Monday, March 1, 2010


There were only two items on the agenda tonight, so our city council meeting only lasted about 40 minutes.

The items in question were:
G-10-02 Ordinance Establishing a Full-Time Common Council Attorney. There was quite a bit of discussion both pro and con. Mr. Coffey and Mr. Price both stated that they had nothing against the candidate but with the city budget in the condition it is they did not see a need for a full time attorney at this time.

Mr. Gonder did not believe that the city was served by a part time attorney. He mentioned all of the questions about the sewers, cleaning up the ordinance book, and people questioning our local government's integrity. He added that there is a need to search out ways to utilize the attorney.

The ordinance was voted down 5-4 with Mr. Coffey, Mr. Price, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Gahan, and Mr. Zurschmeide voting against.

The second agenda item was
R-10-06 Resolution To Purchase Garbage Lids, and Lid Replacements along with Installation of New Lids From The Riverboat Fund. Mr. Malysz said the Mayor had requested this item be added to the agenda. There was discussion on this issue also but after establishing that the city owns these cans and is obligated to maintain them the resolution passed with a show of hands.

During the comments from the city officials, Mr. Malysz mentioned that the Mayor is interested in re-establishing a Human Rights Commission since there have been a few issues in the past couple of years that would warrant such. Sounds like an interesting idea to me.


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Anonymous said...

roger's doing something with his life and in his community.

he started a business downtown.

you might not agree with him but you know where he stands.

hats off to roger.

if you don't like him, fine. but don't insult my intelligence by LYING and trying to make people he cannot pay the water bill even when he's paying the payroll for a couple dozen citizens.

Anonymous said...

4:11 I bet she makes way more than you do. Do you have a new flat screen TV, a brand new 2010 car and just spent three weeks in Italy. Not bad for someone you say who has NO job.

Too funny.

Anonymous said...

So you would rather lay-off teachers and have overcrowed classrooms so art and music classes can be maintained?

Glad we have real educators running our school system who are looking out for the best interest of ALL children and not just for those students interested in music and art.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a new flat screen TV, a brand new 2010 car and just spent three weeks in Italy.

No, I went to Brazil. You?

Anonymous said...

Cash in those seeds and help your ole buddy on Bank Street. Where is your New Albany spirit folks? Hard times have fallen on our country. We need to help save the brewhouse. Chef Josh can't cook without water. Who wants to sit at a dirty table? Not my family. You all can afford to miss a meal if that's what it takes to save the brewhouse.
Don't worry Roger, your friends won't let you down.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Christopher BS.

as your friend Mark would say...your dumb and stupid.

Anonymous said...

"Do you have a new flat screen TV, a brand new 2010 car and just spent three weeks in Italy."

No - and I don't have new sidewalks either.

But I did pay my water bill so I have water!

Anonymous said...

My looks like it has been an active blog today. Did all you fine outstanding citizens get any of our problems solved today?

Anonymous said...

Pathetic. You're sooo eager to "Get" Roger you'll make up shit about his water bill. Read the newspaper tomorrow and learn there was a water leak.

By the way, did you hear about the water leak because you visited his pub or because you read his blog?

Anonymous said...

The water issue is at Richo's on Grantline.

BSB is unaffected and currently is full of patrons.

Get your facts straight.

Did you forget that Roger owns more than one restaurant?

Anonymous said...

What new problems did you solve today Christopher D?

The New Albanian said...

Impressive. Shirley can be proud that most of what we've always said about the caliber of anonymous character assassins turns out to be true.

But that's less important than basic reading comprehension.

The water problem is at Plaza Drive, not the Brewhouse. Can you go back and adjust your posts to reflect the "right" information?

Actually, I very much appreciate Shirley enabling malice like this. It proves my point -- again, and again, and again.

Anonymous said...

Ah, lets see, Chris provided expert information on sewers, education, sale of school property, music, art, hey even mastered the word b@tch to I see.

Wow...You go Chris!

Anonymous said...

Keep your crap on your own blog!

Anonymous said...

"The water problem is at the Brewhouse, not Plaza Drive, Can you go back and adjust your posts to reflect the "right" information?"

Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Did all you fine outstanding citizens get any of our problems solved today?

If by tearing down the reputations of hard working business owners and spreading false rumors you mean "problems solved," then yes, we've been very productive today.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a productive day! Keep up the great work. Soon you fine citizens will have all our problems solved.

Anonymous said...

I have not done enough of the following lately:

1. lied
2. mislead
3. insulted
4. slandered
5. complained
6. demoralized
7. wasted time
8. been an asshole.

So I thought I'd come here and CATCH UP!

Shirley doesn't seem to mind. She let's everyone else do it every day.

Anonymous said...

Show me where Y wants the police to be cut? Must be fascinating living in your own little world making up bs about people and not doing a dang gone thing to help out in any way with the City's problems.

It is called grasping at straws, choke choke choke.

Anonymous said...

5:04 Save your time, looks like the others made up for you.

Anonymous said...

