Monday, January 25, 2010


I don't know about you, but I am getting a little tired of hearing about how "dirty" and "ugly"New Albany is. Neighborhood groups have had cleanups and several people have "adopted" a corner to keep them cleaned up. Are just a few people trying to clean things up and the rest going back and making a mess?

Mr. Lopp has said that he has wanted a Cracker Barrel located near the I-64 exit for 16 years. I had heard rumors about this for the past few years but never knew why it didn't materialize. Has he informed the Mayor's office and our Code Enforcement Officer? Has he made a public plea to the residents? Has he considered hiring a crew to make this area more attractive?

He also complained about the condition of East Spring St. where people arrive from Clarksville. I wonder if the East Spring Neighborhood Association is aware of this?

I think we have done a lot to make our city more attractive in the last few years. And yes, a large retail chain store would probably bring more traffic to downtown. I hate the thought of these hard working small business owners going under for lack of customers. I don't see the need for a chain restaurant in our downtown though. It seems that it would take business away from our locally owned restaurants.

Obviously I don't have the answers but I would love to know what we can do to keep our city on the path we have started and to become the great city I know we can be.


Christopher D said...

I too do not like the idea od a big chain restaurant going in down there.

Part of the emerging "charm" is the variety of foods (and not at bad prices as some would suggest)

The locally owned and operated eateries offer more of a personalized service experience, and pretty much every dollar spend stays here in town.

One big argument against the big chains, after home depot came to town, a lot of the wonderful neighborhood hardware stores cashed in a pulled out. (state street hardware, wells hardware)

Basspro set up shop in clarkville, and we recently lost Chicks archery (I know thats Clarksville, not NA)

When ever a big chain opens up in an area, it is usually at the cost of local businesses.

Keep it local!

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough. It is time for the mayor and council to make serious cuts, and not ask property owners to foot another rate increase.
Cut raises for two years across the board. Cut the slackers,and you know who they are. Look for largest expenditures and look for savings. Delay building for two years in town.
And finally make do with what you have instead of robbing property owners from what little we have with which to budget.

RememberCharlemagne said...

I don't know?

I grew up in Greenville and I have seen a lot change in what once could be considered rural areas.

There is a group called Save Our Knobs and they try to prevent developments and the like.

There are people advocating against a Crackle Barrel downtown in a city.

Out of all the places a Crackle Barrel should be is in a city.

People in a city should advocate development and redevelopment. It shouldn't be just say no, it should be how can we work this in so that Crackle Barrel doesn’t move to a farm in the Knobs and how can we maintain our historic character.

Bardstown Rd has many chain restaurants and local establishments so can New Albany. People do not consider Bardstown Rd just another destination.

I would disagree with Mike Ladd on a degree. We don't need more people living downtown as much as we need to help the neighborhoods attract a greater diversity of socio-economics.

RememberCharlemagne said...

Maybe that is what Mike Ladd ment.

Anonymous said...


I am a life long resident of New Albany. Have listen to everything for a long time, but now I feel the need to say this.

For years everyone has always said "if you want a good paying and a steady job with little chance of every losing that job, work for the city."

Well I think those times should change.

I know everyone likes to make a lot of money and have great benefits but with little thought to where the money is coming from and now look at the mess our city is in.

Mayor England should step and lead. The council should go over paytoll and get a firm grip on expenses. Get rid of the city cars that shuttle from work to home. Make all department heads responsible for their department budgets. Hold the mayor, police, fire and every city employee accountable. Go over health care, contracts, retirement olans, 401K's.

The private sector does thism why can't the city?

It's a business.

The mayor always haves resources for everything he wants or thinks we need.

Make a panel of property owners, let them look at the resources and the council should follow their recommendations.

Am I the only one getting pist off over these high outrages salaries?

There is no reason to pay X dollats a year to someone who's work is worth less than X dollars?

If I and thousands of others like me are helping to foot the bill, ya think we might be entitled to express an opinion or two?

New Albany should be ran like a business. We have greedy unions, too many workers, overpaid workers, poor service, arrogant mayor, and benefits way way out of line.

Anonymous said...

sorry about the typos. I hope I made my point.

Anonymous said...

I want a Cracker Barrel downtown.

Christopher D said...


Even at the cost of locally owned and operated businesses, we should pursue chain restaurants?

Bardstown road is apples and oranges my friend.

There is the traffic over there to support both the eclectic eateries, and the big chains. But one thing to note, even the majority of the big chains on B-town road are scaled back.

We have a cracker barrel 10 minutes up the road all ready.

I think its a lot of little things that add up to make a bad visual impact on NA. Weeds growing in the side walks, all the street spam ad everywhere, unkept city planted trees along the streets that were not maintained properly and have turned to basically brush.

Add to that the lack of code enforcement, and the lack of community support to enhance the code enforcement efforts (see comment 11:07am) and it snowballs to take a lot of small things to give the appearance of overall "dirtiness". But it is getting better

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

J - it's always either or with you. You oppose anything good downtown because you think we should focus on neighborhoods. Is your mind really that simple? You really don't see why both are important? really? Go find a nice neighborhood in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a wal mart and a cracker barrel nearby if that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

Vicki has done quite a bit of traveling the last few years, and she and I, and a few friends went to London and Tokyo last Feb. But then if you were one of her friends you would know this.

Anonymous said...

world travellers complaining about having to pay a little extra to get city services up to par is that not a bit hypocritical?do the little people get to jet around the world? another fine example of how disconnected from reality you all really are

Vicky N said...

