's his option. It remains that adults behaving openly as adults is the best way to preclude the spitwad blogging emanating from Erika and the viciousness of some of the comments here. NAC consistently advocates all of us sitting in one room face to face, discussing matters like socio-economic conditions in New Albany.

We've literally sat in the room and waited for the others to come debate. Oddly, they never show up. I'm forced to conclude that this owes to cowardice, and I find it regrettable.

In our experience, such discussions are poorly served by anonymity. We act according to these experiences. Posterity will judge which party has displayed the greater integrity, and I'm serene in awaiting the verdict.

Yes, I find it amusing that RemCha uses his own Jeffersonian logic to counter this reality-based requirement, but when I offer a different example (the courage displayed by the signers of the Declaration of Independence), the silence is fairly deafening.

I trust that objective observers will note the pattern here. Even the mildest disagreement with RemCha is perceived by him as disrespect. Contest one of his assertions, and you're insulting him personally.

Not only that, but the leaps can be fairly stunning. We've already gone from swimming pool maintenance to the active conspiracy whereby Bob Lane (Bob Lane!) exercises insidious control over the city's operation.

Think about that.

Yes, RemCha has convictions, and I believe that in a reality-based competition of ideas, RemCha's argumentation will be revealed as inadequate, muddled and seldom based on anything capable of being referenced beyond an interior, emotional illogic. I remain a public entity, and I put my name on the line every day. I see no reason why RemCha can't follow suit and play the game the way people like Jefferson did when he signed his name to that treasonous document.

One last thing: Might RemCha also enlighten us as to the merits and demerits of two-way streets?

Iamhoosier said...

Just a guess on my part. Astute observation about the Matthew's bit, though. Most of the time that someone uses the word "truth" as you did, I do start thinking in terms of the supposedly "morally superior" right wing. Surprised that you have not used the term "ad hominem" yet.

Only one person needs to know your identity to post on NAC. I've never heard Roger reveal any identity. So that pretty much shoots down your "Founding Father" defense. It was weak anyway.

Oh, and thanks so much for pointing out that NA's problems are complex. Where have you been all my life? What other obvious revelations do you have?

RememberCharlemagne said...

Thank You gentlemen.

The New Albanian, I understand your rules at your blog and that is not what I'm looking for. It is not that I did not come to your reason. I don't agree with your reasons or opinion on such matter. To me it is not worth putting effort to.

You find your reasons are superior for disclosure of identity but if you don't disclose it to all other members like bluegill or lamhoosier then you contradict your own reasoning, unless you are not true to your word. Why should bluegill and lamhoosier so earnestly want to know who I am if they will never find out. You brought it up not me.

The New Albanian, I thought to respond to your comment about Jefferson signing the Declaration of Independence but it was not important. I agree that all patriots by signing their John Handcock took courage in the face of death. I would not dispute that and no response is needed. Sorry if you made more of it.

Where I will respond, it was not the point I am making. If you didn't like the Jefferson analogy then let’s use Charles Carroll of Carrollton from MD. He was the only Catholic in the convention but to gather support against Loyalist he wrote in under a false-name. He did this because he did not want his Catholic faith to influence reader’s opinions of his ideas due to the prejudice early Colonial Americans had toward Catholics.
If you don't like that one maybe "Common Sense" was not pinned Thomas Pain but Common Sense.
If you don't like that one, John Quincy Adam in defense of his father wrote in anonymously. He did this because he wanted his ideas and reasons to stand alone and not impair reader’s judgments knowing he was his son.

I love to disagree with a person it is one way to truly learn. What you take as no response is not that I'm insulted; you are entitled to your opinion. bluegill started the name calling that is insulting. He could of made a comment on my actions like you did, incorrectly, but he commented on me personally. I see a pattern that you all are not able to separate find details in points.

The New Albanian, It was not a stunning leap to move to Bob Lane from pools. It is the complexity of the situation. We had a pool that closed, not because of lack of customers but funding. I made the comment that people were not asking the right questions, of why. After the comments I made, Anon who was actually listening, made the comment about getting rid of sec 8 housing and that is exactly the root of the problem for N.A. I expanded on the idea and made reference to Bob Lane and the Housing authority and its semi-independence. I gave an example of the poor direction Bob used with Crystal Court. If these talking points are not good enough for bluegill he has not held himself to the same standard.

bluegill, I wrote on the "other" blog and I was censored. Please make the connections.

Lamhoosier, I was not taking down to anyone with pointing out social economics are New Albany's problem but as I wrote prior I have not seen any forum directly discussing this point. There are none on "other" blogs. Please let me know if there is one I would like to read it.

The New Albanian, two-way traffic follows under the priority level. It is not one. I see your points on the matter only as reason to support your business downtown if I was unaware that you were a business owner downtown then I would not see you opinion as bias.

The New Albanian said...

Circuitous. Very. Just like it was the last time I heard him speak in person.

It is widely known (at least among those who pay attention to life outside the cloister) that my views on two-way traffic were the same before I had a business downtown. That's because they're derived from research into the positions of people and organizations, and can (and have) been referenced.

Obviously RemCha believes that he has been censored at the "other" blog. This is false, and I wish he could move past citing the historical exceptions that prove the rule of integrity.

The New Albanian said...

Sorry, forgot: I relish the presence of RemCha hereabouts, even if he remains anonymous. It's always good to have a different point of view.

I'm toying with the idea of hosting twice-monthly open forums downtown. Public salons, as it were. The idea would be for all the people hiding behind anonymity to come out and see that a reality-based world can be fun and productive.

Even (and especially) Erika.

Iamhoosier said...

I would not say that I earnestly want to know your identity. I wouldn't be human if I wasn't curious. The only way that I would learn your identity is if you disclose it publicly or privately to me. I don't care enough to do an investigation.

Reading your last sentence brings up another point. You accuse Roger of bias on two way streets. And only because he is a "known" individual. Putting aside the obvious thought that a person can have more than one reason to support or oppose any issue, at least Roger is open about who he is and it is up to us to make decisions on his points. How can I, or anyone else, make an informed decision on your points. How can we know your biases? How do we know that, maybe, you have a business that somehow benefits from one way streets? Just for example, of course.

