Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I just re-read Chris Morris' Tribune article about Jack Bobo's bid to purchase land downtown to build a new plaza aka. Scribner Place Phase II.

I know the plans included a parking garage but nothing was mentioned this time about the city kicking in $12,000,000 to make it happen. Maybe Mr. Bobo and Mainland Properties LLC realized New Albany didn't have that kind of cash lying around.

Mr. Malysz promised to go over the plans "with a fine tooth comb", but it still makes me wonder why a company would want to invest over a million dollars here and now. Do they know something the rest of us don't?

At any rate the thought of a massive building project with all the jobs that would come with it sounds like a dream come true to me. I just hope they can work things out with the EPA.


The New Albanian said...

Do they know something the rest of us don't?

Perhaps the single best straight line in the history of NA blogging.

Anonymous said...

I hope Coffey, Price and Denhart actually wait until they see the plan before they start bashing it.

Oh wait, they've been bashing it for months, well before a plan was ever introduced by the developer.

So much for wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...

I know the plans included a parking garage but nothing was mentioned this time about the city kicking in $12,000,000 to make it happen. Maybe Mr. Bobo and Mainland Properties LLC realized New Albany didn't have that kind of cash lying around.

There never has been a plan for the city "kicking in" $12 million. That's just something dreamed up by Coffey, Denhart and others who don't understand redevelopment.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, England wants US to pay for a new $12 million parking garage. It was in the Tribune.

Read much?

Before you blame others you need to figure out how EPA will allow this development.

This project would fall under the new conscent degree.

Considerating our sewer issue I seriously doubt it can happen.

Christopher D said...

Though I do not see this becoming anything like Newports river front, but perhaps the same on a smaller scale.

Perhaps the developers simply see the potential investment returns. Property values are down, with indications that the market is rebounding. (instant equity)

But much like any other thing that can be considered progress it will crucified by those who would like to see New Albany revert back to what it was shortly after the Scribner Brothers set up shop.

Anonymous said...

The New Albany General Operating Fund is over $5 million dollars in debt.

We have to close 4 local schools.

Our Sewer Dept. is in deep financial trouble.

The State Street Parking Garage can not pay to support itself. The city has to pay the utilities and upkeep.
That parking garage has not repaid the $3.2 million dollars that it
borrowed from our EDIT Fund to pay off the Parking Garage Bonds.


Anonymous said...

there you go again....knocking a plan before you have read it.

all that's happened so far is that a guy has offered the city a million bucks to guy some land by the levee.

sell it to him or don't. but when you start talking about $12 million this and $12 million that, you just make an *ss of yourself for talking about something off topic.

Anonymous said...

Georgetown will be off NA sewers before this project is online.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bobo's project will employ a lot of little people. I know a lot of little people will be glad to have the work.

Anonymous said...

If Coffey has a problem with selling the land for $1 million, then he should have made a higher offer.

Anonymous said...

It's doomed to fail, just like the YMCA!

Anonymous said...

Maybe now it's a good thing that Coffey fought the YMCA so hard. He was so wonderfully wrong about everything. Maybe, just maybe, people will remember just how wrong he was.

Anonymous said...

Under the great disguise of putting sewers. How ignorant the people are reading this blog. Must be nice to not give a da** about NA except what you "think" might be in it for YOU.

Dream on.......

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice the construction on State Street? What they told me it's new water lines being ran to the boat dock down to the Ohio River for new construction. I guess we are footing that bill also. And NO it was not American Water putting in the water pipes either, they were contracted by the City of New Albany.

Anonymous said...

After reading the "Dear Pat" letter on line this morning I had to laugh. It has England and Malysz hands all over this. It's very sad that they have to meet at a bar last night. That is called violating the Open Door Law. John Gonder should KNOW better.
You now wonder why citizens of New Albany does not trust this administration.

The New Albanian said...

"It has England and Malysz hands all over this."

If you have an accusation to make, make it. I didn't consult with anyone before writing it. It's from me to Pat. Straight up.

Anonymous said...

Pat McLaughlin sees through your smoke and mirrors. Wasn't it you who approached Pat and said: I got a lot of skin invested? My, my it's a small world huh? This just shows your desperations and your desire to please the mayor and your own personal agenda.
Should I continue on what I know?
Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

"Beware of the eyes of March."

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is others are writing Matt Nash's column's. It seems people that knows him can vouch that he is not smart enough to play the political game.

The New Albanian said...

You can make any comment you like about what I said or didn't say to Pat. Lots of people have invested in New Albany, and all of them have an interest in time running forward, not backward.

But if you imply that City Hall has any connection to what I write, then you're a liar. You're already an anonymous coward. If I knew who you were, I'd tell you to stay the h**l off my sidewalk.

(that's a funny)

The New Albanian said...

Word on the street is others are writing Matt Nash's column's.

Actionable. Shirley, I'd recommend you beign paying attention.

Matt Nash said...

People that "knows" me?

Thanks for reading anyway.

Matt Nash said...

Is that Shelby Street?

Unknown said...

Re: Matt Nash's column.

I just read that posting myself. I have to check my blog on my breaks and lunch time.

By actionable I assume you mean slander. I don't think anyone with a brain would believe that someone is ghost writing his column. And he has already replied to that comment himself.

I don't know Mr. Nash personally but from reading his columns I doubt that he would take such a comment seriously.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice the construction on State Street?

God forbid someone ever fix something in this town.

Anonymous said...

Does the little people's sewer plan include a lot of duct tape?

Anonymous said...

So Erik's careful research did not uncover that he was quoting a Hitler dude?

And we're supposed to believe that his careful research on the sewers turned up a conspiracy?

How careful is anything researched before posted to his blog?

Anonymous said...

This issue is about developers not paying their fair share. Why should rate payers pay for their enlarged pipes and all.

TNA, Shirley is more aware than you give her credit for.

Anonymous said...

Well first it was 70%
Then 35% plus 19% and 3-3-3
now the additional 3s's are gone.
vote it down and they will just come back with another offer. This is only a matter of seeing what they can get. Rate increase monies are not monitored very well. That is why they want this. It will probably pass. It is amazing tht the city budget of 16 million is about 600 pages and the sewer budget of over 12 million is just a few pages with very little detail. Oh yeah and when are they going to collect those over due bills that are once again approaching one million.

Anonymous said...

if pat does the wrong thing tonight who in the fourth will step up to run against him? there are those in that district who can and is the last person we need to see downtown.

Anonymous said...

This issue is about developers not paying their fair share. Why should rate payers pay for their enlarged pipes and all.

Name one development where the developer has not paid his fair share?

Coffey's just pointing his finger at nameless "developers" because they are popular whipping boys. Does he have numbers it back it up?


Anonymous said...

If we can't handle the sewage we have now, all of the expansion in the knobs makes no sense at all

Anonymous said...

don't forget g-town is coming off our sewers in a couple years.