Brand new car $25,000
flat screen TV. $1200
3 weeks in Italy. $5000

bitching and moaning about a estimated $20 increase in sewer fee......PRICELESS

Anonymous said...

"The water problem is at the Brewhouse, not Plaza Drive, Can you go back and adjust your posts to reflect the "right" information?"

When did this become the place for businesses to advertise?

Anonymous said...

Should the City of New Albany consider municipal bankrupcy as a possible solution to its financial problems?

Anonymous said...

Ask the expert...Dr. Christopher BS.

Anonymous said...

wrong again anonymous 5:08.

Too funny.

Anonymous said...

"Should the City of New Albany consider municipal bankrupcy as a possible solution to its financial problems?"

Financial problems? What financial problems?

Anonymous said...

i didn't know that a 20 whiny citizens who don't want a $20 sewer increase was a "financial problem."

Iamhoosier said...

New car. 3 weeks in Italy. TV.

Wow. Wonder who is paying her off? Everyone know that a person can't actually accomplish anything like that on their own.

(for those that don't get it--that was sarcasm. I understand she works lots of hours at a very necessary and demanding job. The above was aimed at those who think anybody that has anything, is on the take)

Anonymous said...


stupid and dumb...again.

Anonymous said...

tim, stop being a butt!

Christopher D said...

in regards to being called the expert BS (oh ouch my feelings are soooo hurt)

Remember the info I posted was from credible national sources, not my opinion.

in so far as "What new problems did you solve today Christopher D?"

I did get a nice package in the mail today from the federal government containing information on programs and funding available to help with the sewers. Willing to share with any CIVIL persons interested, just email me and I will send you copies.

Anonymous said...

mark...go back to your flutophone and crayons. best if you stick to your music and art.

Anonymous said...

Chris provided expert information on sewers, education, sale of school property, music, art, hey even mastered the word b@tch to I see.

and now he is mastering sewer funding using government money instead of poor people's money.

You go Chris!

Anonymous said...

did he get a package for federal funding for schools too. Bet them dumb people who runs our school don't know anything about federal funding and he will be able to teach them a thing or two also.

Christopher D said...

"Chris provided expert information on sewers, education, sale of school property, music, art, hey even mastered the word b@tch to I see.

and now he is mastering sewer funding using government money instead of poor people's money.

You go Chris!"

No need for such unwarranted praising, I just do more than run my mouth, I am willing to back up what I say, can you say the same?

Anonymous said...

Folks, how about giving that poor guy Chris, Christopher D., Dr. Christopher BS or what every else you call him a break. I think he means well. Appears he's just the type that needs attention and to feel important. We all have that need, some need it more than others. I'm not trying to offend anyone, I just feel sorta sorry for a guy that gets picked on so much. Reminds me of the bully picking on the nerdy boy in grade school.

Christopher D said...

hell, I dont need or want any attention, and as far as the nerdy kid getting beat up by the school bully, my scrawny butt, leg braces wearing, limp having, white haired and freckled self got picked on by the kids on the short bus!

It was kind of fun actually.

Anonymous said...

5:57 right on with your diagnosis. his post 3 minutes latter proves it. he is a product of being bullied in grade school and outcasted as the nerdy boy. actual proof we need to stop the bullying in school or our society will end up with more of these Dr BS freaks.

Anonymous said...

The guy said he was going to see what was out there and he did so now you want to make fun of him for that,what's up with that? Seems to me it's more than most people around here have done including council members, why not back off of the guy?

Anonymous said...

5:24 she would appreciate your sincerity, seriously, but she's busy working.

Anonymous said...

Back off the nerdy guy. He's already went through enough torment during grade school being bullied all the time and having to ride the short bus. All he wants is attention and to feel important. Is that to much to ask for you stupid cowards?

Anonymous said...

what a bunch of jerks

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have seen this on here yet. Have fun reading.

shirley baird said...

OK here we go again. Seriously, I have never met Chris Drake but he does his homework and always backs up what he says. So please give him a break.

And because some people post anonymously there could very well be one person posting over and over and talk about others who comment a lot.

As far as letting the insults go on, I have addressed that issue MANY times, no need to rehash.

Anonymous said...

Me think people are tying to disract about the financials -- SO MORE BS

Christopher D said...

If you are referring to me trying to create a distraction from teh financials, you are wrong.

I am following up on a situation I said I would do a month or two ago, and I am starting to get answers from the federal authorities I had requested information for funding sources through TARP monies.

Sometimes it just takes a little time to get official answers. I am sorry if the timing of the first real set of answers happens to fall in line with the financials being released, but I can not control when people in DC mail me information.

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to talk about Basque sheep herding techniques? I'm ready for something that's more relevant to my life than this blog.

Anonymous said...

i saw professor erik in the middle.

Anonymous said...

Not interested in Basque sheep herding techniques or when certain people receive their mail. How about sticking to relevant information like the financials.

Anonymous said...

No, wasn't referring to you! It takes time to get official answers from especially Feds. But, you can get answers from them long before we will EVER get any answers from downtown.