Iamhoosier said...

So, RemCha, you are against assisting businesses downtown?

Thanks for letting us know one more thing about you. You have the "truth" about issues and are anti business.

The New Albanian said...

IAH, RemCha now will reply to you by insisting that you've twisted his meaning and "put words into (his) mouth."

That's part of the unmistakable pattern, too.

Iamhoosier said...

I used to wonder what a person with the mixed genes of Jerry Falwell and Karl Marx would be like.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

Public housing and the Section 8 program are two very different things.

It might be nice to acknowledge the difference before making broad declarations, even if you're not responsible for what you say.

The New Albanian said...

For more amazing convergences, sift through these tea leaves:

Coincidence? Let's just say that's highly unlikely.

RememberCharlemagne said...

I was making the connection why being anonymous can help others make clearer decisions if you do not know the authors bias. Again with connecting the points. For Roger we know you are a business owner downtown and your recent comment to start a petition with downtown business owners in support of two-way traffic. Someone other than me who disagrees could come to the conclusion that you are in it for yourself. Like many people think now.

I was censored on your blog it is you who need to get it. The Chinese censure their media if it does not meet their rules so do you it is not different for them or you. IT IS censoring.

I did not want people to know who I am clearly you do not hold that information for yourself.

I wanted to discuss the issue without bias all of you seem not to.
We all have our biasness but if you do not know them and you are making a case for an opinion that opinion will not be marred. The opinion will have to stand alone under outside criticism. Just like the examples I gave.
Are my examples wrong? Do you not understand them?

You say I don't answer your remarks please answer mine why if you don't tell anyone else does it matter?

Do you not see the contradiction?

I am glad you like to hear other people’s point of view but do you truly listen. I think having an open forum would be a great thing I would be in favor of it.

Thank You Roger for my response to lamhoosier you are bringing to get it.

lamhoosier, you should not tell people what they think you should ask. It works much better.

If my desire to remain anonymous is childish, I would think the insistent direction to name calling by bluegill and lamhoosier would be of that nature.

The New Albanian said...

"I did not want people to know who I am clearly you do not hold that information for yourself."


My blog has a rule. You refused to abide following two warnings, and so I dropped the penalty flag.

I understand that you're obsessed with me and with the NAC blog. That's obvious. But ... your quoted passage above is incorrect. I do not dispense the information to others.

That's the point. You're anonymous, and so you can evade accountability. I'm not, and I can't. That's the real difference, not your attempted glibness with the "goldurnjuslikechinese" take.

Iamhoosier said...

"...Things are more dynamic then the questions prior but they speak to the truth.

June 30, 2009 12:23 AM

"... make an effort to explain that these are short simple answers to more dynamic problems but they speak to the root and truth of the problem.

June 30, 2009 10:22 AM

" ...I see your points on the matter only as reason to support your business downtown if I was unaware that you were a business owner downtown then I would not see you opinion as bias."

I didn't need to ask. You already told me.

Also, where did I call you a name? However, I will plead guilty to occasionally playing childishly on the blogs.

Yep, I sure do. Out in the open, too. For everyone to see. No screen to hide behind. By the way, just use Mark. It's several letters less than typing Iamhoosier. It's okay with me.


Iamhoosier said...

If one could ONLY argue technical issues or even theory without bringing actual people into the mix, I MIGHT buy your argument on anonymity for the benefit of debate.

Sooner or later(usually sooner)names start flying. Accusations occur and that's when a person needs to stand up and be accountable for his/her words. Bob Lane ring a bell?


Iamhoosier said...

Okay, you got to me. I'll ask. What the tarnation does this sentence mean?

"I did not want people to know who I am clearly you do not hold that information for yourself."

RememberCharlemagne said...

Roger you still did not answer my questions.

Are my examples wrong?

Do you not understand them?

Do you not understand my reason of anonymity in the context of the examples?

Do you see how the Jefferson analogy was parallel to what I'm talking about and different from what you are talking about?
You say I don't answer your remarks please answer mine why if you don't tell anyone else does it matter?

Do you not see the contradiction?

"I understand that you're obsessed with me and with the NAC blog. That's obvious. But ... your quoted passage above is incorrect. I do not dispense the information to others."

Look back I did not bring your blog up you did so who is obsessed with himself?

The Chinese analogy still stands you censor.

Mark, if he did not share the information then it would not matter that I am anonymous.

I am neither Marx or Jerry.

Anonymous said...

I fear retaliation too because you know Mayor England and his jack booted henchman bluegill have a history of shooting people, digging a big hole, and then dumping the bodies. There must be hundreds and I got ‘em all on videotape!

To paragraph Mr. Elmer Fudd, “Be veeeery, veeeery careful in New Albany.”

Also, I totally agree, Roger and his mass media empire are absolutely entirely analogous to the Chinese government. I mean, the Chinese ban all avenues for speech in a nation; in New Albany, you can’t say anything unless it’s on Roger’s blog, right? Perfect analogy RememberCharmin.

Iamhoosier said...

You can think of no other reason other than for him to share it? Really?

Now, I make no bones about. I'm not a particularly deep thinker or even very smart but I can think of at least one other reason. Come on, try hard.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

If RemCha was truly interested in constructive discourse, he'd meet people on equal terms, with each accountable for their words and actions.

As long as he won't, he's not.

Anonymous said...

If someone stands up and says, “Smoking is Safe,” how should I view it?

- Was the sentence uttered by a Noble winning scientist?
- Was it uttered by a scientist for a Tobacco company?
- A lunatic?

The statement cannot be digested without knowing who the speaker is.

Yes, Roger owns a downtown business. I know that and when I read his statements, I put that in context. I also put it in context with what I know about his views from speaking with him and reading his writings, and knowing that he lives on Spring St.

If someone anonymously writes, “Two way traffic is terrible,” what do I know about the speaker?

- I don’t know that the writer has a clue about traffic engineering.
- I don’t know if the writer values quality of life concerns like I do.
- I don’t know if the writer is a resident of New Albany.
- I don’t know if the writer is a Clark Co. resident who only wants a shortcut to the boat.
- I don’t know if the writer is a lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Just put down the shovel dude! You have been outed!

