Thursday, November 12, 2009


As you know, I was unable to attend the budget hearing but someone called and gave me the details.

It seems that we need 1.5 million for next year's budget. No small amount to be sure. But the council seems ready to make whatever cuts are necessary whether they are popular or not. With elections looming in 2011 they should be commended for doing what is right.

From what I was told, Mr. Coffey wants to eliminate health care coverage for the council members. I agree with him on that issue since the council members are part time employees. To my knowledge no other employer gives this benefit to part time employees.

Mr. Messer mentioned the large cell phone bills and apparently wants to limit their use. Again, I think this is a good move. City officials should use their own cell phones. If they want a separate phone for work they need to purchase another one. Everyone knows that times are not good and these are small sacrifices.

I know if these cuts are made we still have a long way to go to balance the budget but every bit helps. And I don't buy the line that elected officials make less than they would in the private sector. People in middle management are losing their jobs every day. At least elected officials know they have a job for four years.

Additionally I'm always hearing people on the campaign trail talk about why the want this particular office, and it never has anything to do with money. Maybe some of our higher paid city employees and elected officials could give up a few of their perks to help the city.

Yes, the article is harsh but again, these are hard times.


Anonymous said...

Eliminating council pay will save $100,000 a year.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

It would be amazingly refreshing to see the council actually try to accomplish something instead of just dealing with the results and blame tied to the lack of accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

I say eliminate healthcare, Carl Malysz job, Matt Dennison job too.

There's $200,000 right there.

Anonymous said...

How about furlough days and cutting our England's 16% raise.Lay off police and firefighters. Park all take home cars and call for an independent audit.

Oh, I forgot, remove Shane Gibson that will save us a wade of $$$$$.

Anonymous said...

no health insurance benefits to any part-time employees

increase employees portion of health insurance cost

no personal use of cell phones

no take home vehicles for nonessential employees

charge police & fire for take home vehicle if they live outside of city

eliminate vehicle for mayor & deputy mayor

no pay increases for police & fire

lower pay scale for police & fire new hires

close fire house, eliminate fire positions

10% pay decrease - mayor & deputy mayor

reorganize police & fire dept by decreasing number of management positions

lower contract amount for city attorney

pay construction contractor only for contract amount (no overpayments)

no free loans to contractors (coffman construction)

no purchase of buildings or land for speculative purposes

no purchases of flowers, christmas cards or lodging for the brickyard

no reimbursement to employees for travel without proper documentation

charge and collect correct fees

no waiving of fees

file leins on delinquent sewer accounts

collect delinquent ambulance bills

fine and prosecute for ordinance violations or eliminate code enforcement position

rebid sewer contract

rebid sanitation contract

Anonymous said...

Price and Coffey are in it for the pay and retirement. They need it which is sad.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:13

Thanks Erik. Great points.

Anonymous said...

1. File liens on rental properties that don't meet code.

2. File liens on rental properties that don't meet code.

3. File liens on rental properties that don't meet code.

They do it every day of the week in Louisville.

Anonymous said...

Great news. Council will resend healthcare for three part time council members.

Anonymous said...

If Ceasar can afford a brand new Lexus, he can afford to pay his own health care.

Thank you Councilman Price.

Lead by example is my theory.

The New Albanian said...

Sipes out, Freiberger annointed.

Wait, I forgot ... Floyd County Democrats just pretend to be party members and vote GOP. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Shows how much u r in the Dem party. Old news about Freiberger and Sipes, at least to the party members.

No groundbreaking news there.

And, if Dems did vote 'Pub, England wouldn't be Mayor. Hubbard would.

Talk about something you do know, which according to you, is everything.

You sound more and more like a Pub to me.

shirley baird said...

The J J Dinner was great last night. Not only did Howard Dean give an excellent speech, there was a touching tribute to Bill Cochran.

Anonymous said...

Old news about Sipes. Dems are split in more ways than one. I heard Dean got on the Dems.

Anonymous said...

Old news about Sipes. Dems are split in more ways than one. I heard Dean got on the Dems.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

Yep, the Dems are split. Some are Dems and won't act like it. Others aren't Dems and do act like it.

Ditto for the dittoheads, except in reverse.

Anonymous said...

To say the dems are split is an understatement. This entire country is split, if not shattered politically speaking.No one thinks for themselves anymore, they feel compelled to subscribe to certain agandas and not bend a millimeter away from the prescribed doctrines of a few bloated loud mouths. Its happening on the national scale with the conservative assault on all things democrat, it is happening in the State level, County level, and local level. Morons with loud mouths think they are doing a service to the community when all they are doing is creating deeper divides.

shirley baird said...

We all agree that the Dem party is split. What can we do to help it to unify?

There are some important elections next year and if we don't get our act together we will be looking at a lot of Republicans in key positions.

Anonymous said...

A good start for you and your party would be for Dems to be dems, not conservatives in dem clothing.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

Locally, Shirley, the parties need to start establishing some standards-- what they support or don't. And it needs to be made clear that calling yourself a Democrat or Republican at the local level means that you generally agree to and endorse those standards.

It's not terribly difficult, really, other than decades' worth of petty and personal allegiances. If you don't agree on basic political issues you're probably not members of the same political party. If a split leads to more parties that accurately reflect a diversity of opinion, that's OK.

Meaningless party affiliation, though, is just that-- meaningless and probably dishonest. We have enough of that already.

Another alternative would be to do away with party affiliation in local races altogether, thus forcing candidates to run on the strength of their ideas rather than pandering to a system that's currently based on little other than the alphabet.

Anonymous said...

The Code Enforcement Officers positions should be eliminated to save money.

Where are they ? One in the Clerk's Office--- one in the City Attorney's Office and who knows where ??????

We are paying our tax money for the Code Enforcement Officers to clean up the city.



Anonymous said...

Anon. 3:13 PM. you forgot something.

And, windows boarded up and the front door hanging out in the air.

New Albany is such a sorry sight today.

Our Board of Works is too busy adding more Beer Halls Downtown and
roping off sidewalks for them to use.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

We are paying our tax money for the Code Enforcement Officers to clean up the city.

Nope. We're paying tax money for code enforcement officers to investigate problem properties and write citations when appropriate, which is happening.

Anonymous said...

Anyone read todays Tribune? If Bob and Gonder were at the JJ Diner, where were the others who didn't bother to attend Budget meeting?

Shirley, now you wonder why the party is splot. They don't want to hear what citizens have to say.

A former democrat who has become an Independent Conservative.

Anonymous said...

Both party's in New Albany sux. Then we got the stupid progressives who want it all, at the cost of all of us.

Conservatives Rock!

Christopher D said...

I find this thread becoming more and more interesting.
On one hand we have the anon's blaming the progressives for the state that the city is in, complaining of junk cars, run down properties, etc. Proclaiming that NA is a sorry sight.
I ahve no choice but to assume these are the same anonymous people who slam the holy hell out of anyone who dares speak out against the actions / inactions of Coffey and Price.
I ask this question openly, whose districts are amung the worst for these properties that NOW is okay complain about, since it affords and opportunity to smack down a few progressives?
I humbly submit this in the last decade we have seen a steady decline in the infrastructure of this city, and in the last 10 years we have had a fairly steady name roster both in council and administrative positions, save a few "newcomers".
It doesnt take a genius to stop for moment and realize that it is not either the "progressives" nor is it the "reformists" factions in this city causing this.
It is the collective uninformed name recognition voting public as a whole that is contributing to this.
Its time to clean house downtown, retain those who are truly devoted cleaning this town up, and who can prove they mean it, as for the rest, so long birdsong.

Anonymous said...

So, you are blaming all the voters?
How convenient. Why not start at the top whose Admin will not reorganize nor enforce codes, no matter what they are. Thus the problems with NAC. It is real easy to blame Price & Coffee, but let's lay the blame where it belongs. Okay? Thank you very much.

Christopher D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher D said...

Anon 3:44am

So tell me then, in all of your wisdom, in a body of officials elected by the voters, or appointed by those who are elected, who then has the final responsibility for the inequities of a Government?

Anonymous said...

12:19 Mayor England!

Anonymous said...

Correct. Mayor England and his administration. We feel he lost his last election because the lack of code enforcement was tearing this City down. This has been a pet project of most citizens, code enforcement and non selective enforcement of any violations of any kind.

Progressives and NAC preached and preached about getting building code enforcements up; to no avail.

Now, lay it at England's feet and Carl's; seeing he is now in charge of the Building Commission.

Enough said.

We are all tired, as I am sure you are, for the lack of England's campaign promises bearing fruit.