As far as the number of people involved in cleanups. I can honestly say that I was one of the originators of joining with City forces to help clean up the Uptown neighborhood. We got Mayor England on board and had the use of street department employees & equipment as well as several dumpsters donated by Padget. We advertised in the newspaper and had a great volunteer crew of about 12 people with their own tools/garbage bags, etc. The City chipped in by asking employees to take a day off during the week and work that Sat so there was no overtime. We had voted that the worst alley in our area was the one between Ekin & Culbertson Aves between Vincennes & Silver. You couldn't get a car down the alley w/out being sure to crash into something.

We worked all day and with the help of the crane truck & garbage packers and volunteer work we got the job done. It was amazing to see the difference. We uncovered an extra two + feet of pavement. We had neighbors that heard the commotion and brought stuff out to us to get rid of, so yards were cleaned up as well. We had a few hecklers that watched us clean up their messes. We made certain to stay in the alley right of ways. After it was done, people were looking up & down the alley in disbelief (kind of like after a freak storm).

Unfortunately, it took less than six months to get back to where we were before. The work we did getting weeds & vines out of the alley and cutting back trees that had overgrown wasn't maintained. People left mattresses, tires, household goods, uncanned garbage everywhere. It was disheartening.

We have had cleanups on a much more scaled down level since then. Basically I have coordinated with the City to get several dumpsters & a tire truck dropped off at a central location and we send out emails & have information put into the newspaper, and have had success with people bringing garbage from their homes - limbs, tires and such and a much smaller crew volunteered to get tires, brush & other items out of the alleys. It's just not enough. It can't always be the same core group of people doing all of the cleaning and orchestrating. The City can't do it by itself, either. I feel that each home, business, rental owner as well as their tenants need to learn what a trash can is, that your property, regardless of if it's right or way (behind garages and fences) is yours to take care of. That all it takes is one or more people to take pride in their property to keep things cleaned up. It can't be fixed by biannual cleanups, but it can be if codes are enforeced and that if you call and say that an alley is blocked you don't get someone that says, "Well, I can get a car through there." Yes, but can a fire truck?

Anonymous said...

If you want a Cracker Barrel downtown, the city's going to have to make an investment in cleaning up the place.

If you want to eat at a Cracker Barrel, go to the one in Sellersburg, or Scottsburg, or any of the ones in Louisville.

Very few people will drive down Spring St., to visit a West End CB. For most people in Clark Co., the closest CB still will be Sellersburg.

The New Albanian said...


Not Crackle.

Anonymous said...

Vicki has done quite a bit of traveling the last few years, and she and I, and a few friends went to London and Tokyo last Feb. But then if you were one of her friends you would know this.

I'm not friends with little people like Vicki.

I just socialize with big people, like my BFF Prof. Erik. You know he's almost eight feet tall? Surely you've seen him walking around downtown?

Anonymous said...

"If you want to eat at a Cracker Barrel, go to the one in Sellersburg, or Scottsburg, or any of the ones in Louisville".

and while your there, take a look at how clean there city is.

RememberCharlemagne said...

It is disheartening what should neighborhoods do?

My answer would be, keep fighting, even if no one else is.

Anon 1:04

I am for downtown and I'm not in opposition to making downtown better. My strategy is different. I know that a downtown is only as good as the surrounding neighborhoods and not vis a vis.

Yes, we need promoters for downtown like DNA but just like Mike Ladd said if we don't have people with money living downtown downtown will cannibalize itself. We may have very much reached a saturation point with downtown businesses but I want to see more restaurants and retail and I know with the socio-economical status of the surrounding neighborhoods it will be hard pressed.

You can invest money and focus on downtown or you can shift your focus to neighborhoods and make downtown secondary. If the neighborhoods are fixed up downtown will follow with little effort.
Businesses go where the money is.
As for Crackle Barrel the only reason they are looking at that site is because of boat traffic, just like the porno shop and strip club. You have to deal with what the boat brings.

RememberCharlemagne said...

Good to hear from you Vicky N

Anonymous said...

Scottsburg isn't exactly rich.

How do they manage to keep their square clean while the area around the NA courthouse is...not so clean.

RememberCharlemagne said...

Cracker, Crackle, whatever.

Christopher D said...

Scottsburg, Columbus, Seymour, Madison, Clarksville, and the majority of Jeffersonville.

Most of those cities are facing budgetary issues as well, yet they appear cleaner than our town.

Sure Galligan has had some issues, the lady in Clarksville in all sorts of trouble over misappropriation of funds, but yet the cities stay clean.

So what is difference? We all read what Vicky N wrote, clean up an area and in a week or two its like it was never done.

Pretty sad, but trying to spend money to clean things up is like pulling teeth, all kinds of hell is raised that we can't afford it, blah blah blah. But as the city gets worse, propery values drop, tax income drops, and there is less money to work with.

Anonymous said...

anyone know how many streets dept people clarksville and jeffersonville have ON THE STREETS?

i know we have some streets dept. people running the sewer plant.

maybe code enforcement has something to do with it??? hmmmm....?

i doubt jeff and clarksville have LESS code enforcement b/c NA has none.

a little bit goes a long way.

one or two strategic lawsuits to make slumlords clean up their act goes a long way.

someone has to have the balls to take them on. not that it would be difficult. it's just it would be DIFFERENT, something people in NA are unwilling to try.

Anonymous said...

good news about the potential federal funds for intersection upgrades and repairs.

Anonymous said...

There are so many eyesores in our town. Just to name one the pet store on Spring. Who else sells fish, gives prescription drug help and cell phones?