RememberCharlemagne said...

anon 4:46

"If someone anonymously writes, “Two way traffic is terrible,” what do I know about the speaker?

- I don’t know that the writer has a clue about traffic engineering.
- I don’t know if the writer values quality of life concerns like I do.
- I don’t know if the writer is a resident of New Albany.
- I don’t know if the writer is a Clark Co. resident who only wants a shortcut to the boat.
- I don’t know if the writer is a lunatic."

Thank You, you understand my point, the comment has to make the reader decipher what was said. It causes the reader to engage at a greater level. You now can only base your conclusions on the author’s opinion on the context alone and not who the author is.

Anon 3:35

I am not afraid of being criticized. Growth comes when someone listens to criticism and evaluates it and either gains from the opinion if you find any truth, or disregards the criticism out of maliciousness.

A point of growth Mark made is that I should not have said Bob Lane should be fired.

"Sooner or later (usually sooner) names start flying. Accusations occur and that's when a person needs to stand up and be accountable for his/her words. Bob Lane ring a bell?"

Mark is right and I regret saying it now. My judgment for Bob to be fired for his decision with Crystal Court is harsh and unproductive. I apologize to Bob for such a comment. Bob should not be fired, if he would in my opinion, make better decisions with the direction of the New Albany housing authority.

The New Albany Housing Authority has been a road block for large, fundamental, modern, and lasting change. At the end of the Mayor's first administration he had been reducing the number in the projects to have them torn down. After he was defeated as Mayor, along that time a new director was hired who filled these vacancies up because they felt that New Albany was missing out on all the money it received for housing. I was told about 3 million. What was missed was that with the low numbers of tenants New Albany would have been able to tear down the projects. The Mayor is back in office and is attempting to do the same thing but the director needs to be on the same page too.

"If RemCha was truly interested in constructive discourse, he'd meet people on equal terms, with each accountable for their words and actions.

As long as he won't, he's not."

Bluegill, I am attempting to make a platform for equal discourse without said bias. You and others want to introduce these biases to support a bad idea. I am talking about issues you and others cannot get off who Charlemagne is.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

I don't give a damn if you're a brick layer or a race car driver. I care if you're honest and genuine. If you won't accept responsibility for your own words, people can't logically conclude that you are.

You can try to justify that quasi-existence to yourself however you want, but you're of little use to those of us who've sincerely spent time learning and improving the city, and positioning it as something real and authentic.

You can't build community with imaginary personalities.

RememberCharlemagne said...

"I don't give a damn if you're a brick layer or a race car driver"

You do care. That is why you and your friends spent most of the day asking who I am and not what I said. If it did not matter to you you would have never made it such an issue.

You are right, personalities don't build cities but ideas due that is why anonymity takes out personalities, real or fake, and makes the idea or plan stand to be scrutinized. If the plan or idea is genuine or honest it will stand the test of scrutiny but if people are persuaded by someone’s popularity then a bad idea or plan will be implemented.
You seem not to agree with this because you maybe defending a bad idea. Please inform me why your ideas are worthy and ask me to defend mine.

The New Albanian said...

Amen, Brother Bluegill.

I'm soooo done with this. The funniest thing of all is that if Mr. Bledsoe had just confirmed his identity to me two months ago, I'd have published his comments at NAC ... and I would not have been able to reveal his identity to anyone.

Yeah, I know -- you're not supposed to wrestle with pigs, except this time ...

C'mon, big guy -- lighten up and join us in the reality based world. It'll be fun. You used your name when you ran for office, and you'll do it again next time, right?

Why not step out of the closet now, and one something approximating your own terms?

Jeff Gillenwater said...

I've not once asked who you were.

The New Albanian said...

Sorry, just one more thing:

"If the plan or idea is genuine or honest it will stand the test of scrutiny but if people are persuaded by someone’s popularity then a bad idea or plan will be implemented."

That's a bit sad, really. It sounds as though it's coming from someone who is resigned to not ever being popular, and a rather large compensatory ego aside, I'm seeing a little kid on the playground who doesn't have any friends, and my eyes are wet.

Not really.

First Erika's mash note/epistle to Hammond, now this. See how much more compelling it gets when you know something about the people hiding behind the masks?

RememberCharlemagne said...

"That's a bit sad, really. It sounds as though it's coming from someone who is resigned to not ever being popular, and a rather large compensatory ego aside, I'm seeing a little kid on the playground who doesn't have any friends, and my eyes are wet."

Note your response Roger there is nothing informative just maliciousness of what you think my character is. Please reference my questions. Posted at 3:ll

RememberCharlemagne said...

I did respect your opinion but lately you only been able to call names and not talk issues. Are you talking about yourself when you reference the play ground? If so I would weep for him. I would have been the kid that would have befriended the child or are you the bully. Because when I was a kid I would be the one who would of punched the bully for the weak. Please talk issues not who someone is.

Iamhoosier said...

You seem to forget that disagreement is most definitely allowed at NAC. Recently, Jeff and I have had some rather major disagreements concerning the executive branch of NA government. Actually my positions echoed some of yours that you wrote up above.(some, not all)

Why am I writing this? Even though Jeff and I disgree(d), we are still friends. We can still sit at the same table and discuss the issues. We can and do, both figuratively and literally.

Roger and I have had differences of opinion. Lloyd. Randy. I don't think any of them would say that I am under Matthew's influence and I know for damn sure that they aren't. Why did you assume that we would think that about you?

You must be a Johnny Come Lately to the local blogs. That's okay, everyone has to have a starting point. But to say that Jeff doesn't have anything insightful or meaningful to say is just plain ignorant. Or if you are not a JCL, replace ignorant with stupid.

If that qualifies as "calling names", so be it.

RememberCharlemagne said...

"Why am I writing this? Even though Jeff and I disgree(d), we are still friends. We can still sit at the same table and discuss the issues. We can and do, both figuratively and literally"

I can too Mark, but without resorting to name calling and putting words in other people's mouth. I still answer your questions when they are respectful. I wish you and your friends were able to do the same.