Go tell it to someone else or go tell it on the mountain, we really do not care. Some of us know how long this has been going on and we are as tired of it as YOU.

Not being smart, just don't lay it on the voters. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I choked on my coffee (I'm alright) when I read your reply about the feet you wish to lay our problems at.

We know it is neither healthy, wealthy nor wise to criticize Mayor England. We understand that.

Why do you not insist the Council be given their monthly printouts of the financials (as required by law) so they can do their job?

Why do you tolerate the excuses about the lack of code enforcement?

Why do you tolerate Carl M. and John R. resigned for 30 days and are now knocking down their pension and salaries?

Why do you tolerate a Mayor elected but not in his office and letting Carl M. run the City? Why do you tolerate the Mayor laying drunk (which is to his demise because of the heart surgery)?

Why do you tolerate claims being paid without supporting documentation? Do you know of any business/corporation who would pay your expenses without an expense report and supporting receipts?

Why do you tolerate the lack of sufficent infrastructure (i.e. sewers, dilapidated houses) in order to get businesses located in NA?

We understand; you dare not to criticize the Mayor because of the opening paragraph here!

But, never criticize the voters. This is not healthy, wealthy nor wise either.

We can only hope the picking of a candidate by Baylor has PAID THEIR DUES within the Democrat party. This is a MUST. The party is comprised of County and City and County people have friends and relatives living in the City.

I'm done preaching. It's obvious to me NAC, the progressives (or whatever you wish to call yourselves) are in it for the monies. As far as we are concerned, your arguments have no merit. That's MY OPINION.

It did make for a good chuckle, LOL.

Anonymous said...

GOD is Great, Beer is good, and PEOPLE ARE CRAZY (sorry, Billy).

Lay it at the feet of the voters, ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

progressives are in it for "the monies"?

that's great! i'm a progressive. when do i get paid?

how does better code enforcement, rule of law, bike lanes, beautification and economic development put money in MY pocket? i got to hear this.

Anonymous said...

Why else do you leave England alone, and his admin, and criticize the people, voters and Council? Hmmmmmmmm.

Christopher D said...

"Progressives and NAC preached and preached about getting building code enforcements up; to no avail."

I think I may have been pushing for this long before "they were", and "they" threw in their voices, and it made a difference.

Point in case, I was able, with three phone calls, to get a house in horrid disrepair condemned, not only condemned, but the slumlord owners started something they havent done in a decade, cleaning the mess up....hmmmmm

Okay, have it your way, lay the blame at the feet of Doug England if you will, but who may I ask put England in office? Surely you can not subscribe to the belief that it was only them damn progressives as you like to label them.

Last I looked there were only a couple dozen of us that you label that, and unless New Albany only has a voting public of about 40 people, surely you dont believe it was just the progressives that put him back in office.
*and hate to burst your bubble on this one, but I actually voted for Hubbard, having worked for him, and having known him my whole life I thought he would bring a level of professional accountability to the Administration and its staff)
But I digress, on the few occassions in this Administrations term that I have had to call on them, either personally, or professionally, the situation at hand had been taken care of, maybe not at the speed I wished, but it was done.
Do I agree with all of the actions of the Admin, no I do not. Do I respect that they were elected by the mjority of the registered voters in the civil city of New Albany, yes I do.
Do I blame the admin for any problems that may be happening, paritally I do, if this admion is as corrupt, wasteful, and lazy as proponants of FOS and CFA say they are *which I do not see it that way* then the the lions share of the blame, stops at the responsibility of hte majority of registered voters in the city of New Albany, who re-elected this Administration.
Argue as much as you wish, but you can not fundamentally overcome that fact when it comes to a democratically elected official.
(inless you are going to come out witha vote rigging theory)

The New Albanian said...

If by "in it for the monies" one implies a profit motive, well, yes, I suppose that's an accusation of capitalism.

First I'm a rotten Commie, now I'm a rotten capitalist. There's a bit of contextual confusion there.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I "digressed" with saying the monies u may have blah blah blah. But, if u r not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

NONE of us understand how England got re-elected, which includes a lot of Democrats.

I did not name you the "Progressives"; isn't that a term coined by the New Albanian?

I was responsible for the tearing down of the old Ford? place on Market when it was leaning over and getting ready to take the power lines out. But, that was under Overton. I voted for Hubbard, also, and I don't even understand how England got re-elected.

I do wish you could or would answer the questions posed to you, by me, in how can you tolerate what is going on.

Until the Admin provides Council with monthly printouts of the financials (again, required by law), I can not lay blame at the Council's feet. I do not care for Coffee, but I do care about Price and urge him on to JUST SAY NO when it comes the monies without facts before him.

I do apologize for the insinuation you may profit from monies; I meant to say if you can excuse all of the things I listed then you MAY JUST BE PART OF THE PROBLEMO.

Please accept my sincerest apologies.

New Albanian, I know who you are in bed with, and you will not address the issues either.

You know England will have your buttocks in a sling so fast you won't know what hit you.

Please take care and enjoy the day.

Happy deer hunting to all the hunters out there. I know people who went this weekend and the deer are still running and three people took a shot, lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it comes to mind it was the old Craig Ford place.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a bunch of voodoo to me.

make this plain and simple. if you say progressives are in it for the money, tell me when i (a progressive) get paid.

oh, and if you think mr baylor coined the term "progressive" you are truly clueless.

check out,

Anonymous said...

i do not agree with a lot of what england does. to be more exact, i wish he did a lot more. he talks the talk. not so much on the walking. it's hard to disagree with the doings of someone who does very little.

but i still have to support england, at least for now. why? because in the world we call new albany, the choices seem to be either support england and his goals or support coffey and, whatever they may be. of those two choices, i take england any time. it's like choosing a chevy over a yugo when the city really deserves a shiny new benz.

is england perfect? hell no! i wish i had a third choice. but i don't. until someone stands up and starts representing MY values AND working hard towards them, i'm going to support the best we got, even if it ain't much. england isn't everything, but coffey is nothing. no one else is stepping up to the plate to offer an alternative.

if the council thinks they're unlawfully being denied financials, they need to speak up or, if worse comes to worse, the council can sue. but that would take something akin to leadership from the council. something it lacks.

Anonymous said...

You have all attended the Council meeting where they have demanded and made their wishes know they want the financial reports. You can't BS and BS'er.

Me thinks one person who comes to mind would be Benedetti, along with Price and Zurschmeide.


The New Albanian said...

New Albanian, I know who you are in bed with, and you will not address the issues either.

Ask a lucid question, and I'll try to answer it.

Statements like the above prove my point about anonymity. You get to make baseless allegations whilst shielding your identity with a Wal-Mart bag over your head.

Like I said: Ask it lucidly, and I'll offer a response, even though you're anonymous. Shows how bored I am.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed how Baylor states Price is always Coffey's puppet? What's that make him to England? Ask him how he got that award? Ask him how he got into the JJ Dinner? Ask him how he's trying to strong arm bars downtown. Mr. Fulmore the next time you hit a bar and scream "you gotta have historic windows downtown" you might just get shot!"
Everyone knows Berry Bersen is Doug's f**k buddy.
So why is anyone shocked FOX will be at Roger's bar.
Me thinks Baylor has a double standard. How about the rest of you?
As they say: you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
What's Baylor going to do when England isn't reelected?
Too funny!

Anonymous said...

I asked the questions on November 14 at 4:31 PM. Sound lucid enough for me, but that is me, lol.

And, you have to know I did not mean Baylor "literally" coined the phrase Progressives. Give me a break. Go on New Albanian, answer away.

What I said is you are afraid of England because your buttocks would be in a sling so fast you would not be able to think twice.

Yes, Barry Bernson and Doug England are goooood friends. We all know that.

Sometimes I think you are a great historian, Mr. Baylor; but not when it comes to the history of New Albany. Maybe your parents shielded you from the shenanigans.

I found out the hard way what happens when you cross England and I certainly don't blame you for not wanting to do the same.

At the same time, some of us will not allow you to go on and on and lay all problems at Council's feet.

Aren't you surprised Coffee and England are such good friends? Or, does he not relate the facts to you because he knows you might throw up? Do you know who bought Coffee's first suit when he was elected?

Politics make for strange bed fellows and as long as England can keep you in the dark about whom he is allied with, you my friend, are shooting blanks.

Just my opinion, mind you. Happy answering. And, have a good one.

The New Albanian said...

Here are the questions I found.

