Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Due to other obligations I did not attend the special city council meeting last night (4/27). But I did read Daniel Suddeath's columns regarding the sewer loan and the hiring of Mr. Lorch as a full time council attorney and grant writer.

I agree with both decisions.

Please add your comments which agree or disagree.


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The New Albanian said...

And I'd add this: I think she's continued to have the "last word," anonymously or pseudonymously, ever since.

Anonymous said...

Baylor (Big Mooch) is not the only one scratchin' the mayor's buttocks in exchange for public hand-outs.

The Smith dude that sells tabloids (Little Mooch), has the same strategy.

Throw in Nash, Gillenwater, and Cassidy too. They are all in line at the public trough.

Anonymous said...

Throw in Nash, Gillenwater, and Cassidy too. They are all in line at the public trough.

You seem terribly fixated on this "public trough' issue, even though it's not true for the people you name.

Is this fixation because you're on welfare? Or is it because you cannot run your own business and you are jealous?

Jealous and on welfare, I bet.

Ernest said...

This has become absolutely inexcusable. Despite asking for this to stay on subject and refrain from the typical slander-fesy, here we are again. Anonymous people doing all they can to ruin anyone they can that ay disagree with them. IF YOU WILL NOT REQUIRE ACCOUNTABILITY ON THE THREADS, THEN AT LEAST ENFORCE COMMENT MODERATION AND DO NOT ALLOW ANY OF THIS B.S. There is a significant difference between allowing a space for persons to post their concerns and questions, and condoning the immature, slanderous, behavior. It's time to step up to the plate as a potential future city leader and do WHAT YOU KNOW is right.

Anonymous said...

There is a significant difference between allowing a space for persons to post their concerns and questions, and condoning the immature, slanderous, behavior.

Big difference.

Christopher D said...

My God, why can't you people let this "lying bitch" thing go? Yeah, Roger said it, and he didnt try to say he didn't.

I have personally heard the poor little lady call Mayor England, John Gonder, and many others much worse than that. At a council meeting she came up to me and called England a crooked lying bastard and that she had the "evidence" that night to put an end to his game. (by the way it was scribbling on a peice of double ruled paper about a fire hydrant by his house, took a picture of the paper as she was shoving it someone elses face)

I sat in the back entrance of the public Library waiting for Coffey's townhall meeting and as she was seated next to me on the phone calling people horrible things.

Drop this crap against Baylor, because its not like he pissed on a saint or anything. I just think it came down to reaping what she sewed personally.

You all attack Roger, you attack Randy Smith, And Jeff Gillenwater, and Mark Cassidy like they are some kind of God Damned super villians out to destroy this city, when they are actually jus using their freedom of speech the way it was meant to be used, by standing up for what they say, and not being cowards and hiding behind a computer keyboard under some slimey rock somewhere.

Anonymous said...

The final vote on the full time city attorney is a perfect example of how corrupt this City Government really is.

The ordinance was defeated twice.

Then they were combined as one and it passed by a 5 to 4 vote on the first two readings. Next, sensing defeat again, John Gonder sneaked it on the special meeting agenda along with the sewer rate hike. They even moved it to 5:00 to make sure public input was squelched (who knew, and who can attend an unannounced meeting at 5:00PM?) It passes in the darkness of special meeting, hidden away from public discourse.

This part time attorney, has a full time salary thanks to the underhandedness of John Gonder.....

That is until election time. At that time he will be driving around NA, day and night, in a van full of Doug England and John Gonder re-election signs. All this, rest assured, will be funded compliments of the tax payers.

I think the atheist on bank street is right about one thing, city government is killing this town.

Anonymous said...

True "Whistleblowers" need a place to anonymously blow their whistles.

But has that ever happened here? Once? Has anyone ever spread word of wrongdoing on this blog?

There have been many accusations but nothing useful. None of the accusations have ever been backed up with a shred of evidence. There's never any proof. It always just slander. Slander, lies, mistruths, name calling, accusations, innuendo. Nothing more.

I have never seen anything on this blog add REAL INFORMATION to the public debate. I have seen plenty of character assassination on this blog.

So why do you continue with this blog, Shirley?

Do we need an anonymous space for whistleblowers? Yes. But true whistleblowers have an anonymous space.

Anyone can start his or her own blog. Anyone can start their own anonymous blog. Anyone can start their own anonymous blog and share their evidence of wrongdoing. This blog in no way adds to the ability of watchdog citizens to do their tasks. Whistleblowers don't need this site to do their job.