"Roger and I have had differences of opinion. Lloyd. Randy. I don't think any of them would say that I am under Matthew's influence and I know for damn sure that they aren't. Why did you assume that we would think that about you?"

The Matthew's comment was for Roger he deleted comments when I disagreed with his rules so he censored them. One of the first comments I made to him on his blog was about his articles on two-way traffic. He recently posted a comment about said subject and I never have or do not communicate with Matthews. Please look at earlier he made mention of his blog first not me I just expanded it.

"But to say that Jeff doesn't have anything insightful or meaningful to say is just plain ignorant. Or if you are not a JCL, replace ignorant with stupid."

You started well but ended with name calling please try better.

Show me were the communications between me and bluegill where bluegill was insightful. He called me a coward when I gave him my reason and instead of talking about my reason he made one up for himself. Insightful no. I stand by my comment people who resort to name calling have nothing informative to say to an issue. Otherwise they would talk about the issue. If you need to call people names and not talk about issues when the conversation is about pools "so be it"

RememberCharlemagne said...

Maybe you can elaborate for your friends. Do they accuse people of not answering questions and cowardness and not knowing the facts and then when questioned to defend their own self make no reply

Remember I but one person you are at least four to respond to I try and answer all of your questions but you do not return the respect. It is easy to contradict ones self but it is hard to be a hypocrite. Are you and your friends the latter?
Note: I did not call you a hypocrite I asked. The fine point that seems to be missed.

TedF said...

Just a point of clarification. I may be mistaken, but I believe your first attempt at posting at NAC was regarding the Emery’s building (not Two-Way traffic). You made a patronizing remark about the preservationists that were working to save the structure. You made some silly reference to making bird houses or some other nonsense. I recall at the time thinking what a cowardly act it was to make a statement such as that behind a mask. That told me all I needed to know about the type of person you must be.

So yeah, I'll call you a coward. And I think it is justified.

FederalFarmer said...

This is great! At least New Albany is getting exciting vicariously through the internet.

It's obvious certain people do not understand what a "pen name" is, just look it up it's easy to learn, and fun to do.

Just to name drop some more American political thought, and refer to the founding fathers an analogy between the Federalist and anti-federalist would work. Founding fathers such as James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton used pseudonym names such as Brutus and Cato to hide their true identity, and not let their status in the community influence peoples opinions, but rather the letters they write on a sheet of paper speak for themselves.

We are not talking in a bar, I cannot see your face, and you cannot see mine, but we are addressing the world if you will, anyone and everyone can be apart of this conversation. It's too bad bloging was not around in 1787, then perhaps our founding fathers would not of had to resort to the slow process of the publishing in The New York Packet news paper to win public opinion to change the U.S. constitution to fit each parties opinions.

A true coward would wear a mask in public to hide an identity he or she is ashamed of, not someone trying to gather public opinion through the sheer power of words vs. elite status in a small community.

After reading this blog it's very obvious who considers themselves elitist.

If you believe only a few elite people should control a situation because a farmer is incapable of making an informed decision because he or or she is not educated enough to your standards you are living in the wrong nation.

A person's opinion is higher than their status in society. If you meet someone who thinks otherwise you should slap them.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

A true coward would wear a mask in public to hide an identity he or she is ashamed of...

This is in public, even more so than a singular physical environment, as you mention:

We are not talking in a bar, I cannot see your face, and you cannot see mine, but we are addressing the world if you will, anyone and everyone can be apart of this conversation.

All the farmers I've ever known, regardless of formal educational attainment, expect people to stand by their word.

FederalFarmer said...

I read everything again and just realized there are people on this blog making parallels to the founding fathers signing the Declaration of Independence to trying to gain public support on what to do about New Albany's social economical problems, really? Are we going to declare our independence from the tyrannical county of Floyd, and become a new sovereign county in order to fix New Albany's problems?


Are we going to discuss New Albany's issues on a blog in order to gain public support to fix those things we think is wrong in a contingent way? We all know no 1 person can do it on their own, you need public support, it's the most democratic way.

We know the importance of anonymity in seeking public support.

There seems to be an illogical flu on this board.

FederalFarmer said...

Um, I haven't read anywhere on here that someone gave their word that they will "do" anything. We are having a discussion now so that we can "do" things with the support of the body politic later.

This is not the Declaration of New Albany blog, that happend in 1813.

This format is used to gain and seek public interest, and public opinion.

If you want to write a Declaration go ahead I'll read it.

RememberCharlemagne said...

I felt alone and in the dark for awhile. I didn't think anyone but one other Anon understood my "reason" for anonymity. I thought it only could make you focus on the issue but we clearly see what certain people in New Albany resort to acting like when you disagree with them. They will not defend their statements, ideas, or comments. They want to speak for you, insult you. Is this a sign of intelligence or hatred for people who disagree with your opinion?

You can clearly see FederalFarmer either these certain people read but do not listen or they are obsessed with knowing who a person is to formulate an opinion. They need bias as a crutch for bad ideas that are weakly defended. They need it so they can talk about the person not the issue.

"Just a point of clarification. I may be mistaken, but I believe your first attempt at posting at NAC was regarding the Emery’s building (not Two-Way traffic). You made a patronizing remark about the preservationists that were working to save the structure."

To Ted, you are right my first comment that I made was about Emery's and it was a patronizing remark about your idea you were making but you are mistaken, it was not about the work preservationist.

Did I call you a coward for your idea, did I call you a lunatic for your idea, or did I call you stupid? That is what you are saying and that is what people you are defending are saying. Did you find my comment insulting because you understood my point and you where left to evaluate oneself or are you to thin skinned to except direct criticism. Don’t forget you posted a comment in an open forum, you should have said that you did not want anyone to disagree with you or you would get upset and call names. If you felt side wacked why did you not respond then or but now when the militia has been called out because there is descent in the ranks. I expected more out of someone so highly esteemed among "other" blogs but I am beginning to realize my expectation for people I also thought well of are fading, fading fast. You would have been better off just talking about RememberCharalemage on the "other" blog that censors ReCharlemagne. Like other people are doing. That seems to them to be less cowardly.