Q. Aren't you surprised Coffee and England are such good friends?

A. Assuming you mean Coffey, which is the proper spelling, no, nothing surprises me in the Open Air Museum.


Q. Or, does he not relate the facts to you because he knows you might throw up?

A. You'd have to ask him. But Bud Light might make me throw up.


Q. Do you know who bought Coffee's
first suit when he was elected?

A. No.

Anonymous said...

Selectiveness. November 14, at 4:31 PM, not the questions related on November 15 at 2:27 PM. I just knew you could not or would not.

Take care.

The New Albanian said...

To the contrary. I regarded those questions as being directed at csd, seeing as I'd made no comment about "blaming" the voters, and this seemed to be what was getting your goat.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Drake,

Why do you continue to blame FOS and CFA? Let's talk facts instead of your usual BS.

The New Albanian said...

But it should be noted that csd answered them quite well.

There's so much bile here, it's difficult to understand the point sometimes.

Christopher D said...

OK, so how can I tolerate what is going on?

To be brutally honest with you, while the politician play their games, and take every opportunity to grandstand for future campaigns, I tolerate it because, fundamentally my life remains unchanged.
The city got a slpa on the wrist from an audit, just like every company that faces state audits gets slaps on the wrist, a perfect audit is a rigged audit, plain and simple, and in the end, my checking and savings account stays the same.
People bitch and moan about cops living outside NA in take home cars, but when I call the police, they still show up in a timely manner, same with the FD, I call, they come.
Did the guy I voted for win the general election, no. BUt you know what, England is not that bad of a guy, I worked for him before, and he took damn good care of my mother when my dad died. The worse that I can say about england is the simple truth, he is a politician, and as such he is oblidged to be one thing to one person and yet another to someone else.
In the end, he does his job, I do mine, and my life goes on.
So in essence, how can I tolerate whats going on downtown? I tune out the BS rhetoric now. Don't listen much to the he saids / she saids.
I show up to meetings that are important to me and directly effect my life, my family, or the clinics, I state my opinion, put forth what facts I have available, hope it goes the way I wish it to, and move on.
When its all said and done, we should not, and must not rely on anyone downtown to take care of us, we must be able to rely on ourselves and our professional and personal relationships to get matters at hand taken care of, and if anyone is not up to snuff to do the jobs at hand, I am given the precious right to challenge them with my vote, and by persuading and debating those in my life to consider their votes as well.
So, England can be bashed away, but he IS the mayor, more than any of us have acheived around here.
Roger can be bashed all you all want, but in the bottom line is he is one hell of a business man, and he knows his business, and he and the others in his company were presented an award for it.
But what separates just these two examples is one medium, they do it in public, and they are known for what they do, and they stand behind what they do, and they put their name to what they say and do.
They do not hide behind fake pseudonymns, nor anonymity, they face the music for their actions and their words, as well as their mistakes, just as I do.
I do not claim to be perfect, nor do I recall Baylor, or England claiming to be either. But it would be true that those who stand behind their actions are held to a higher standard, and so be it.
My absence from official proceedings has made me kind of "invisible", and as such I have watched right in front of my face some pretty disgusting underhanded dealings, and coaching, and puppeteering occurring right in front of me. Baylor is constantly criticized for calling a certain person a lying B, in an official meeting, yet that very person looked me in the face at a zoning board meeting and called England a "dirty lying son of a B", dropped the F bomb a couple times, and cursed when she didnt get to be first at the microphone.
So, do I ide with the "progressives"? Damn right I do. Those guys and gals if nothing else, truly understand the gift we have with our right Rights, as stated in the 1st and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, and they have the dignity and honor to say what they say, good or bad, and put their name to it.
A principle that is most disappointedly missing among certain factions of this community.

Christopher D said...

"Mr. Drake,

Why do you continue to blame FOS and CFA? Let's talk facts instead of your usual BS."

Read again, I did not blame FOS or CFA, I stated that if there are such horrid problems, the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of the registered voters in general in the City of New Albany.

What you may perceive as BS is actually a fundamental fact.

Anonymous said...

Nothing CSD addressed answered most of my ?'s. I simply would love to hear your response. It would be greatly appreciated since u r bored. Truly, no sarcasm here.

The New Albanian said...

When there's time, I'll write.

Seriously. Been a very busy Commie Capitalist the last few days.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Drake, you are entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts. It's obvious you don't have all your facts. But, then, your a progressive and you make everything personal.

Iamhoosier said...

What's your story on how Roger got into the JJ dinner?

As for the progressives not bashing the administration, I think most people around these blogs would put me in the progressive camp. I do. However, I have berated the administration on several occasions. Three topics come immediately to mind, fire rescue boat, Tabernacle, and paving(not bringing an actual plan to the Council). We don't march in lockstep, yet we are still friends. I've never been threatened by Roger, Jeff, or the administration.

Yes, I voted for England in the general election. There was only one other choice available and that candidate would not talk to the public about what he hoped to accomplish. Some of you won't agree, but 4 years of a Mayor just sitting on his hands would have been much worse for New Albany's future.

Someone please show me the money that I have gained.

Iamhoosier said...

Anon 8:21,
Progressives make it personal? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I don't think it was a progressive who continually brought Christopher's father into many, many discussions.

What facts did he have wrong?

Christopher D said...

"Mr. Drake, you are entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts. It's obvious you don't have all your facts. But, then, your a progressive and you make everything personal."

Please enlighten me, which facts of mine are wrong, and how so? You have to understand, what you hold as a fact in your view point may only be a trivial thing in mine, and visa versa.

Is the fact that in the end the majority of voters responsible for the actions / inactions of a democratically elected government?

Is the fact wrong that I appreciate and trust more those who would sing their name to their statements and be accountable for what they say or do?

Is the fact wrong that the one person you anons like to treat as a victim of bullyism in fact engages in the same behavior that you would chide another person for?

It doesnt make anyone more right than the other, it just evens the playing feild is all.

And lets be clear, the intentions of these posting are not to throw gasoline on a fire, it is to give pause and make us think of the deeper underlying issues facing our city, it is about the complacency for us to vote on name recognition only, and not demand to know where a candidate stands on issues, and hold them to their promises, or to replace them.

I feel this way regarding every single elected or appointed official. And we should use that power we have prudently. As stewards of the vote and the power it holds, if we kick and scream about every little detail until we are blue in the face, then our voices become less noticed on issues where it really matters.

As to the "questions posed to me" I have answered them in part, the answer was simple, I have more important things to worry about other than such matters.

But in good faith, I will, with in the next 48 hours answer them.

Of course, not being the assanine monster some would try to paint me as, we could discuss this in a civil manner over a cup of coffee as well.

Get these questions out in the open, and network. NOthing is truly being accomplished here but misunderstanding, misinterpretations, and misrepresentations anyway.

Things are different when you are not behind a mask.

So how about it, ready to take this discussion beyond the hidden world of pseudonyms and have an open forum, set it up and invite the officials?

Anonymous said...

Do any politicians tell the whole truth? How many say anything to get elected? Who believes them? And how many citizens actually voted? How many have given up on being honestly represented and have walked away from the process? History.

The New Albanian said...

"What's your story on how Roger got into the JJ dinner?"

Thanks fo reminding me. The story is this: NABC bought a $50 ad. I arrived to pay for it, and paid $100 for two tickets. Total: $150. End of story.

Gee, the conspracy theory sounds way sexier, but it isn't true.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Drake,

Why do you continue to blame FOS and CFA? Let's talk facts instead of your usual BS.

How can you blame something that doesn't exists?

I'd blame the tooth fairy for unexpectedly finding a quarter in my house before I'd blame CFA for anything.

Christopher D said...

The answers to the all mighty questions have been posted:

Copy and paste, and enjoy, I am sure you will be cutting me down soon enough from my direct responses,
Of course those responses would be valid if I actually gave more than half a rats hairy backside about the political arena around here at this time.

I have volumes and volumes of data to interprit for new federal regulations, rewrite the entire operational procedures, policies, and guidelines for our company to incorporate these changes.

Instead of being reactionary, which is so often the case around this burg, I am bringing my company in line with federal regs that will not be coming due for several years to come.

Anonymous said...

I know a pot grower on Main Street in it for the monies.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Now, CD I didn't word anything that way. I like you, and are simply trying to understand why it always seems to be the Council who is criticized and NOT ONE OTHER PERSON (at least on any blog I've seen in town).

Please don't be offended. I know you are a decent guy, I am simply TIRED of the people who maintain the rest of us don't have a clue, don't care, are the little people, etc. I know you have paid your dues, but so have I, and there are several people who will not admit to any good works we have done as citizens.