This blog only helps people spread lies.

Anonymous said...

The final vote on the full time city attorney is a perfect example of how corrupt this City Government really is.

The ordinance was defeated twice.

Then they were combined as one and it passed by a 5 to 4 vote on the first two readings.

A councilmember changing his mind about a vote is evidence of "how corrupt this City Government really is."?

You have a very lowe threshold for what you consider corrupt. I thought it meant taking a bribe or something.

Apparently "corrupt" means not voting the way Price votes.

Anonymous said...

Just who start these recent attacks? You all did. You can dish it out but you damn well can't take it.
God save our city from all you evil people.

Anonymous said...

I'm a tax payer and a voter and I agree with the decisions.

All I add is in response to the misinformation posted by Anonymous 10:49... check these facts:

The special meeting was held at 5pm because there was already another meeting already set at the 6pm slot. Notice of the special meeting agenda was posted as usual. Hardly underhanded behavior.

Regarding Gonder "sensing defeat..." If there was something to cause defeat on a third reading, why wouldn't it have voted that way at this meeting? Nothing has changed. Sounds like speculation and sour grapes to me.

Even if a council member were to vote against the two positions separately, it makes common sense to compromise by combining two good ideas into one for efficiency. To call that "corruption" is a good stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous said...

"That is until election time. At that time he will be driving around NA, day and night, in a van full of Doug England and John Gonder re-election signs. All this, rest assured, will be funded compliments of the tax payers".

I totally agree with this statement and this post. This administration is full of crooks.

Anonymous said...

If 5 council members feel the need a for a full time attorney, but four members do not......there is no need for a full time attorney.

This should have only moved forward if it were unanimous, otherwise, there is not going to be enough work for the guy to do.....dah!

In other word, we are going to be paying the guy to do the work of 5 members, not nine, so his work load will only be servicing half the council....hence only a part time position will be necessary!

The mayor needs to veto this crap!

And people wonder why NA is so screwed up. Look at the idiots running the city government.

shirley baird said...

Unfornately I had to delete more comments. Since I do not have the time to sit and monitor this blog 24/7 I have enabled comment moderation.

I hate to have to do this but some people insisted on making accusations against others. I did not just delete anonymous comments either, so no individual needs to feel "picked on".

Everyone was asked to stay on topic and act like adults, but, well, I'm sure everyone saw how that went.

I am very sorry to have had to do this.


Anonymous said...

18 days and still no arrest


Ernest said...

"If 5 council members feel the need a for a full time attorney, but four members do not......there is no need for a full time attorney." It’s called the majority rule; the no's were out voted, by 5 other duly elected representatives chosen by the citizens of our city. Also the legally elected Mayor of the city, elected by the majority of the registered voters of the city chose not to veto the motion. It’s just a fact that you will have to live with.

Anonymous said...


You miss the point. The Council Attorney works for the nine city council members, nobody else. So if the entire body does not feel they can create enough work to justify a full time job, then, everyone in the city, especially the mayor, should have their eyebrows raised. This is one of those cases when a narrow majority, combined with some underhanded politics of the chairman, should be considered by the mayor. He should veto. Now if he has already signed it, then its all water under the bridge.

This blog furnished the thread. I replied, you attacked.

I am starting to agree with the other folks on this guys are some pretty shady characters.

Anonymous said...

I like how Baylor wants to have meetings with Bloggers and then one of them call people a self made liar. Yeah, that will get you a lot of people.

Ernest said...

12:33 I did not attack you. I simply stated the fact that the motion was approved by the majority of the legally elected officials. Even if it is a slight majority, it is a mojority non-the-less. The system worked as it was designed to work. And I am curious, to what do you base the fact that the chairman of the council is currupt. Please do say "because I think he..." or some other type of purely circumstantial information.

Matt Nash said...

"Throw in Nash, Gillenwater, and Cassidy too. They are all in line at the public trough"

Hey Anno 5/2 7:50 pm

Explain to me exactly how I am in line at the public trough.

I assume you read my column in The Tribune every friday (available by convienent home delivery my US mail or at many local sights as early as 5 am)
So, Thanks for reading.

Anonymous said...

This is the guy that called a women a "lying bitch" because she disagreed with his views on how city money should be allocated.

Please repeat that sentence as much as possible. Everyone knows what really happened. The more you repeat this version, the more people will know you're not telling the truth.

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