Also does anyone know where the Welcome to New Albany sign went on Brown Station Way?

Anonymous said...

the recycling center in louisville with the floodwall gates

Anonymous said...

Spring street sign had Gardner's name on it and came down shortly after the begining of the England administration.

Anonymous said...

who cares if our city is trashy the streets are bad the sidealks crumbling the houses are falling down the streets and alleys filled with trash. it woudl cost us money to clean that up and we have had enough we would rather live in a pigsty than to pay new fees or taxes

Anonymous said...

i'm with you.

who cares about public health either?

i'd rather die of cholera than pay for public health nazis!

Anonymous said...

and who cares about unsafe buildings?

i'm willing to risk the neighbor's house burning to the ground people of faulty, code violating wiring.

so what if it catched my house on fire and kills my kids. i don't want to pay for no damn code inspector!

Vicky N said...

If memory serves, the old New Albany sign was taken down due to having Garner's name on it and before it was updated, a decision was made to redo the signage in the City. They had some samples of signs at Harvest Homecoming a couple of years ago at the Develop New Albany tent. I am not sure what the status is on it. They wanted to make all of the signs similar so it would help with navigation.

Anonymous said...

Navigation? Then it wouldnt all the signs point to the boat?

Maybe they didnt put up the signs because if people knew that they had actually passed over into New Albany they would immediatly turn around and run.

Anonymous said...

INDOT requested a few changes to the proposed signs and the sign placement.

they're still in the works.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News: Report: New Albany City Council should raise sewer rates 70 percent January 28, 2010 11:28 am

Anonymous said...

Is VOP schizophrenic?

One day she’s insulting Senator Kennedy because of his physical health. The next day she’s posting a respectful tribute to the Senator, and now she’s popping the champagne over Kennedy’s seat going to a Republican.

It’s almost as hypocritical as her bashing Obama’s foreign policy while praising Obama’s Secretary of State.

Anonymous said...

Would you like to feel my pulse Mayor England after reading today's Tribune?

Anonymous said...

My first question to Mayor England would be; did you do it? This is history repeating it's self. I'm with you anonymous, feel my pulse also.

My second questions would be; where's the money?

Sewer board needs $5 million to get another loan.

And what you all are complaining about is how dirty our city looks.

You each must be renters and not homeowners.

As they say; it's the economy stupid, lay them all off, but don't raise my rates.

Anonymous said...

i'm a homeowner, not a renter.

you must be one of those people who like pie and eating it too.

Christopher D said...

I am a home owner, and I think this sucks.

I am a home owner, and I think New Albany is dirty, but getting better.

I am a home owner, and I dont want anymore increased fees.

But most importantly, I understand there is a cost that must be paid to have government services. So I will grumble and I will gripe when the sewage bill rolls in, but in the end I will pay the bill and adjust my budget accordingly, just like everyone else.

What I wont do is try to convince everyone that this is no ones fault but Doug England's, I wont try and convince people that he and a couple of other people downtown are abusing our trust because our city is in financial dire straights, just like every other township, town, city,metro, county, state, in the entire country.

Anonymous said...

something is drastically wrong when a 70% increase is needed. i don't think this is a matter where you can simply blame it on a bad economy.

Anonymous said...

FACT: Garner was the best mayor EVER!

Anonymous said...

well 100k of sewer money goes to shane gibson's salary---over 500k in uncollected debt and a lot of sewer funds were used on the spring street hill project----we were in good shape when garner left as far as the epa was concerned. in fact we have already paid for the projects that the sewer board says we need--that was all part of the last increase as well as the yearly upkeep of 500k which was also included the last time--where did it go?

Anonymous said...

Seems like the Potty Police has been right all these years. Now, eat shit Roger! We're not talking nickels and dimes either.

Anonymous said...

something is drastically wrong when a 70% increase is needed.

Yes, something has been wrong for a long time. Sewers have been underfunded for years. If rates been increased 30-40% five years ago, a 70% increase would not be needed now.

Anonymous said...

You got to pay for sewers some time. If you didn't pay the full price last year of the year before, it's time to play catch up and it ain't gonna be pretty.

Anonymous said...

Seems like the Potty Police has been right all these years.

Smoke enuff pot and eventually you'll know everything.

Anonymous said...

Didn't we hear the "We were right all along" when the city was supposedly shorted $5 from the state a few months ago?

That lasted what....a whopping two days?

Suddeath doesn't always get his facts straight the first time around. I'm going to wait a couple days to see how this plays out, though I'm sure a lynchmob of fake professors is already lighting their torches.

Anonymous said...

The lynch mob has been waiting for England's SRL screw up

SCREWING with SRL monies will get you prison time.

The 70% increase does not even count for the $20-$30 million of work that needs to be done. Caesar needs to stop playing politics and being in Englands pocket.

He'll go down with England.

Fifer cooked the books last time and will do it again if the price is right.

Bye, bye EDIT, TIF and every nickel New Albany has.

It's time to throw England out, NOW!

We told you sooooo!

Anonymous said...

Bye, bye

$2.5 for police & fire
$40,000 full time attorney
$12 million parking garage
$3.5 water park
Doug England's re-election
health care for three council members
Coyle property deal
Carl Maylsz and etc.

Doug England is about to get the real pulse of New Albany.

Don't blame me, I did not vote for England.

Anonymous said...

grow the hell up. you live in a society where services are paid for by the citizens and that comes from taxes and fees,nobody stole a damn thing and nobody cooked any books you just need some kind of ammo to further your multiple personality having conspiracy theories and everyone is sick of hearing them.always talking loud and saying nothing and doing even less

Anonymous said...