I surely didn't mean to offend you, I simply wanted you, and now Roger, tell me how you can tolerate the issues I related.

If I offended, I'm sorry.
Take care.

Iamhoosier said...

You might want just want to read my 8:23am comment, just a few comments above. Pretty much proves that you have very selective memory.

Iamhoosier said...

As for "little people", my experience is that the term is self imposed by the so called "little people".

Anonymous said...

I like you, and are simply trying to understand why it always seems to be the Council who is criticized and NOT ONE OTHER PERSON (at least on any blog I've seen in town).

You want a blog that critisizes the Mayor? Check out FOS. If you can make sense of the ramblings, I think the author is not an England fan.

Christopher D said...

No offense taken at all.

You can see the, hopefully, the importance of open diaglog, outside of blogs, and "official proceedings".

Of course, there is no way to expect agreement all of the time, anyone who does agree with everyone all of the time is either a career politician or an escapee from central state!

Any luck with those bird feeders yet ;)

The New Albanian said...

Like I said, I'll answer the questions when I have time. They've been transferred to word processing, and I'm scanning them for viruses -- you know, bitterness and rancor and fear. Don't want to infect the ol' laptop, don't ya know.

Geez, working for a living's tough, and I spent the morning on television making New Albany look like a place where people might want to live, and then I have all my lucrative side jobs like computer hacking and using my seats on local non-profit boards to score more of those red-hot monies ripe for the plucking. Never was able to get my hands on those Linden Meadows funds, but hey -- gotta leave some for other people, he he he.

There's barely time to drink beer any more. That's almost as depressing as listening to the collected homiles of Steve Price, except that at least those don't last too long because there are only six of them.

Don't you wonder whether Coffey's arms get tired with that hunk of wood on his lap twanging away?


Christopher D said...

Also I would like to add, that I dont hink there is anyone who consistantly claims that the anon's dont have a clue.

I think its a perceived issue, as there is no way to tell who is who, if one person is contradicting themselves, or just picking fights.

I understand the perceived dangers of putting your name to what you say, but to me, that is all the more reason to do so!

Jeff Gillenwater said...

Yep. If he knows who you are, Coffey might threaten you.

Anonymous said...

IAMHOOSIER, what do you call the actions of this Mayor if not sitting on his hands and letting Carl M. call the shots.

I'm sorry u didn't know Hubbard; to me he was as open and honest as they came. Served on Boards with him so I guess I am biased, even tho I am a Dem. Had enough of England the last time and his lack of inactions against code enforcement, selective enforcement, suits out of EDIT funds, blah, blah, blah.

Bluegill, glad you have stood up and got on the Mayor and not the Council about the Tabernacle. That, in and of itself, was a disgrace. Every property the City buys should at least be inspected, but we had that under Overton when she paid an arm and a leg for a historic building for the firehouse and the walls came crumbling down.

Roger, the person in ? has never blamed you for computer hacking though we know others have. You might be pleasantly surprised who the real culprit(s) were.

Hope you don't have a virus and can seriously answer as to why you do not blame this Administration. We would be extremely interested in your observations, and are not being sarcastic.

Have a good one. Definitely ONE BAG OVER THE HEAD ANONYMOUS, with good reason.

Iamhoosier said...

Uh, that was me about the Tabernacle. I don't think Jeff wants to get blamed for what I said/wrote.

I tried to get to know Hubbard. He just would never hold a public forum were he could be asked questions. I even had Mr. Matthews try for me. I could not in good conscience vote for a person who would not meet with the citizens. Lesser of two evils, I guess.

I won't go quite as for as saying the Mayor is letting Carl run everything, but even if that was true, he's pretty qualified.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the misquote and not getting it right about who wrote what. It's a matter of opinion about Carl's skills, and I am not a fan of his. My opinion. Know 2 much.

Also, I do not want the Council to sue to get the financials because as far as I am concerned, they would be suing us and using more of our monies. My opinion again. Thanks for a healthy debate.

Anonymous said...

This one is to Bluegill (my apologies again). Coffey has already threatened me. It is unbelievable how many friends he has in the police dept. and where ever else. It truly is.

Don't get me wrong, I for sure am not threatened by him. He is a blowhard.

Sorry, Danny boy.

Anonymous said...

FOS does get most of their facts right, and they for sure do not like England. But, they're not afraid to criticize him either. I have to respect that, even if a lot of you can't stand the blog or the person.

She's alright and does check with some leading taxpayer advocates about her facts. Now her opinion is her opinion. I also remember her publicly quitting the Democrat party. No surprise to us.

Hang in there, Vicki. There does need to be SEVERAL opinions on various subjects. We all may not agree with some of the subjects but a lot of time, FOS is right on the money.

I know u can't stand to read that, but it is true.

What I wonder is didn't the "HILL" (Congress) pass something about Blogs? Seems like they did not like anonymous bloggers, either.

Simply do not remember what they passed but surely took notice of same.

Anonymous said...

FOS is talking about the audit. FOS needs to be talking about the supplemental homestead credit, and why we didn't get our extra $$$$$.

Anonymous said...

Why the double standard here? Progressives bitch about code violations and etc. but when the mayor and his team violate the law it's ok!?!
Is there two sets of laws in New Albany?
Where did over $3 million go?

Anonymous said...

How stupid is the state of Indiana for giving a Main Street business award to a place called Bank Street Brewhouse. Doesn't anyone in Indy have google maps. Sheesh they are four blocks from Main Street.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean anon 6:43

Anonymous said...

Anyone else cacth the person idolizing vicki for her good work on FOS?

Christopher D said...

"She's alright and does check with some leading taxpayer advocates about her facts. Now her opinion is her opinion. I also remember her publicly quitting the Democrat party. No surprise to us.

Hang in there, Vicki. There does need to be SEVERAL opinions on various subjects. We all may not agree with some of the subjects but a lot of time, FOS is right on the money."

I find this an interesting post, very interesting. Here is an anonymous person for the first time in the history of the FOS debate publicly stating that Erik is Vicki.

I bring this up not to stir up the all ready muddy waters, but to illustrate a valid point.

Perhaps, just maybe, she would get a little more respect, get a little more credibility if she would simply admit that she is "Erik", the FOS is her brain child, and that the ideas, and information are hers.

Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, but the underlying uncertainty and the dishonesty of the pseudonym takes away any shred of credibility, accountability, or beleivability that FOS may on occassion possess.

It comes back to this, if a person can not be trusted enough to public state what they want to state, and stand behind what they state, then they simply can not be fully trusted.

If a person can not be fully trusted, nor feel that they can back up what they say, then they are not fit to act as an advocate for the community at large.

FOS preaches and demands accountability, yet has none themselves.

I can ont speak for the others who are labeled as "progressives" ( I think thats supposed to an insult, but I cant figure it out )
but as for me, I would probably pay more attention, and think about the things that are stated, and give them consideration if this particular black cloud would be ushered away.

I know "she" reads and posts on this blog, and I know she has directed some pretty nasty comments about me, along with one other person. But dammit, here in lies one of the biggest double standards that stands in the way of two potentially powerful groups effecting profound and meaningful change to the political landscape of this community.

To the Anon person who says they were threatened by Coffey, I think I have a pretty good idea who you are, I may be mistaken, but dont let that kind of situation rob you of your right to publicly speak your mind, and to do so freely, and not have to feel like you have to hide!

Thoughts, comments, suggestions?

Iamhoosier said...

"Perhaps, just maybe, she would get a little more respect, get a little more credibility if she would simply admit that she is "Erik", the FOS is her brain child, and that the ideas, and information are hers."

One small problem Chris, Erika steals most of the stuff that she posts, at least the non local stuff. She gets it from other sources and does not credit the original source. So, most of the ideas and information are not hers. There is no other way to look at it. It's lying. Pure and simple. Erika has to hide. Just like any common thief.

Anonymous said...

progressives NEVER have said england or anyone else is above the law. progressives have said that if you're going to claim someone broke the law, first provide some proof. get the difference?

Anonymous said...

Bank Street got its award. I think it’s time for an award for FOS too.

I would like to congratulate Erik for having two mostly non-plagiarized posts in a row!

Three cheers for Eric or whatever she’s calling herself these days.

Anonymous said...

When you have a "ghost" Mayor knocking down a salary while his Deputy does the work and we all know what he is doing during the day, how much more proof do you want?

When you read claims had no documentation supporting them, how much more proof do you need?

When you see England and Carl's promises not holding water when it comes to code enforcement, what more proof do you need?

When you see the Council pleading for financials, what more proof do you need?