"A person's opinion is higher than their status in society. If you meet someone who thinks otherwise you should slap them."

I believe FederalFarmer, in that time if people made the claim of cowardliness it was pistols at dawn. America lost Hamilton and his Son for such remarks. Have we grown and matured from dueling but not name calling. New Albany is coming up on its bicentennial, with regard to age we are still a juvenile city.

The New Albanian said...

Told you so, didn't I?

Mr. Bledsoe's not being respected, and you're putting words in his mouth, and amid the incessant reminders that he's being censored, all the rest of us are being juvenile -- and it all started with an obscure reference to obstructionism, Elm Street and Dave Matthews on the other blog several days ago. The festering effect must have been searing.

And so the predictable disintegration proceeds apace. To be honest, I'm deriving little joy from watching the meltdown, but as a inveterate voyeur, I just can't turn my head away from the car crash. I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.

Speaking of "Bad," here are a few lyrical snippets from near the conclusion of this enjoyable U2 song. It's the part where Bono is wrestling the demons.

This desparation
In temptation

Let it go
And so fade away
To let it go, oh yeah
And so fade away
To let it go, oh No
And so to fade away
I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake
Wide awake
I'm not sleeping oh no no

Iamhoosier said...

I've never seen anyone so infatuated with name calling. Are you talking about JCL? Must be. Isn't that just another way of saying "newcomer"? Sorry if that offended you. I certainly never meant it that way.

By the way, did you notice that your buddy, FF, is calling some people "elitists"? It happens. get over it.

I will say that I am extremely happy to be having a dialog with people of such exalted status that they must remain anonymous so as not to add extra gilt to their ideas.

Yeah, that was a smart-butt comment but, you know, communication comes in all forms. Sometimes you have to look for the meaning. You may not like my writing style but I'm not wild about yours, either. I do try to find your meaning. Is it too much to ask for some reciprocation?

Chris Jenkins said...

Well this is an interesting blog. I thought I was getting on here to read about pools only to find the topic quickly shifted to certain individuals clearly wasting more than an entire day playing detective about someone who wishes to remain anonymous. I was also under the impression that when someone wishes to remain anonymous that anyone of a respectable nature would honor that. I didn't realize how juvenile some people could be just because somebody disagrees with them, that they would stop at nothing to unveil someone...for what point? Anon 4:46 said, "The statement cannot be digested without knowing who the speaker is." I disagree. Listen to their words. They speak for themselves! And as far as all the name calling on this ridiculous blog, Charlemagne obviously wouldn't have to keep pointing it out if some of you wouldn't keep doing it!

Iamhoosier said...

I agree, it's time to get back on track. I'll ask a question.

RemCha wrote,
"We need to cure our ills first."

What are the ills and the cures? Pick two or three, if you wish.

I promise to read carefully and attempt to accurately understand your responses.


Jeff Gillenwater said...

The lies are getting more entertaining as it goes along. Well done.

Chris Jenkins said...

Thanks Mark. First of all, I feel that the mayor has his priorities a little mixed up. The "needs and wants" of the city appear that wants are taking reign over needs. I'll admit, a new "splash park" would be incredible! However, why did we lose the pool we had in the first place? If the city didn't have the money to take care of it then, how do we have the money to take care of a more elaborate, expensive one now? At the expense of tax payers? No thanks. I'd rather see our money go to necessary things the city "needs" not "wants". Once our "ills" or needs have been cured, then we can go on to have nice "wants". And a splash park is a nice "want" on the list, but not a "need" at this time.

Iamhoosier said...

Um, not sure how to respond. I don't want to misunderstand and upset someone.

If that was in response to my question...uh, then that is just a rehash. IMO, of course. If it wasn't in response to my question, please disregard.

What specific ills(needs) and specific cures? Before we do the wants, such as a splash park.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

A better facility could attract a significant number of new users. That goes for the city as a whole, beyond just a pool.

To my knowledge, no one has made a new water park the primary goal, nor likened it to a panacea. It's one of many discussions taking place around improving the overall quality of life in the city, thus improving its ability to attract and retain investment.

The question isn't "Why do a water park instead of X ?" It's "Why not do a water park in addition to X ?"

Two-way, traffic calmed streets are another good example of that. It's one of the most significant infrastructure investments the City could make toward improving our older neighborhoods, maximizing the return on investments we've already made, both public and private.

It makes little sense to declare a change in the socio-economic conditions in the city as a priority while eschewing the very things that could help make that happen. Rather than a frivolous luxury or merely the fulfillment of a political promise as some have suggested, conversion to two-way, traffic calmed streets is a proven methodology for improving quality of life and investment. There are models all over the country.

EDIT discussions should be centered around how much of a payment we can reasonably make with our annual intake in order to leverage the amounts of money we actually need for projects of major impact. To do otherwise amounts to little more than what Roger has for years rightfully called decay management.

Under a misguided notion of fiscal conservatism, we have allowed our public facilities to languish well beyond the point of routine maintenance. Private investment (or lack thereof) has responded in kind. As a result, our tax base has deteriorated to the point that we struggle to pay for daily operations.

The Camille Wright pool is an example of that. It failed because a) it wasn't properly maintained, improved, or replaced in a timely fashion over a period of decades owing to the poor "fiscal conservatism" strategy named above and b) it functioned in most recent years largely as an anachronism, attractive mostly to those who had no or limited other choices, as other surrounding communities did make public facility investments and blew by us in terms of quality of product offered.

The same phenomenon is true of many amenities in New Albany. To that end, a scattered, piecemeal approach will have little impact in turning our fortunes and attracting the new private investment and spending necessary to rebuild and/or expand the tax base.

Will a pool alone do it? No, but a pool in conjunction with several other investments, as quickly as we can reasonably make them, would put us much further down the road to recovery at today's prices instead of increased ones in future.

Christopher D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iamhoosier said...

OKAY!! We now have two players!! We need more. C'mon on down!!

You can add your own ills and cures
You can rip Jeff's and Christopher's ideas to pieces.

Hey, it's free. Just like the Mayor's party down at the riverfront.(no music by Steve Price, though)

Peanuts!! Popcorn!! Cracker Jacks!!