12:48 I'm sick of hearing the words under funded. That's the blame game and lack of leadership.
Doug should be removed from office,
Ask yourselves why are we paying Gibson $150,000 a year? Garry should also resign she's worthless.

Anonymous said...

good at pointing fingers 8:54, but tell us what have you done that makes you someone we should listen to?

Anonymous said...

underfunded? overspending? both?

rates were increased in aug. 2006, jan 2008, and jan 2009 (Ord. G-58-34 on the city's webpage.)

there are two pieces to the equations, revenue and expenses. the tribune stated a study was done to see how much rates needed to be increased. where is the study to show how expenses can be decreased?

Anonymous said...

CFA will complain too much to pay for such a study

Anonymous said...







Christopher D said...

Sewage rate increase debate:

* No one has mentioned Jeffersonvilles 200% increase (and thier bills will be comparable to our sewage bills) Note FHC's Jeff office sewage bill went from $28 per month to $59 per month AFTER a $225 bill to "catch up" on retro-active billing.

* Looks like the rate increase will be required to operate with in the parameters of the law (rates can not be lower than operational expenses)

Should we be upset because we are required to follow the law and pay accordingly for the services provided?

Anonymous said...

Ask yourselves why are we paying Gibson $150,000 a year?

There you go again, wanting low bid attorneys. I'm sure for $50,000/yr. you could get someone about to be disbarred or just out of law school.

If Shane were a partner in a large firm he could be making $300,000 a year or more.

But then again, CFA NEVER gets it. You get what you pay for.

Anonymous said...

what exactly is it that we have gotten?

Anonymous said...

jeff is going through the same situation that na went through with the epa. their rate increase will be used to expand/build treatment plant and other improvements. we have already done that and our rate increases since beginning of epa problems have surpassed that % and now another 70%?

Christopher D said...

But the fact remains, our sewage rate will be similar to Jeffersonvilles, correct?

Does anyone know the rates for other similar sized cities?

This does not look like it was a choice of the England Administration, nor does it appear to be part of a sinister plot by anyone to engage in class warfare (as indicated in the report on the tribune those on fixed income billing will pay a whopping $17 per month average, where it is $10 now)

This report came from an consultation firm, not from with in our government, correct?

Anonymous said...

where is the study to show how expenses can be decreased?

Anonymous said...

what exactly is it that we have gotten?

Toilets that flush, drains that drain and a city that's hasn't gotten itself into additional millions in losing lawsuits.

If only the CFA folks knew the true cost of things. If only they understood hidden costs.

I wish they could see how expensive it would be to live in a city where city employees don't have good legal council and get themselves into all kinds of tort claims that drag on and on.

I wish they could see how expensive it would be to live in a city without effective fire protection and everyone's fire insurance goes through the roof, or worse, someone's son burns alive.

I wish they could see how expensive it would be to live in a city without police, when criminals break into CFA's "headquarters? (where was that again?) and trash what they own, or worse, one of their daughters is raped.

On the other hand, I wish CFA would see how much they are loosing out because 10, 20, 30 years ago, New Albany made the wrong choices.

How much better off would CFA "staff" be, how much better would their family members be, if today New Albany had the stronger economic base that we would have had if the city courted growing business in the 1980s and 1990s.

We're poored today because of bad choices a generation ago. The worst thing we can do today and continue making the same mistake.

Christopher D said...

Where is the report to show how to decrease costs related to sewage?

Why would we pay for such a report? If there were answers out there to cover that, one would not need to hire a consultant.

How can you reduce costs for a system that is constantly adding more usage, more demands? How can you reduce cost to a system that needs lift pumps maintained, replaced, etc?

Again, this is another situation that is not be handed specifically to New Albany, and no where else in the country.

Paying for more and more consultants to generate reports will only add to the operational expenses of the city, which will only anger certain factions even more, and lead to theories that our local leaders are somehow making money in their personal pockets from hiring the consultation firms.

To steal a movie line, "it's a huge sht sandwich, and we all have to take a bite"

Anonymous said...

i bet if a consultant was hired, the cost savings they would find would more than make up for the cost of the study.

i think people would be more comfortable in a rate increase if they knew everything was being done to make things most efficient and cost were being properly contained. business do this and most other governments do to. why not na.

i guess at the clinic they never study ways to be more efficient and cut costs?

Anonymous said...

i do agree if they hire a consultant to look at cost saving measures and they do nothing with the report provided, it would be just a big waste of money. i assume this is what you think the city would do.

Christopher D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher D said...

"i guess at the clinic they never study ways to be more efficient and cut costs?"

This one nearly made me fall out of my chair!

Operating on a shoe string budget, pay rates significantly less than in the private sector, no bonuses, no health insurance, mostly used equipment...

I hardly think there is anyway to cut costs other than cutting hours.

It is the nature of our business to basically operate in the red, if we have any surplus from fiscal year to year, our funding gets reduced.

Sorry, but that one was funny!

But you missed the point here, we are massively over budget on this utility, we have to increase the rates to keep pace with the cost to stay with in the law, we hire a consultant to do a report to tell us what we need to do, that is their answer, but now you want to hire a consultant to do a report of how to save money, which will take money to hire, then take more money to implement any plans that are obtainable?

It may work for a long term solution, and it is not a bad idea, but short term, we are stuck with this, are we not?