The list goes on, but evidently the "lieing" eyes can't see or admit what is going on in our fair city.

No, I am not afraid of Coffey, no matter how many times he has threatened different people.

BTW, talk about Dems being split, don't you remember the "trial" Democrats had to go through when England lost last time? Warren Nash, Linda Moeller (work horse of the party), Darlene McCoy and Maury Goldberg were all accused. They also tried to level charges against Y as being a Pub running for Mayor, but, because she had worked for John Y Brown twice and Harvey Sloane, amongst other big Dems, the charges could not be read in public.

We prevailed and cleared these good people's names. Maybe you might want to really take a look at who is splitting the Dems!

Have a good one.

Our eyes see clearly.

Iamhoosier said...

No, I don't know what "he" is doing during the day. Care to enlighten me? You are safely "hooded" so no need to mince words.

Basically you are saying the Mayor is not earning his salary. Bad form, but not illegal.

No documentation to pay claims. First, it should read "some" claims. Don't think that I have ever saw an audit(private or public) that didn't list "improper" or "insufficient" documentation concerning some actions. Any charges filed? No.

Not following through on campaign promises. I agree. Bad form, but not illegal.

Council pleading for financials. What, exactly, were they getting before, that they are not getting now? And how long have they not been getting "it"?

Christopher D said...

"When you see England and Carl's promises not holding water when it comes to code enforcement, what more proof do you need?"

Again, I have been able to accomplish more positive change in this arena in the last year, than I have in the last 10.

We have to work with them for resolution, not just expect a single phone call or letter to get the job done.

Anonymous said...

FYI, If you all truly believe Vicki Denhart is Freedom Of Speech, Citizens activist and works 86 hours a week and helps out everyone and many. I say, "Praise the Lord this lady must be wonder woman."

Oh, by the way Drake, riddle me this: you claim Denhart left the Democrat Party, your as nuts as the rest of these so called dumb asses.

Prove it!

Christopher D said...

"Oh, by the way Drake, riddle me this: you claim Denhart left the Democrat Party, your as nuts as the rest of these so called dumb asses."

Before you run off the handle and call me nuts and a dumb ass, I think you need to go back and read.

I have not EVER said anything regarding her party affiliation of statements of her leaving any party.

So I appreciate your glory in having an opportunity to swear at me and call me names, but you my friend are completely wrong with you statement, so in return I tell you what, you prove where I said she left the party.

And working 86 hours per week, that sure is a lot of hours for a person who a few months ago was being painted as a victim by a verbal attack by Baylor, and you all called Vicki a disabled, retired, senior citizen.

I wouldnt mind if you pulled out your censoring pen on this one, and remove the post I responding to , and this post.
If I made those statements I wouldnt mind, but since I didnt....

Iamhoosier said...

You are so correct, Chris. It was another anonymous blogger @ 4:32 that wrote that.

So Anon 11:48, looks like you are the dumbass. Looks like an apology is in order. Just how big of a person are you?

Christopher D said...

Oh Oh oh....
I see it now, it where I quoted another "anon" (please note the verbatim quote that was originally posted by anonymous on 11-16-09 at 4:32pm)

So if I may so bold as to say it must be one of "your own" who is nuts and a D.A.

(So, How you like me now?)

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone needs to ask Councilwoman Diane Benedetti who was in her car when she was arrested?

Amazing that, that informations has never came out yet.

Won't that be a mindblower.

Christopher D said...

If there were no laws broken by those in the car with her, then frankly it is none of our business.

As far as Benidetti, again, frankly it is none of our business until a valid court of law passes down a judgement by a jury of her peers.

She is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, any conversation before that is speculation at best and detracting away from her Constitutional Right to a fair and impartial trial.

Anonymous said...

Too funny.

I bet you anonymous, it wasn't her husband either.

Anyone wonder why her husband has never changed over Ohio tags?

That money could help pay her health insurance.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone needs to ask Councilwoman Diane Benedetti who was in her car when she was arrested?

Amazing that, that informations has never came out yet.

Won't that be a mindblower.

Sounds like you don't know yourself, just trying to stir something up. As always, wild claims without proof.

I like proof. Show me proof. Without proof, you're nothing. No proof then you're just empty talk.

Matthew 23: 14-15 said...

I tell you whats funny, a Vickster fan calling an anti-vickster a dumbass for something that the anti-vickster didnt actually say, but repeated what a different vickster fan had said.
If that dont show what hypocritic, incompetent bassackwards anthropoids they are I dont know what will.


The New Albanian said...

Proof? You want proof? Okay, let's do a little experiment.

I'm going to make an unverified statement:

"Steve Price has accepted payoffs from the Right to Be Illiterate Foundation."

In just a second, I'm going to hit the Publish Your Comment bar, and a second after that, my unverified statement will be right here, in the Internet, and available for millions of people to read.

Whoa ... millions. Isn't that proof enough?

Anonymous said...

One thing for sure: He sure isn't going to like this weeks column.

How immature. I guess republican's don't drink beer or do they?

Anonymous said...

Don't you people ever work?

shirley baird said...

I think everyone needs to get back to the topics at hand and quit this childish name calling and gossiping.

I don't know if Vicki Denhart is Wonder Woman but I do know that she does work a lot of hours per week. I met her supervisor once and she told me herself.

Again, don't you people have anything better to talk about than Mrs. Benedetti? Personally, I don't care who she was with when she was arrested. I don't condone drinking & driving but again, it was never proven that she was.

Chris, I didn't delete that comment about Vicki leaving the Dem Party because it looks like the error was found and shown that you did not make that statement.

I'll climb down off of my soapbox now.

Anonymous said...

The Council financials are printed on legal sized computer paper and reflect all of the funds. Some of them use to call it their green bar report, but it is really a monthly variance report. A monthly variance report shows exactly which department is NOT within their budgeted amounts by Council.

When I worked at a bank for a high level supervisor, you literally got fired if your budget had brackets around your depts budget.

Things bid out a year in advance in order to be included in the next year's budget and if you didn't budget it you were SOL.

A computer project came in $1 mill over budget and the whole daggone dept. was fired.

Yes, that's how I like my business to be taken care of, also. Thus my insistence this is how MY monies are taken care of in this fair City of ours. About the law governing the Administration may I also say, and again I repeat, Council should NOT HAVE TO SUE ME in order to get their documentation so they CAN SEE THE FINANCIALS. That is pure BS and sounds like an attorney speaking.

When LeMar was Controller under Overton, his monthly variance sheets had 2 (two) columns - one column saying "guesstimated amounts" and the other reading "actual amounts". We called him out stating he was keeping 2 sets of books and he admitted to same. This is when he blamed the audits on the computers where we promptly spent $700 grand to buy completely new hardware and software.

The Admin may need an upgrade in software, but I gotta think about the hardware. I've seen some corporations being 20 years old, so, I'm not sold.

Do some of you realize the audits have been mixed up and it is always the same things repeated and they always PROMISE problems will be fixed by NEXT YEAR. Unbelievable even the bank reconciliation can't be accomplished. Simple keypunch, punch a button and out it spits. Bank recon as they call it in the computer fields are one of the more simpliest of programs to run in the financial world.

Hey, enough spouting off. My opinons only. Only hope it educates some people.
New Albanian, what? Did you happen to see in the paper where the politicians are having illegal whispering done on computers against them? Article said tactics such as those use to be by word of mouth and fliers. I still think the House passed some kind of law of bloggers; simply have not had time to look up the info. I'm so busy changing diapers, working, daycare, groceries, housekeeping, like you.

Have you not found time to answer my questions, lol?

Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

Great job Shirley. Climb on your soap box anytime you like. You people need to get a real job and stop trying to throw everyone you dislike under the bus.
Grow up, it's not even winter yet.

Anonymous said...

It must be a dreary full moon Shirley.

Anonymous said...

Don't read it if you don't like it, duh. Point the mouse to one u do like and it will work wonders for you. Shirley, I like your blog and do not understand how anyone can say u r up on a soap box. The full moon my but. The information simply hurts (like the truth). Hang in there. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Shirley, they can buy their own healthcare. I have never heard of any part time employee getting health insurance.

I just love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Your mistake, she never painted herself a victim. Baylor TRIED to paint himself the victim.

She does work 86 hours a week and thank you for inquiring about her age.

Did anyone inquire about the size of your man hood?

It's her birthday tomorrow so let me be the first one to wish Ms. Denhart a very special birthday.

But most of all I hope she enjoys her trip to Italy.

Anonymous said...