Iamhoosier said...

Oops, looks like ChristopherD deleted his comment but I'm sure that he will be back. Can't keep a good man down.

Beer!! Ice cold swill!!

Christopher D said...

pulled that because I wanted to refine it a little:

1) housing infrastructure
2) lack of city court
3) emergency services manpower
4) municipal services infrastructre
(streets, sewers, sanatation)

1) enhanced code enforcement
2) revenue from collecting ordinance violation infractions
(housing codes, noise ordinances, parking infractions etc)
3) increased value in infrastructures creates increased tax base = more money to operate government with
4) pay closer attention with in the government to grant opportunities, and fix streets BEFORE they need to be completely redone, and mostly make sure utilities PROPERLY repair the streets after work ahs been done that requires cutting into them.

While I feel it is important to have a public splash park and/or pool to not only keep people out of Silver creek, the Ohio River, and community park lake (health and safety reasons), and to give kids a place to go when it is hot outside and tempers flare (community reasons), I feel there are more important issues at hand.
But a guy who doesnt swim much, neither does anyone in my family, so to me this issue is not that important, but the majority of the citizens of this city probably feel otherwise, and after all government is supposed to be of the people, by the people for the people, and in a democracy, majority rules.

Iamhoosier said...

Knock, knock.

Iamhoosier said...

Hi there, political fans. Snarkie Mark here with the play by play.

Well fans, we're almost in the 5th hour of this exciting match. So far, one team is pitching a shutout and the score now stands at 2-0. As a matter of fact, the opposing team has yet to show up. I'm not sure what is wrong. They were around for infield practice but when the real game started--they departed.

And now a word from our sponsor--Erika's Vanishing Cream. It will even hide the defects that you don't have!!

The New Albanian said...

Snarky Mark & the Funky Bunch. It's no wonder I'm tumbling off the wagon.

Then again, I never trusted anyone who drinks Rolling Rock.

The New Albanian said...

And my Rolling Rock reference wasn't aimed at Snarky Mark. I'm all giddy because Elector's back on tap at BSB.

TedF said...

ReCha said: “Did you find my comment insulting because you understood my point and you where left to evaluate oneself or are you to thin skinned to except direct criticism.”

The comment was not upsetting to me in the least. I’m just questioning your character and that of anyone that would use a cloak to make it. Others made comments about the effort being a waste of time and resources. They put their names to it.

RememberCharlemagne said...

Other than Ted’s and Marks last comments a real discussion about the issues.
Mark people have to work. Ted I am sorry.

RememberCharlemagne said...

are you all ready.

RememberCharlemagne said...

Now this is nice I understand now when Mark made the comment that bluegill is informative. You don't know how much this makes me happy, a dialog without insults.
"The question isn't "Why do a water park instead of X ?" It's "Why not do a water park in addition to X ?"

Great question, why do we not do the addition to X, because we barely have enough to do X. That is the root of the problem. If we do the water park with the same million we need to hire police then we have no new police. If we use more edit money to cover police then we have less for paving. If we don't address the ill, "New Albany's housing situation" then everything else will deteriorate like the pool and we are back to square one.

But if we focus our efforts to the root of the financial problem, by aggressively changing the worth of our housing stock then we would have the money for a really nice water park.

"Two-way, traffic calmed streets are another good example of that. It's one of the most significant infrastructure investments the City could make toward improving our older neighborhoods, maximizing the return on investments we've already made, both public and private."

With respect intended but this is an opinion without sighting any reference of support.

U.S Department of Transportation F.H.A/traffic calming.

Other references for traffic calming are Geometric Design Practices For European Roads which you can link to through the D.O.T sight.
Or TrafficCalming.org.

None of these studies or sites makes the claim that converting one-way traffic to two-way as a calming measure but they all talk about types of measures to calm two-way traffic.

The data is a clear understanding that the direction of traffic with two-way is just as problematic. It also makes the point, in the European study, of saying that roads need to be classified and are different. Like Spring St compared to Market.
Elm Street speeding addressed

The board also addressed complaints from Elm Street residents concerned about speeding in their neighborhood, which were first brought to the body two weeks ago.
Board President Matt Denison read the residents that showed up Tuesday an analysis written by New Albany Police Chief Greg Crabtree. The department targeted Elm, from 10th to 15th streets, for speeders beginning June 23.
During that time, 22 citations were written, five warnings issued and one arrest made. Dennis Smith is the Traffic Division Director for the NAPD, and he said those numbers aren’t alarming.
“For the traffic flow that would be up there, that’s pretty low,” Smith said of the number of tickets written on Elm.
Denison said there is a heavy volume of traffic on Elm, but said the police report shows there really isn’t enough evidence at this time to lower the speed limit from 30 miles per hour.
City Engineer Tim Marinaro also looked at the traffic situation on Elm. He suggested installing a temporary four-way stop sign at the intersection of 13th Street and Elm for a temporary trial to see if that would slow traffic some.

I do not argue that calmer streets help a neighborhood but we can have calmer efficient streets.
“conversion to two-way, traffic calmed streets is a proven methodology for improving quality of life and investment. There are models all over the country.”
Respectfully, where is your evidence.

RememberCharlemagne said...

sorry to long blog are not good please for complex issues.

“EDIT discussions should be centered around how much of a payment we can reasonably make with our annual intake in order to leverage the amounts of money we actually need for projects of major impact. To do otherwise amounts to little more than what Roger has for years rightfully called decay management.”
Great point, a great discussion should be about what we are willing to leverage on which major impact. If two-way is the major impact I would disagree but a large change in the section 8 or rental property to “redeveloped” owner occupied would increase the tax base by increasing property taxes without actually doing so.
“About 32 percent of its households earning less that $15,000 per year. The city’s median income in 1990 was $23,933 as compared to $28,460 for the county and $28,797 for the state. Finally, it should be noted that New Albany has a home ownership rate that is lower than that of the state or the county outside of the city and housing is relatively inexpensive (according to the 1990 census, approximately 95% of owner-occupied housing units were less than $100,000 in value). New Albany has about 90 percent of the county’s renter-occupied housing stack with citywide vacancy rates of about five percent.”
Executive Summary Downtown New Albany Market Study and Implementation program. 1991
Develop New Albany’s 2007 Comprehensive Plan states that the 1991 study is still relevant.
“As a result, our tax base has deteriorated to the point that we struggle to pay for daily operations.”
Your comment supports why pools and x don’t mix for us right now.
“The same phenomenon is true of many amenities in New Albany. To that end, a scattered, piecemeal approach will have little impact in turning our fortunes and attracting the new private investment and spending necessary to rebuild and/or expand the tax base.”
scattered, piecemeal approach will have little impact- This point directly references points made prior and why two-way, pools, boats, roads closed for years, raises in salary, over expansion with city/county facilities etc etc. That is why we need to have a large as large as we can leverage housing change in New Albany

The New Albanian said...