Anonymous said...

well since the clinic works on a shoe string budget, i take it that they do closely monitor expenses at all time and you are agreeing to the point.

failure to look at the entire picture and simply focus entirely on raising revenue without adequately analyzing the expenses would be failure on our officials behalf to look out for the best interest of the rate payers and tax payers of this community. they were elected to look out for our best interest. i'm not disputing the consultants finding on the rate increase necessary, but at what point in time do you think city leaders should start looking at expenses? you even stated " I will pay the bill and adjust my budget accordingly" why don't you feel the city should also look at ways to adjust its budget when it comes to the expenses of the sewer and why do you feel only the citizens should be the only ones looking at how they are going cut their expenses in order to pay for the increase?

and yes we must look at the long-term...isn't perhaps failure in the past to do that what got us here today? i believe our officials are very well capable of dealing with todays situation AND properly and adequately planning for the future at the same time. i hope you won't be too upset when they perform their duties and seriously look at the expense side of this issue as well.

Anonymous said...

go on, make anonymous personal attacks.

the more to attack the messenger and not the message, the more people will realize you have no message.

Christopher D said...

I wont be too upset at all when they look at the expense side of it at all, and thats also part of the point.

Your ideology is understandable, and very reasonable, and I am not arguing those points.

(well, with the exception of dragging the clinics into the conversation, but I would like ot add that when we are operating too much in the red outside the parameters of whats acceptable the increase in fees is passed on to the clients, in accordance to federal poverty guideline set sliding scales)

My whole issue here is right out of the gate the blame game started and the assertations of how England is responsible for this.

I mean I haev nothing against England, but I also wont go out of my way to speak to him, honestly I am kind of indifferent on that matter, but it makes no sense when no matter what happens around here negative, the first thing out of certain mouths is smashing him down, then tying into to Baylor somehow (really shocked that the sidewalk outside BSB wasnt brought into this somehow all ready)

Fundamentally we are on the same page here.

Anonymous said...

i personally dont play the blame game and was not a party to any of those comments. i perfer the lets get this fixed and taken care of strategy and try to ensure it doesn't happen again. in order to do that though you have to look at the entire picture, in this case both the revenues and expenses. failure to look at all the variables sets yourself up to having to deal with the same situation again.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem it continues to happen under the England administration.

Anonymous said...

Christopher you seem to sing the same old song. You never question are demand accountability from England. Why?

Christopher D said...

"Christopher you seem to sing the same old song. You never question are demand accountability from England. Why?"


Christopher D said...

"in order to do that though you have to look at the entire picture, in this case both the revenues and expenses."

But do we proceed with procuring a cost savings analysis, when we are so far in the red as it is, or do we play a little catch up and THEN have a consultation for potential cost savings when we can better afford to do so?

It makes perfect sense to have a plan of what we are going to do after we get out of this hole, but right now I am afraid paying someone to develop that plan will only make the hole that much deeper right now.

Anonymous said...

After doing the math it seems like to me that we are going to have to borrow about $60,000 million.

Who dtopped the ball is what I want to know?

Anonymous said...

in 2008 the sewer utility operated in the black---if you did not include the special projects that were NOT mandated by the epa

Anonymous said...

PERP walk, coming to all of you soon. It will be a long PERP walk, also.

Believe it or not New Albany is NOT a 3rd world country and fortunately, fortunately, bigger people agree.

Bonds? Borrowing power? Time to make the March 1st payment? Nah, don't think so.
Ramifications? I don't know.

Sewer board goes by Kaye's figures. Council goes by Kaye's figures.

Nothing new about any of this which wasn't presented to taxpayers and other members of na.

The SRF (State Revolving Loan Fund) money is really FEDERAL money from the EPA.

Sewers owe 1.5 million in claims, are under orders to create a new capacity assurance plan (CAP) because the last one didn't work. No monies to pay anyone to do this either.

Catch 22. Certain people have put their selves in a box and I do not see how they can get through it, under it, over it. Let it play out. We have people taking care of taxpayers this time in order for us not to have to pay THIS TIME. THIS TIME I truly believe will be criminal. My opinion and we will simply have to wait and see. It simply has been a long time coming.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon 7:17 $60,000 million (sixty thousand million) is 60 billion I think your 3rd grade math teacher "dtopped" the ball

Anonymous said...

hey other anon, 60,000 million is not 6 billion, that would be 6,000,000,000. Did you have the same teacher?

Anonymous said...

if the CFA crowd really understood sewer finance, they would have spotted the problem before now.

and when i say spotted, i mean more than a vague "england is corrupt" statement like they did before.

the fact is that they don't understand sewer finance. now we get a bad report and what's the response, "england is corrupt, see we told you so."

well, i have a feeling when we dig into this report, the story will change some how.

if anonymous were so confident she had the facts right, she wouldn't be anonymous, would she.

Anonymous said...

If The Wannabe City Council Members Roger Baylor, Jeff Gillenwater, Randy Smith, and Mark Cassidy are paying attention they should realize they have been duped. If they are as aware as they claim to be, they should know this is the same act England, Malysz played the last time they were in office. They wrecked the sewer finances and left the people of New Albany struggling for years.

Ignorance in New Albany takes many forms, but none so damaging as those who claim knowledge and point the way only to find they too are the members of the unknowing.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more 1:42. To the 11:20 comment, rof. Citizens do have this issue covered and told everyone who WOULD listen what was going to happen.

I'm not going to say I told you so. Too bad so sad for EDIT funds. Our sewers should be lined in gold or at least coated.