Latest FOS slop:

Congratulations Mr. Matthews, and welcome to Baylor's slam list. At least Freedom Of Speech is NOW among the BEST of New Albany's who's who, and shakers and movers!

When are you going to admit you're a republican?

Anonymous said...

Will drug dealers please refrain from posting here?

It's pretty amazing who considers themselves a good citizens when they risked the lives of their neighbors. Thank God they were arrested when they were. You know the kind of trouble drug dealers get in, especially with the types of people they run with. There could have been a drive by shooting the very next day if the cops hadn't been invited in by the stoner.

By the way, what makes you think you can run the sewers or anything else in the city when you're so jacked up you invite the police in to your illegal drug dealing operation?

I'm sure everyone on Main Street is sleeping easier knowing that there are fewer criminals buying their illegal drugs around the corner.

Let's enforce some codes, enforce some laws, lock up some drug dealers, and make downtown New Albany safe again!

Anonymous said...

And who is spouting off about due process? And why do you think someone from Main St is posting?

Hilarious how people can attribute writing or blame someone with their own problems for things other people write.

Maybe Dave Matthews letter hit too close to home today, huh?

Leave Y alone. You do not know what the situation was or is until facts are laid out in a court of law. Hyprocrisy at its worse.

Don't dare talk about Benedetti, though; she is due her due process, blah, blah, blah.

A friend of Y's.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:28 PM

This has nothing to do with Benedetti, due process, Baylor, or Dave Matthews. This has to do with the fact that a downtown resident invited a lot of criminals to come to downtown.

How many people on Main Street have children? How many people walk by Y's house each day? How many of those innocent people could have had their brains blown out after a drug deal gone bad? What kept the worst from happening? Just dump luck. Some gang of gun wielding murders could have heard she had $100,000 in pot in the basement and decided to come in shooting. Was she or Frank doing anything to stop a shootout in Main Street? NO! They're just rolling in the money as their neighbors went about their day mistakenly thinking they were living in a clean and safe neighborhood.

I live downtown and I am mad as hell that one of my neighbors invited the scum of earth to come into our neighborhood just so she and her husband could make extra money and get high.

Anonymous said...

A friend of Y's.

Lay down with dogs and get up with flees.

No wonder you are afraid to put your name next to your post.

Are you a drug dealing too?

Anonymous said...

No, but sure am glad to know you live on Main Street. If she saw this, she would know in a heart beat "who" you are with the bag.

Getting nervous about the truth coming out? Maybe.

Anonymous said...

After a long evening at work I come home and read responses to my statements and find they are being attributed to some1 else.

It bothers me people can not recognize some1 else may have a brain in this City.

But, who ever wrote those things about Y on Main Street is a hateful, hateful person.
Even I may know who YOU are, bag and all.

Give some one else credit besides taking your anger out on her.

I guess I will have to earn my dues and work harder, even with the bag, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Let's see -
Not every bad person is always that bad but WE KNOW some 'good' people are not always SO GOOD.
And no one knows what goes on behind ALL those closed doors (Main St AND others)
and we end with --
everyone is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Yes, that is New Albany, USA.

FederalFarmer said...

It feels like a job keeping up with this blog sometimes, but yes it is extremely fun!

I love listening to the Classic Baylor and Classic Progressive stations.

Whenever someone ask you an important question you do not want to answer simply type a few sentences about anonymity to avoid the questions.

Did you program your computer like I mentioned a month ago?

It is really funny how you have a life all of a sudden when you can't answer questions.

Christopher D said...

I too agree that Y.K. should also be left out of this.

A hornets nest was rattled by trying to foolishly open a constructive dialog, again.

Funny thing is I actually though it was going to happen this time, well until the name calling and cussing started.

Anonymous said...

But, who ever wrote those things about Y on Main Street is a hateful, hateful person.

I just don't want to get shot.

Anonymous said...

Anon. says:

England guilty until proven innocent.

Yvonne innocent until proven guilty.

Frank still innocent after proven guilty.

Sounds like favoritism to me.

Anonymous said...

How many youngsters got their pot from Main sstreet?

Anonymous said...

and add -
how many politicians, also?
-- and no favoritism?
-- and not just the targeted spot on Main St.

Anonymous said...

Price was a regular visitor.

How does he earn his living anyhow? Does he have a side job?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks that situation on Main St. was the only house in question regarding possible drug sales is idiotic.Anyone who would rake a person through the coals because they think they may be shot becuase of this is paranoid. Anyone who thinks this somehow plays in to politics around here is uninformed. Anyone who screams about cop funding being too high, and then screams about too many drug dealers is just plain ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Pot is a "Gateway" drug.

How many 13 year olds got their start with Main Street pot and went on to harder drugs? How many dropped out of school and/or went to jail?

Anonymous said...

quit giving roger baylor free sidewalks, bike lanes and whatever else the so called progressive crys for to his mayor idol.

Anonymous said...

Just one of many examples.

Prosecutors are not charging Leo Cisneros with shooting his daughter Auralia. Yet by dealing marijuana from his home, Leo created a dangerous situation that resulted in her death. That is the charge prosecutors are making in a possibly precedent-setting case concluding today in Denver District Court.

Ten-year-old Auralia Cisneros was killed on November 26, 2007 when armed robbers looking for drugs and money confronted Leo and his family at the door of his Denver home, according to police.

Anonymous said...

Here's another:

Two marijuana-related crimes have struck San Luis Obispo County in the past three weeks, contributing to an increase in what authorities are calling “home invasion” robberies — robberies that occur at a residence using force or violence, usually by gunpoint.

Both Rob Bryn, a spokesperson for the San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Department, and Eric Vitale, a detective for the San Luis Obispo Police Department, confirmed that violence spurred by marijuana conflicts is on the rise in San Luis Obispo County.

During the past six months, San Luis Obispo police have investigated an estimated 10 home invasion cases related to marijuana. In prior years, there were only one to two cases annually, Vitale said.

Anonymous said...

And another:

A young couple got the fright of their life, Halloween night, when they were the target of a home invasion in north-end Barrie.

But police say the robbers knew precisely what they were looking for: officers later netted $360,000 worth of marijuana.

A 25-year-old man and a 26- year-old woman have been charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession for the purpose of trafficking. They were held for a bail hearing.

However, the home invaders remain at-large.

City police responded to a 911 call from a neighbour just before midnight, Saturday, for an assault occurring in front of the home.

Officers spoke to the residents and learned there had been a robbery. While checking the home for suspects, police instead found a large quantity of marijuana, so the drug unit was summoned.

Cops obtained a drug search warrant and entered the home around 2 a. m. They seized in excess of 144 pounds of dried marijuana, which police say had recently been harvested from an outdoor grow-op.

Anonymous said...

Here's an Op-Ed article. The title? Growing marijuana is dangerous

Anonymous said...

One last one.

Two men from Marblehead involved in a violent home invasion in Salem during what was described by their attorneys as a “drug rip-off” apologized to their parents and the victim in Salem Superior Court Monday as they headed to jail for the next 16 months.

Upon release from jail, Christian Tucker Scioletti, 20, of 133 Atlantic Avenue and Nathan Krull, 18, of 8 Smith St., will be on probation for another three years during which they must refrain from all alcohol and illegal substances, be evaluated for drug treatment, consent to random screenings and have no contact with the victim.

As Judge Timothy Q. Feeley imposed the punishment, he warned the men of the repercussions for failing to abide by all the probationary conditions.

“If you violate the terms, and after a hearing you are found in violation of probation, you could be looking at 10 years in state prison,” Feeley said.

Scioletti and Krull were allowed to change their pleas to guilty, confessing to armed assault in a dwelling as well as assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Assistant District Attorney Jean M. Curran said the victim, a fisherman, told police the incident happened at his home on West Ocean Ave. around 11 p.m., last Jan. 20 after someone knocked at his door and said it was “Brad.” When he opened his front door expecting to see his friend, a white man, later identified as Krull, and a black man, identified as Mickenson Moise, 20, of Salem, burst into his apartment.

The victim said he was shoved and pistol-whipped by Krull while Moise ran into his bedroom and rummaged through his personal effects.

Anonymous said...

When you keep a large amount of illegal drugs in your house, you make it more dangerous for all of your neighbors. It has happened before and it will happen again. Drug users and other criminals like to break into houses and steal drugs. Sometimes shots are fired and sometimes innocent people are killed.

Anonymous said...

I personally think Y was set up by her neighbors. So what she smoked reefer. Raise your hand if you've never smoked a joint? I thought so.

What about drinking beer or whiskey?