Thanks, J.

FederalFarmer said...

Okay, I'm not going to look up any research on two-way traffic vs. one way traffic like RememberCharles, but I'm going to deduce that it doesn't make a city take off or decline. Most of us have been to Bloomington,IN I imagine, and yes I understand it's a college town with the right social demographic of people who would support business we would all like to see in New Albany, but the 2 main roads that run through town, Walnut and College, are both one way streets, and it's a pain in the butt to drive down Kirkwood that has 2 way traffic, except if you are on a bike then everywhere is easy to get around.

What I'd really like to see is more affordable apartments available downtown in all of the empty spaces above the empty businesses below. I'd love to live on Pearl st, or Market, but I'm not going to spend $600 for an apartment when I can go to Germantown and get something much better for the price.

Also, is there anyway we can stipulate laws to prevent slum landlords from owning city blocks, and keeping their properties as an eye sore? Perhaps we can only allow a landlord to own a certain number of rentals?

I know I'm jumping away from the subject of pools, but I'm trying to think of a way to get people to move to New Albany so that there are people who can pay for and attend a water park if one was open. I think a fun water park is just a pipe dream, other issues need to be addressed first, revenue has to come to the city first.

Can we do anything about urban sprawl? I know this is after the fact since Charlestown Crossing reaches the borders of Floyd County. Is there anyway we can entice developers to invest money closer to downtown?

FederalFarmer said...

Thanks J ? That is all we are going to hear from you? People have brought up relevant subjects and pointed out specific issues that we were suppose to be discussing in the first place and you answer by saying thanks J?

I think the internet jukebox that has been started by Rodger was a better idea. Here's my song to you Rodger.

Sept cent millions de chinois
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Avec ma vie, mon petit chez-moi
Mon mal de tête, mon point au foie
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Quatre-vingt millions d'indonésiens
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Avec ma voiture et mon chien
Son Canigou quand il aboie
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Trois ou quatre cent millions de noirs
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Qui vais au brunissoir
Au sauna pour perdre du poids
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Trois cent millions de soviétiques
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Avec mes manies et mes tics
Dans mon petit lit en plume d'oie
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Cinquante millions de gens imparfaits
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Qui regarde Catherine Langeais
A la télévision chez moi
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Neuf cent millions de crève-la-faim
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Avec mon régime végétarien
Et tout le whisky que je m'envoie
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Cinq cent millions de sud-américains
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Je suis tout nu dans mon bain
Avec une fille qui me nettoie
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Cinquante millions de vietnamiens
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Le dimanche à la chasse au lapin
Avec mon fusil, je suis le roi
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Cinq cent milliards de petits martiens
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Comme un con de parisien
J'attends mon chèque de fin de mois
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie

RememberCharlemagne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The New Albanian said...

Thanks, ff.

RememberCharlemagne said...

remembercharlemagne said...
1) enhanced code enforcement
2) revenue from collecting ordinance violation infractions
(housing codes, noise ordinances, parking infractions etc)
3) increased value in infrastructures creates increased tax base = more money to operate government with
4) pay closer attention with in the government to grant opportunities, and fix streets BEFORE they need to be completely redone, and mostly make sure utilities PROPERLY repair the streets after work has been done that requires cutting into
Cure four is a must.
Christopher D, I understand your thought process with regards to your cures but other than 4 these are reactionary policies. They are not a cure all
They don’t really address “ill number one” “housing infrastructure”
You will cure some of the money problems with revenue from collecting ordinance violation but the ordinances in themselves are not dramatic enough to cure the largest problem. The slumlord still retains said property. Problem is still there.

A big difference in your strategy vs. mine is the need for bigger government. We can take the same local government we have now and lobby them to focus on neighborhood redevelopment and with the large lasting effect we will not only have tax revenue increases from property value. We will also have income tax increases from a higher socio economic base to draw from. My strategy there would be no need for any of your cures. In fact if such policies were implemented we wouldn’t need more police officers, judicial courts, or a new jail because there wouldn’t be as many people requiring such.
Your cure suggests a police state. Mine is a cure all it cuts out the reactionary strategy and is proactive.
Here are actual references to use as tools of action
Rebuilding Together restores homes, Loo James, South Bend triune
This old house magazine August issue 09 pp 49
To get more detailed on my strategy I will give an example.
An apartment at the 1800 block of Ekin sold and was valued at 36,000 dollars. It was a four-plex in need of major repair. To an investor, the work needed to be done to restore the property is not cost effective to buy. To a home owner to much work. EDIT money would be used as grants for such assistance.
They city can only collect 2% of the value of the property, $720. The same style house fixed up with historic preservation in mind, signal resident, would be valued at around $200,000. Signal resident property is capped at 1% but the city collects $2000 in taxes. As said before not only increased property tax but the individual(s) that could buy such house would also have to make more money to afford it. Even though four individual 1040’s would be turned in at April with the four-plex. Using the statistics from Greensburg 1991 study mentioned earlier people making New Albany medium income would not pay income tax.
Another plan the city would have to adopted would be to start buying large rental property using EDIT funds and other revenue sources that do not have any income requirements, like most Federal grants do. They would take these homes and put them up for auction, with a small reserve or without a reserve, depending on their condition. They only stipulation would be they must meet historic guidelines and the house will be sold to or bought and lived in as a signal home. This Strategy is called Buy Back. New Albany residents would be literally buying back the neighborhoods. There is an incentive for the slum lord, city, and residents. Everybody wins

RememberCharlemagne said...