Let's talk about bonding power one more time and TIFs. Where do you think the bond stands on the Y? Maybe now some will realize it wasn't because we didn't want a Y we knew we couldn't pay for it.

There is ALWAYS someone higher in government that WANTS to do their job and I am talking the Federal level. Ed Clere, if Henderson won't prosecute anyone because it is "too political", he should be appointing a special prosecutor.

Wait a minute, Henderson took a cut from the bonds, in case there something was "wrong" with them, for his malpractice insurance.

I want all of the engineers' bonds, insurance, gee, so many pockets to go after I don't know who is safe.

Everything is documented so some of us can sleep at night knowing this time taxpayers WILL NOT PAY.

Thank you for the space Shirley. Love those comments on the Tribune pages on both articles too. Everyone, hang on for the ride.

Anonymous said...

VA please come back. Consider a run as mayor. Your dedication was visible. New Albany benefited by your involvement. VA worked tirelessly for the people of this city. I emailed her with a problem, she immediately took care of the problem and emailed me back. No one else bothered to respond, but VA got right on it. I feel certain that if I has been a more "prominent" person in this city, I would have received more responses. But VA worked hardest for the people who had the least voice. Do not give up your gift as a leader and advocate for its citizens. We want you back. Your smile, brains, and skills are needed.
God Bless you.

The New Albanian said...

Everyone, hang on for the ride.

I hear that marijuana helps with motion sickness.

Not that I'd know that personally, mind you.

The New Albanian said...

Through it all, I’ve formulated a cautionary dictum: You’re free to take Ms. Bolovschak at face value so long as you understand that there are multiple faces, ones deployed at different times to different people, and for different reasons.

From May 6, 2007 ... just before she left us.

The Bolovschak phenomenon: A nod's still as good as a wink to a blind voter.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the mayor lacks leadership abilities. He needs to go NOW!

My councilman Price stood up against the police amd fire unions.

The other council members are a bunch of idiots who only cares about their own political wellbeing.

Anonymous said...

I'm with G. Coyle on this one. I don't always agree with her politics, but she gets the job done and I also admire her for that.

How about you Roger?

Valla Ann for Mayor 2011

Anonymous said...

VA, we all know YOU have been posting here for a while - you have left little clues. We know your history. You don't have the support to run for office. Sorry to bust your bubble.

Anonymous said...

VA, sounds like you have at least ten good posts from one supporter. One vote's good for something, eh?

Christopher D said...

Lets please not bash Valla Ann folks. She did nothing to create this situation, and has kept herself out of the politics for a reason.

Anonymous said...

The New Albanian is not quite telling the truth about Valla Ann. It's not even that this was blown out of proporation. It's that (his post)isn't accurate.

Is Roger's vigilante jounalism reliable?

Because the future direction this city needs to be going is at stake and as such it is very important we as citizens stand up and say which direction we want that to be and Valla Ann makes things happen.

Maybe the cognitive dissonance Roger is feeling has something to do with what he puts in his drinking cup 24/7 and during the city council meetings.

I believe Roger just about as far as The Jolly Green Giant could boot him through the goal post of life.

Ho...Ho...Ho Green Giant!

Anonymous said...

Valla Anne should be banned from running until she has her (illegal) bumper stickers from street signs. I think they have served their purpose.

Anonymous said...

In tough times like today, we need council people who will put aside their agendas and do what's in the best interest of NA. So far I have seen that happen with Price.

I would much rather have Kochert, Blevins, Schmidt, Baird, Denhart, Gardenour and Bolovschak on the Council

Hopefully things will change after 2011.

The New Albanian said...

Maybe the cognitive dissonance Roger is feeling has something to do with what he puts in his drinking cup 24/7 and during the city council meetings.

Actually I have a membrane inside the laptop where I keep grain alcohol, and I dab my pinkie in it and touch my lips throughout council meetings because that's the only way that Steve price makes sense.


Have fun, little 'uns. There's beer to drink.

Anonymous said...

Christopher D. like you have long discussions with VA on her political future.

Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous 4:51; that's a great one about the Jolly Green Giant.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with talking about who they want or don't want in public office and what kind of of makeup they want on govering bodies.
It's perfectly acceptable and god bless'em.
Look at the mess we are in.
Read much?

Anonymous said...

PERP walk, coming to all of you soon. It will be a long PERP walk, also.

Someone on Main Street growing pot again?

Anonymous said...

Roger you need to stop drinking up all your profit. You just might have to reinburse us taxpayers for your illegal patio.
CDBG is our money too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'll ask again, which law was violated by the sidewalk in front of bank street brewhouse?

just because you don't like something doesn't make it illegal. if you're so sure there's a law out there, quote us the code section.

Anonymous said...

i have a feel that if price or VA were elected, CFA would start tearing them down with anonymous rumors and lies too.

just in the nature of those nutjobs to lie, gossip and complain.

never anything constructive.


Anonymous said...

Annon: January 30, 2010 6:35 PM

you sound no better.

Christopher D said...

"Christopher D. like you have long discussions with VA on her political future.

Too funny."

Where did I claim to? Point it out smarta$$. I stated there was no real reason to bash her.

What I find funny if I stand up for her a friend, you pull this, if I say nothing, then you start crap about NOT saying anything.

Pathetic, completely pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Why do you always drag CFA into a conversation? Especially when you have nothing to rebuttal.
Talk about a cop out.

Christopher D said...

"Why do you always drag CFA into a conversation? Especially when you have nothing to rebuttal.
Talk about a cop out."

First shouldn't that be rebut, instead of "rebuttal"?