Is there any difference in who breaks the law?

Yes in this town, it's who you know and who you blow.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Vicki, thank you for taking your time and fighting for all of us little people.

Iamhoosier said...

I can most definitely raise my hand on the smoking a joint question. Never. Not once. Zilch.

Anonymous said...

shirley baird said...

We all know Yvonne Kersey had marijuana in her basement, thankfully there was no home invasion and no one was hurt.

I doubt seriously if there were any drug deals with children, especially since her home was being watched and there was no mention of this in the paper.

I am in no way defending her or her husband but he was found guilty and as far as I know is paying for it now.

She has not yet gone to trial so I'm not sure of her status.

At any rate, if she returns to her home on Main St. you can bet that she won't so much as smoke a cigarette.

I'm sure there are plenty of other homes where drug activity is going on so we need to concentrate on finding them and notifying the authorities.

shirley baird said...

Happy Birthday Vicki,

I won't tell anyone how many candles are on your cake, especially since you are only five months older than me.

Guess that makes us both "senior citizens". Too bad we are both too poor to retire.

Anonymous said...

Another year older for VD..but it still does not mean she is an "elderly woman".

And how can she afford to go to Italy?

Anonymous said...

At any rate, if she returns to her home on Main St. you can bet that she won't so much as smoke a cigarette.

Is this why Frank was arrested again after the first arrest? They are, as you say, partners in crime?

Anonymous said...

There's a difference between smoking a joint and having 40 pounds of it. 40 pounds just invites other criminals to come in shooting.

shirley baird said...

"And how can she afford to go to Italy?

She doesn't have any

Anonymous said...

Is she going to Italy to protest their government sponsored healthcare? Maybe she'll notice that in Europe you don't see as many sick homeless people on the side of the streets. Or maybe she's attracted to the charming neighborhoods and public areas that come about only through rigorous code enforcement. I hope she learns something while she's there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

try again...

Christopher D said...

This has just gotten plain ugly. (with the exception of the birthday wishes)

Anonymous said...

What's the tax rate in Rome?

I'd figure that government hating tea partiers only vacationed in Somalia and other government free zones.

Anonymous said...

Don't talk about Frank and his last name. That wouldn't be a good thing. He has a long arm still reaching out the jail, LOL.

Anonymous said...

In response to 11:35

Allow me to give you a polite suggestion: prior to pressing the "publish your comment" button, please graduate from the 5th grade so that you have an adequate knowledge of the English language to be able to successfully communicate on this blog.

Enjoy Italy and have a great Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy Italy. And if you need to go to the hospital while there, enjoy their free quality healthcare.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, the poor slob just can't help himself. It's a gentically programmed personality fault that can not be changed. It's best to just ignore him.(apologies to real posts for the comparison)

Happy Birthday Vicki and bring me a pair of Pradas back.

Anonymous said...

Apparently you don't have to have any education to post on this blog. On other blogs you only need to know how to copy and paste.

Anonymous said...

When I was in 5th grade I knew the English language rules for worst/worse which have been wrong in two headlines on Vicky's freedom of speech blog.

Anonymous said...

If you clowns attack her so totally then she must be good for our city.

And the hits just keep rolling by.

Does that sum it up?

Best Wishes On Your Birthday

Anonymous said...

4:35 Great that you know English language. You sure don't know her because if you did you would have not misspelled her name. Anyone know what Pradas are?

Anonymous said...

Postcards stupid. BTW travel much? You are crackin' me up.

Anonymous said...

If she used her real name maybe people would know how to spell it.

FederalFarmer said...

How admirable to pick on a sweet lady who has an opinion.

Ignore what she is saying and point out that she does not have the best grammer.

Lots of Americans have bad grammer, lots of people who live in Floyd county have bad grammer. But, the point still comes across. Linguistics falls apart all around the world.

Anonymous said...

She is a miserable old hag who won't be happy until she makes everyone else as miserable as she is. She makes up facts and trashes everyone in office because when she ran for election she got around three votes.

Anonymous said...

For your information 6:33 she got several hundred votes and did you run for office?

As far as your comment, calling her a miserable old hag.

She's far from miserable, in fact she's an inspiration in my eyes and several others.

At least someone has the guts to stand up for us.

BTW anonymous, what does age have to do with anything?

Her a hag,too funny.

It's obvious you don't know her at all. Right Shirley?

She's still standing isn't she?

Have a good day all.

Anonymous said...

We are seeing the true color of Mayor England. Let us all in one unanimous choice vote him out in 2011. People struggle without having money to put food on the table, higher fees and property taxes. Let us vote him out and elect a people's Mayor next time.

Signed: an new ex Democrat for 45 years, and a tax payer concerned about transparency and integrity in the England administration.

Christopher D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher D said...

Even though I have posted some things I want to add in a couple more tidbits.

I do not "hate" Mrs. Denhart, nor do I know her on a personal level, so I am not inclined to make a judgement for or against her regarding her "in general".

My issues come these charachteristics as they have been presented in public meetings, and in public forums:
disingenuousness, surreptitiousness, contradictory standards.

Her dedication in the feild of healthcare seem to be impeccable, and I have to respect that, as a healthcare worker and administrator, good, dedicated caring people are hard to come by.

I admire her tancity, though not her tactics.

So in the end, I guess the two sides balance each other out to become kind of an annoyed indfference.

But I also need to include into the equation this, how much of my opinion is based on her, and how much of it is based on the those who claim to be acting on her behalf, have become so petty, so ugly in mannerisms, and blatant vulgar personal attacks?

I still harbor a spark of hope that she can see the benefits of ending the staged opacity, and bringing forth her own ideas, her own words, her own opinions, and stand up and be counted on her own merits.

A bad taste is still left in witnessing her being coached by a member of council of what to say, when to say it, and how to say it, and that she "sticks to what they agreed on" before the offical procedings of a meeting. (another benefit of being absent for so long from such meetings was having such things happen 1 foot in front of my face.

In the end we need to heal these rifts, agree that progressives and reformists will never see eye to eye, will rarely agree, but do so in an open, honest manner.

Checks and balances are not only beneficial in actual government bodies, if it started in the voters it should carrying on to the elected as well.

(somehow I think I will get villified for this, though no harm is intended by this)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Drake

I want you to understand as a member of Citizens for Accountability, Ms. Denhart is very passioned on what she believes and what we all believe in. And, that is being accountable to us taxpayers. It's ashame you can't know her like many of us do. It is not easy getting before any body of government and speaking.

Secondly, she has a mind of her own and don't think for one minute she will allow any person or council member tell her what to say.

Maybe one day you and others can see her true passion, in helping our city.

These personal attack accomplish nothing against her or us.

She actually does not care what others say,or what others accuse her of and truly how much more can anyone call her that has not already been written on this and other blogs.

We don't have to agree and that is your right, but I do respect how you feel.

Respect and opinions flows two ways.

Ms. Denhart is an excellent nurse she helped my mother fighting cancer and finally passed on, she done that for nothing more than a simple "thank you" between her regular patients.

Some issues in life have nothing to do with egos, money and/or politics.

She is a very unselfish person, contrary to what others want to believe on this and other blogs.

We all say things in the heat of frustration, anger and we all make mistakes.

Maybe we all need to step back and take a deep breath and not be so critical of each other but look at the good each of us brings to the table.

Isn't that what God wants us to do?

Anonymous said...

"These personal attack accomplish nothing against her or us."

read her blog and tell me about personal attacks

I keep hearing about your group but I only know of the president. Who are the other members, where do they meet, how can I join?

shirley baird said...

I just read on NAC that the Indiana Housing and Commumity Development Authority that New Albany has been awarded 6.7 Million Dollars in a grant to rehab our homes.

All I can say is WOW! What a blessing for us.

Anonymous said...

"I'snt that what God would want us to do?"

We can swing that both ways.

Doesn't God want us to be honest?

Christopher D said...

Anon 11:42

Thank you! That has been a big point for me for a while, back up, cool off and debate rationally.

I know I am guilty of the heat in the momentism myself, and I admit it when I cross the line.

All too often, though, when a valid question comes up, the answers are turned into venomous attacks, or no information at all.

I know there is at least on person who has asked repeatedly how they can get information to attend a CFA meeting, who do they call to see if they can get involved, and no one ever ever answers. Are they sincere? I can not say, but as an advocacy group, should you not welcome people from the community at least interested, even if it is to just validate the true existance of your group?