Sorry Federalfarmer, but I don't think that you will get anything when you challenge with logic or facts.
Not my kind of style music but to the point I'll share some too.

O soave fanciulla, o dolce viso
di mite circonfuso alba lunar
in te, vivo ravviso il sogno
ch'io vorrei sempre sognar!
Ah! tu sol comandi, amor!...
Fremon già nell'anima
le dolcezze estreme,
nel bacio freme amor!
Oh! come dolci scendono
le sue lusinghe al core...
tu sol comandi, amore!...

No, per pietà !
Sei mia!
V'aspettan gli amici...
Già mi mandi via?
Vorrei dir... ma non oso...

Se venissi con voi?
Che?... MimÃ?
Sarebbe cosà dolce restar qui.
C'è freddo fuori.
Vi starò vicina!...
E al ritorno?
Dammi il braccio, mia piccina.
Obbedisco, signor!
Che m'ami di'...
Io t'amo!
Amor! Amor! Amor!

RememberCharlemagne said...

“Also, is there anyway we can stipulate laws to prevent slum landlords from owning city blocks, and keeping their properties as an eye sore? Perhaps we can only allow a landlord to own a certain number of rentals?”
I am not for sure if the city could do that but it would be a good research question.
“anyway we can entice developers to invest money closer to downtown?”
My examples that I gave Christopher D would work for this question.

Jacques Dutronc said...

I thought we were getting a play by play broadcast, excuse me, narrow cast done by our internet personality Snakie Markie? Did someone call the game? Did it move to another field because the field was too level?

Who's being cowardly now?

Should I start my own personal blog, and have my own friends join in a circle jerk of stroking each others egos, and defy objectivity.

Of course that would be much more heroic!

The New Albanian said...

Thanks, JD.

RememberCharlemagne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RememberCharlemagne said...

Thanks for proving my points R, JD

Everybody Enjoy their 4th.

The New Albanian said...

You too, J. Thanks, and may God bless your candidacy.

Iamhoosier said...

RemChar said people have to work. I will agree with him. And I appreciate his comments. Just have time to skim them but appear to be detailed. Thanks again.

People also have to sleep and have a little family life. That's what I was doing, JD. I shall return.

FederalFarmer said...

Since when did confidentiality and anonymous become exclusive?

This isn't facebook and it isn't myspace, it's a community blog to discuss community problems not individual people.

If you want to talk about people and who they are go to those sites I mentioned above to discuss such matters because you are wasting time on what this blog is intended for.

There is nothing wrong with personal blogs and writing about yourself, but don't confuse a community for an individual.

I think one of the main reason New Albany cannot take off and become more prosperous is because too many individuals with high opinions of themselves seek only self interest for themselves and not the community at large. They are more concerned about putting their name on everything as an individual rather than getting matters done as a whole.

I don't know if we should blame capitalism or pretentiousness?

FederalFarmer said...

That's the biggest bunch of crap I've ever heard.

FederalCharlemagne said...

Come to think of it, the following passage is even crappier. I created it using the random text generator. The potential for generating nonsensical political tracts is just limitless, don't you agree?

commanded; and came upon thee, and she lay down, and their children, and drew. And Esau his thigh; and the priests bought the land. And let nothing leavened; in Paddan-aram, to Mesopotamia, unto the birds of Noah began to the prison looked toward all dead out first. And Melchizedek king of the Egyptian? And his father, or good. Behold, I will certainly return unto him, and made me die, since thou unto Moses, and Pharaoh heard. And Laban said unto his first-born, whatsoever they had yet gave them unto Aaron, Go in from Pharaoh, The days of Haran, the two

burnt-offering upon all that thou doest well, and Aaron said unto Seir. And ye have done this, cursed is my mistress Sarai. And they fell upon Manasseh's head, and wept for the Hittite for Adam he shall be according to all Pharaoh's cup was with a token upon my brother; let me of the slain, and wept; and the king of Pharaoh charged all the Egyptians; and ye shall no uncircumcised person shall be one that is seed shall be angry that creepeth upon us, to bury me in the field of ground, and his mouth, and entered Noah, saying,

were a multitude; and she was in bondage; and let him fetch me drink, I may bury my master Abraham, saying, When thou shalt tell me, saying, Lo, I am faint. And Jehovah God took us go, and upon him. And Jacob said, What pledge shall come hither again; for thy wind, sprung up; for ever and Moses said, Rise up, and they lay even as with her pitcher, and lifted up with thee, and begat Mahalalel lived a fugitive and thou hearest a possession of the land of the night, departed out a help meet him, and all the

meeteth thee, thy daughters of the sons of Adah. And the well's mouth to destroy all the angel of the place whereon thou wilt thou it: the frogs which thou set three days: and you. If it came grievous were beaten, and came forth thy pitcher, and he sent to Laban, What is on the steward of Jehovah, Let there remained not unto the morning arose, and camels drink also. Then Judah acknowledged them, into his name Dan. And Joseph's brethren have taken the man in the people multiplied, and said unto him as his servants, and she bare Jacob

fat kine. So the ill-favored kine did so, wherefore hast magnified thy sight, and a feast on his way, to Eliphaz were opened. And when he did eat of the seven other Zillah. And Joseph said unto us? Thinkest thou shalt thou shalt thou hast not do not known him, My father said, Should he hath played the haven of Heth, even here by the wife shall not a bunch of life, [I have dreamed a hundredfold. And Pharaoh called his hand, and all his garment by their kind, and that it was so. And afterward were created. And he

JD said...

Confidentiality, then anonmous, and now imposters.

Someone seems upset, or they just don't understand French.

Just because you visit Europe it doesn't mean you're European.

MinnesotaFats said...

i saw you guys are playing pool. You know why the 9-Ball is like a woman?

Most of the time the other guy gets the first shot at it.

I'm always trying to get it in a combo.

Sometimes you just want to kick at it.

It's an evil mistress that serves no one.

I have some more. It's about time New Albany had a billiards blog.

The Evil Highlander said...

It's better to burnout then fade away.