Second, you didn't answer my question (perhaps you're incapable of such)

Third, I bring CFA into the conversation when they make accusations with out documentation, and I question that, just like you and they do.

Lastly, your feeble Recrimination attempt holds no merit, which further proves that you are nothing more than a nameless, faceless troublemaker on here, which is probably just as it is in real life.

You have my pity.

Anonymous said...

You are entitled to your opinion, but not your facts, Christopher D.

Anonymous said...

correct, only denhart, yvonne and price are entitled to their own facts!

Anonymous said...

don't forget to add VA!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, do the sewer board members have any FACTS? or do they call them secrets?
Did you do it Doug?

Anonymous said...

i can just see the "douggie e., you work for me" sticker.

has any anonymous poster actually read the damned report?

crackerheads...oh, i'm sorry....potheads.

Anonymous said...

Keep on trying, you'll get it right eventually. What, are you thinking about the lawsuit filed in court over these very bonds maintaining the books did not support same? And you think citizens are not on top of this? You read the report. You can say who ever you think I am but it doesn't mean you are ever right.

Here's to the Constitution and to Indiana's Constitution. Wonder how many people have read IN's Constituion?

Been nice watching some of you wallowing in your problems you have created downtown.

Council needs to be aware, if any of you become involved in this without assurances in writing from Geary and England you will then expose yourself to being part of the monies. And, you will be dragged into same.


Anonymous said...


Christopher D said...

What have a presented as facts? Show me!

Hmmm.... Looks like its opinions, just like everyone elses...

Oh, thats right, I'm not a chosen one, therefore I am not entitled.

By the way, what the hell do you ever add besides insults, arguments, and BS?

No one, not even you can answer that factually, because, as I stated you are a nameless, faceless, coward who does not respect the right to free speech enough to stand up for what you say and put your name to it, because you are scared to speak your mind and stand up for what you say.

Again, you have my pity.

Anonymous said...

Chris, Why do you continue to respond to postings if you are just going to be nasty back to them? You just lose credibility yourself when you do that. They see you as an easy target and one who is unable to maintain control. Pity them in private and be an adult and just ignore them.

Anonymous said...

Sign our petition and make a donations @ website,VA for Mayor in 2011, email us

The New Albanian said...

Roger you need to stop drinking up all your profit. You just might have to reinburse us taxpayers for your illegal patio. CDBG is our money too.

Up is down.
Black is white.
Night is day.
Legal is illegal.

Yawn. King Larry's just steamed because we didn't hire him to do the stone work. I'll admit that what he did at his house was impressive.

Hey, it's after twelve. Time for a beer, right, troggie-lites?

(But please -- smoke 'em if ya got 'em)

Anonymous said...

england's going down!

(yes, the best part of being anonymous is never having to admit you are wrong).

The New Albanian said...

Been nice watching some of you wallowing in your problems you have created downtown.

The preceding incomprehensible words are quoted from the website called "One Parolee's Opinion."

Anonymous said...

Thanks to FOS the report is on line now.

Excellent thread, Erik.

Anonymous said...

Where on-line is the report?

Anonymous said...







Anonymous said...

I have a fresh can of guilt-be-gone for Roger.

Anonymous said...

I have a fresh can of guilt-be-gone for Roger.

Anonymous said...

Yell Roger's in state of denial.

Anonymous said...

Could someone provide me the website where I could see the report? Thank you.

The New Albanian said...

It's hard to remember that the tip-off for this thread was, "Is NA really that ugly?"

It should have been, "Is this thong really that ugly?"

Erika's Undie Delights

Now that's some politickin'.

Anonymous said...

NA really IS that UGLY. If you talk about dirty, many people see dirty politics. It is all about the power and turf, even for the clean-ups done. On this blog you talk about restaurants. Just look around at the many people who are really suffering in NA and cannot afford to go out to eat. Fix those problems and maybe NA will be a great (All American) city again.

Anonymous said...

VA has not done anything to become more popular than she was when she lost her council bid.

Anonymous said...

Mindy, Mindy, Mindy.

Anonymous said...

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has announced its plans to close the state’s historic site marking World War II correspondent Ernie Pyle’s home and museum. But “Friends of Ernie Pyle” board member Phil Hess said the group is petitioning to stop the move and will meet with IDNR director Rob Carter on Wednesday in hopes of keeping the facilities open.

The Culbertson Mansion in New Albany, and historic sites in Vincennes are the state’s next-lowest draws with about 10,000 visitors per year. Everything else under the state banner draws more than 20,000, with the Whitewater Canal Historical Site in Metamora seeing about 127,000 annual visitors.

According to Hess, state officials attended the museum board’s regular meeting on Dec. 17 and informed them the state would be dropping the Pyle museum as a historic site. No warning or notice had been given, he said, and many of the board members were in tears over the matter.

Bloom said the state will save about $51,000 a year if the museum closes, and all agencies have been asked to cut their 2010 budgets

The Scripps-Howard Foundation was “horrified” to learn of the possible closure, Hess said, noting the six-figure investment made over the years by that group and others. One of the displays inside the museum contains a patch from every American unit that served in the war, a gift, he said, made by a veteran before he died.

Could IDNR be looking at closing Culbertson?

Anonymous said...

So Rogers into womens underwear now and all along I thought he was a boxer kinda guy. You're a sick puppy there big guy. Maybe your into cross dressing as well?

Anonymous said...

I truly believe Valla Ann is a leader who has the experience, integrity and commitment to bring positive change to our city. She is the only potential candidate who can take on the corrupt, shortsighted and incompetent England administration in next May's primary election.