Spirited debate can bring about a wealth of changes, and it shows that the public is engaged in the process, and all of the negative things going on in city hall (negative from the perspective of progressives as well as CFA's) is allowed to go on, because the lions share of energies is wasted arguing amongst ourselves and NOT trying to come to middle of the road answers to bring to the elected officials (when there is not a clearly defined law in place that provides the answers)

Hopefully you can see my frustrations, and hopefully you can understand them.

We are all interesting in one thing, bettering our community, and more importantly, creating a better community for future generations, after all its not ours, we are only borrowing it for the time being from the next generation.

As such, until we as vocal advocate for this community come to some sort of unity, there will be those in elected and appointed offices who will take advantage of the rifts in the community to draw pay and benefits for maintaining chaos.

So for me, at least, it is not "personal", and its not really about anyones particular politics, its about clarity, and unified front to say enough is enough, time to straighten things out.

And I dont give a rats hairless tail who has been office for how long, or what district they represent, if they are not willing to work for US to secure a better future for New Albany, they have no business being in office.

So, in such, its time we get on with disagreeing, but do so repsectfully, and answer questions asked of us to the best of our abilities, and if we dont know the answer just say so, if CFA is a closed door group, just say so, but if so, dont pretend to represent the community at large, be what you guys are, and say we represent our interests. No harm no foul.

FederalFarmer said...

You won't believe this!

I have some exciting news that connects everything to what Roger was saying on the NA sort of Confidential site about Reefer Madness, the architect for the master plan, the Matrix of an abacus, and an event that took place in 2003.

Check this out! You won't believe it.

cut, past, and enjoy

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everyone is so happy at New Albany $6.7 million good fortune.

Oh wait, there's nothing about it on FOS, no anonymous posts about it here.

Hmmmm...? Maybe these people really are just full of hate.

Anonymous said...

FF very funny. I didn't know Will Ferrell did impersonations of Rodger.


Anonymous said...

Did anyone attend tonight's council? Any update Shirley?

Anonymous said...

Iamhoosier verbally attacked Larry Kochert outside and Kochert held his own. Big mistake Mark. Great job 'Gang of four' member.

shirley baird said...

I did attend the council meeting last night but left at 9:00. It appears the fireworks started later.

There will be a posting later with the details from 7:30 to 9:00. I know the resolution to rescind the health insurance failed 5-4.

Unfornately I left before the vote was made on the resolution to give the non-bargaining city employees a one time bonus. Please tell me it passed.

Iamhoosier said...

Really? Strange, I was there and remember nothing of the sort.

Iamhoosier said...

It passed.

Anonymous said...

At first I thought you all just smoked weed now I am convinced it must be something much stronger. Kochert's attack must have been a drug induced vision.

Anonymous said...

"Brewer, age 36, graduated from New Albany High School in 1991, owned David Brewer Construction from 2000 to 2007 and most recently worked for the Southern Indiana rental housing outfit Neace Properties."

This is great! The new building commissioner is a former Neace Properties manager.

Neace Properties is the number one slumlord of New Albany. Unless Mr. Brewer has had a change of heart I think this is a clear indication City Government does not want to see any neighborhoods fixed.

Neace Properties has over 150 rental properties in New Albany alone and I have yet to come across a nice one. I have personally been through some of Neace’s Properties and know firsthand of the conditions this companies properties are in.

I hope, being an eternal optimist, that Mr. Brewer was hired because he knows his former employer is the signal worst slumlord and he has a list of all the properties, that he managed, that will now be torn down because he is the new Building Commissioner.

I guess time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Don't hold your breath on Brewer. It's a pure case of pocket change for England.

Anonymous said...

Seriously how does a former Neace Property manager become Building Commisioner?

Is this an award for being a Slumlord?

I did not realize how much influence Slumlords had in this town.

Does anyone know more about this?

Please tell me that all of you know Mr. Brewer had he has pledged to run his former employer out of the rental business.

Anonymous said...

When reading that the new building commissioner was a former Neace Property manager I threw up a little.

Anonymous said...

Come on! The Progressives have been some of the loudest when it comes to code enforcement. Now the Mayor, that they support, puts a former employee from the worst code violator in as building commissioner.

Anonymous said...

Not only does Neace Properties have many properties that don't meet code. Most of their properties are unsightly and meet code.

Hiring Mr. Brewer has to be a conflict of interest. This appointment needs to be changed.

Anonymous said...

I can look out the windows of my house and see the three worst houses around me and they are all owned and operated by Neace Properties.

Unless there is something I am not aware of concerning Mr. Brewer's hiring the Mayor sucks to have done it.
I don’t know to laugh at the Progressives or be angry at the them.

Anonymous said...

He better start with a lot of enforcement against Neace Properties in the first month. Else, credibility will be zip.

Anonymous said...

You are surprised about England's choice for Building Commissioner? Give me a break. Slum Lords are one of his holy grails.

Watch out, no cleaning up this town, trust me.

Anonymous said...

Het Shirley were's your report on last nights Council meeting? Surely you know were waiting on your details. I checked NAC made absolutely NO sense.
I understand he was hustling his brew.

Anonymous said...

Great article in the paper Vicki. Sure was a funny posting Federal Farmer -- I didn't know either, LOL.

No argument between IAMHOOSIER and Kochert; argument was between Caesar & Kochert. Kochert thanked IAMHOOSIER, right?

Glad to hear Randy Smith is in LOVE with Baylor -- that is 2 funny also.

Sorry to hear Council would not give up their insurance. You gave it a try, Steve.

Bad news concerning the Building Comm. We all were hoping for some body responsible, huh?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am suprised. I try and look for the best in people even our Mayor and Deputy Mayor. I don't know the full story of Mr. Brewer's hiring. I disscuessed it today with an individual who's opinion I respect and he informed me that Mr. Brewer was a nice person to work with and for.

I asked him how nice could a person be who manages some of the worst properties in New Albany.

As I said before, being the eternal optimist, maybe Mr. Brewer has had a change of heart and will come after his former boss.

But I have wondered with the anouncement of the grant monies for SEJ is it more than coincidence that the former property manager of Neace Properties, who owns a lot of property in SEJ, is now working for the city.

A sujestion for the England New Albany Watchdogs; keep track of who owns these abandon properties that the city will buy. There could be a great chance they are owned by Neace. Which would be a huge conflict of interest.

I know from one of Neaces employees that the company bought a little over 30 abandoned properties recently.

Anonymous said...

Yes very funny Federal Farmer. I watched it three times and I laughed each time I mentally substituted Rodger's name for Architect and Frank.

vis a vis, ergo ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I just watched it again shows how stupid I am. not Frank but Larry


Anonymous said...

Well, 5:56 pm I totally agree with everything you said. Can anyone believe Bob Ceasar told Kochert to g "F**k himself?" Of the guy can buy a new Lexus he can damn well pay his own insurance. Anyone notice the three that have insurance makes the most $$$$$.

Anonymous said...

don't each of council members or spouses of the council members that participate in the city health insurance have their own businesses? why should NA tax payers pay for their health insurance, when it appears they are not even willing to offer health insurance to their own employees?

Christopher D said...

Small businesses and health insurance is a slippery slope.
(how well I know)

While it makes for a good debate point, in theory, in reality it is not that easy to just simply offer health insurance to employees of a small business.

COsts are astronomically higher the smaller the business, and there is an obscure Indiana State Law that allows insurance carriers to either not offer, or drop insurance mid contract if participation in the insurance enrollment is at or less than 50% of the employees.

Hypthetically speaking, lets say Ceaser owns a business, and a successful, profitable one, and lets say that he has 6 employees including himself, 3 of those employees are "part-time", working 20 hours per week (60 payroll hours total.)

Of the employees, there would have to be at least 4 who would take the insurance, stay on the insurance, which will undoubtedly be at a much higher premium, higher copays and deducatbles.

We just went through this at the clinics, we were ony at %49 percent enrollment, and we got dropped like a hot pototato the second the person who had us at / over the 50% mark left to go back to med school. (an employee getting insurance on the contract under COBRA does not count).

Since we can not force the employees who are covered under their spouses good insurance (me be one of those), it has been next to impossible to find a carrier who will offer us a plan, and of the ones we could find, the expense is damn near highway robbery.

Perhaps if healthcare reform included federal laws that prohibit an insurance brokerage from excluding companies with less than 50% enrollment, and included laws that allows for small companies to band together to create insurance co-ops so the coverage will be affordable, we could not have to worry about messes like this, in my humble "uninformed" liberal opinion on healthcare at anyrate.

Anonymous said...

If Ceasar can purchase a new Lexus, he can afford and should purchase his own healthcare. I pay for my families and this guy is not one bit better than us.