Anonymous said...

Mindy, Mindy, Mindy.

Anonymous said...

yeah, the last heavy city officials she had contact with worked in a republican's office downtown.She has way too much baggage now to run for public office. Besides, she's nuts.

Anonymous said...

too many skeletons in her closet. too many lives and too many aliases. the curtain is easy to pull back.

Anonymous said...

Latest Faux BS:

First we would like to say to Daniel Suddeath, we think you are an excellent reporter, but we found out you have been mislead...again!

The schedule of unpaid Sewer Claims being held as of January 6, 2010, is $1,669,419.55 not the about $1.6 million you were told.

Yes Daniel you were mislead. $1,669,419.55 is not "about $1.6 million."

Must be a conspiracy. (Yawn)

Anonymous said...

"Must be a conspiracy".
What makes you say that?
It is just money - FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!

Anonymous said...

Roger though moody
Ain't overly broody
About his fact checkin'

NAC views differ on shape of earth, local politics, women and New Albany.

What's sad is his own made up facts; his horse-race analysis is nothing but his own form of entertainment, and the people here aren't even buying it.

Look at his history of blogging and his comments here.

Anonymous said...

And Roger states he never blogs anonymous.
Who doesn't have baggage except the attacker, right?
Don't throw rocks at glass houses, when you live in one yourself.
Roger continues his charter assassination on VA or anyone smart, better, and those who do more for our city, when all he does is stand there with his hands out and then bad mouth's a strong woman.

The New Albanian said...

Sorry, I neither blog nor comment anonymously. Anything I write can and will be used against me, because I don't hide behind walls like cowards do. That's the right way to do it, whether or not you agree or disagree with my views.

As for VAB, I can see Chris's point about leaving her out of it, but in fact, she was brought into this thread by one (of two?) of her fawning acolytes, which is justification for me to link back to previous articles, like the VAB thong phenom at Cafe Press. rika probably set that one up, anyway.

Speaking personally as someone who highly values cheap entertainment, I hope she runs for mayor. It won't be easy for her to do as a Republican, though, because that party of local racism and misogyny, already bereft of ideas, was frightened of her before and likely hasn't changed since then.

That leaves a Messer-for-VAB party swap, which come to think of it, might be the most entertaining outcome of all. Think Dave Matthews would go for it?

The New Albanian said...

9:23 AM ... that's less coherent than usual. Go and drink some Folger's, and try again, okay? Even bad coffee's your friend.

Anonymous said...

Mindy, Mindy, Mindy.

Anonymous said...

Roger continues his charter assassination on VA or anyone smart, better, and those who do more for our city, when all he does is stand there with his hands out and then bad mouth's a strong woman.

How much can she bench?

Anonymous said...

I applaud CFA for looking out for the best interests of our tax dollars. Keep up the good fight New Albany watchdogs.

Anonymous said...

where's their office again?

who's their staff?

where does erik teach?

how do i get on their mailing list?

what's their phone number?

why do you think anyone takes them serious?

Anonymous said...

the courier hasn't written any fluff pieces about the supposed group, "citizens for accountability."

grace got in trouble with her editor for not fact checking. haven't seen her writing much in the last couple months.

at least CFA still has their website,

Anonymous said...

anonymous, people like you are never happy and only know how to complain. Don't insult me, NO one put me up to this post or any other post. I have a mind of my own.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Mindy, Mindy, Mindy...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Do you want to tell them exactly who you really are?
Could be the talk of the town.

Anonymous said...

That subject ought to be interesting, as if this person really believes we all know. And more.

Anonymous said...

More FOS slop:

Politicians believe laws and rules [even the U.S. Constitution] applies to the rest of us but not to them.

Case in point: Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her excessive and boorish demands for military travel.

Documents obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act show Pelosi incurred expenses of some $2.1 million for her use of Air Force jets for travel over the last two years and us taxpayer's pay $101,429.14 for Pelosi's in-flight "food and booze."

That's almost $1,000 per week.

Will the wise professor tell us where the constitutional violation is? Will the wise professor tell us what law was broken?

If Congress passed a law in 1978 or whenever stating that Congress cannot use military planes for travel, the say so.

Frankly, I don't think any such law exists. If it's out there, tell us the name of the damn act? Was it the Congress Don't Fly on Military Jets and Apple Pie Act of 1956?

Is it wrong for a Congressman to visit Haiti to see the relief effort or visit China for trade talks?

Would you prefer she fly first class on Delta? That would cost three times as much.

Just because you don't like something doesn't make it illegal or unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments on here drive me nuts! I really wish people would do some research before opening their mouth. You complain about the money our city workers (police and fire) earn and the taxes you have to pay. You also complain when a fire truck or ambulance or police officer doesn't make it to a scene in a timely manner. You don't want to pay taxes but you want all of the benefits. The benefits of police and fire protection 24 hours a day and lower home owners insurance because we have fire protection. Has anyone on here ever researched what it takes to run a fire department. How many trucks it takes to take care of one fire, and then how many trucks that leaves to protect the rest of the city? And are our fire and police not allowed to make a decent wage to risk their lives and spend approx. 72 hours a week in a firehouse waiting to protect us? I also believe they are going without raises at this time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Leave Valla Ann alone why don't you. She's a hard working professional and makes things happen.
I know her and will defend her like most on her should.

Christopher D said...

Be careful 5:51 defend her and the other anons will obliterate you. Say nothing to defend her and other anons will say you're stabbing her in the back!