Anonymous said...

i wish that the people calling for audits knew how to read a balance sheet.

Anonymous said...

Devil is in the details.
Read the claims.
Remember the 2 sets of books.

Anonymous said...

remember, smoking
too much pot
makes you

still waiting to
see the tapes.

Anonymous said...

all of this talk of being stonewalled by downtown when seeking records is nothing but talking loud and saying nothing. Walk in ask for what you want, if you do not get it, remind them of open record laws, if you still do not get it, then the states attorney general will get it for you. But that would take the drama out of it

Anonymous said...

I think you meant to say the Public Access Counselor will get the records for you.

Anonymous said...

To Waiting To See The Tapes, read the year end financial for the City. Can you OPEN your eyes?

Anonymous said...

Ed Clere doesn 't give two shakes about public schools. He sends his to a private school.

Indiana's reform plan did not even qualify for the national competition "race to the top", so why would we trust our schools to the likes of Ed Clere, Tony Bennett and Mitch Daniels?

Ed is a realtor. He and his lobby group sucked the life out of education in Floyd County by cutting the schools major source of funding. Thanks Ed, enjoy your tax break. Thanks to you, elementary school athletics are a thing of the past in New Albany. Atta boy you nasty politician. Maybe Mitch will throw you some re-election toady-bucks.

Thanks Ed for closing our schools. This is your legacy!

Anonymous said...

do not forget your man mitch may be running for prez next elections as well

Anonymous said...

why single ed clere out, Shane Gibson is a blood sucking I mean tax paying sucking lawyer who is ripping us all off with his sewer bond work and his allegiance to the worst mayor in the history of New Albany and he ays he wont resign as city attny if he miraculously beats Clere, talk about double dipping.

Christopher D said...

Why single out any politicians when it was the public who demanded property tax reforms?

Anonymous said...

gonder trying to justify sewer rate increase, you are history johnny boy, who pulls your strings?

once again shirley you are sitting on thye fence, better take a stand soon voters will judge you

Anonymous said...

I don't feel the rate hike will stand legally (if enough people remonstrate) because the BOOKS WILL NOT STAND UP TO SCRUTINY.

After ordinance (if passed) is published in the Tribune there will be a notice (in real little letters) at the bottom how ratepayers can protest.


"They" are up a creek without a paddle. As someone said earlier, you remembered x, y and z but you forgot w.

Howcome no news coverage on the YEAR END FINANCIALS printed by the Tribune?

The State Revolving Loan Fund "bonds" didn't require insurance and have been refinanced (Clere); the other "Bonds" must be the JUNK "bonds". No credit, no money, how in the hey do you get MORE BONDS or more BONDS REFINANCED, except for paying AN EXHOBITANT RATE NOT COUNTING INSURANCE AND ATTORNEY FEES?

The BOOKS will not stand.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me - "EXHORBITANT"

Anonymous said...

The fine print at the bottom of the legal informs rate payers YOU MUST SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING IN ORDER TO HAVE A VOICE IN THE PROCESS LATER.

Gonder is wet behind the ears concerning his sewer explanations. In other words, he does not know what he is talking about.

ENGLAND, what part of the word inept do you not recognize? YOU have spent ALL THE MONEY and simply need to cover your ass. I do not want to cover your ass any more and really want the chips to fall where they may.

Sounds LIke you need this said...

In order to ensure that the public at large can understand clearly what 2:16, 1:24 and many others on this blog are saying is it my correct comprehension that this is how this is playing out:

1) There is a conspiracy with in our local government to illegally spend city monies, and falsify t he books to cover up said larceny.

2) The Evening News and the New Albany Tribune are party to this conspiracy because they will not print certain stories, or because the legal notices print is of a small font point size.

3) The current mayor of New Albany would have been in federal prison had he not somehow managed to misappropriate millions of dollars in state provided funds to cover up mistakes relating to bid rigging, illegal contracts, etc.

4) The city controller is also part of this conspiracy, as it has been listed here, she is actually the one laundering the money and cooking the books.

5) A freshman councilman is also on the take, along with other freshman councilmen, and a few junior and senior council members, with the exception of Dan Coffey, and Steve Price, all other council members are somehow privy to this secret conspiracy.

6) The major players in this criminal action are so good at it that they can hide the information from state auditors, and different administrations that served between the hiatus of this Mayor and certain appointed members of the administration.

7) The City attorney also plays a role in this by working in conjuction with the Councils attorney to muddy the scrum.

8) A partial business owner who has invested in two locations for their business in this city is also party to the scheme, which is evident because the building in which they do not own, but lease, has had sidewalk work done, and the mayor and other elected officials are known to occasionally drink the ales that said company brews.

9) In connection with that there is a group of citizen guards that somehow run interference between the police and the mayor to keep him from getting arrested for drinking and driving, the same group has tampered the jury selection process for another freshman councilperson in order to delay that trail for DWI.

10) A local bookseller obviously is involved because he has the power to have the printed reports from the state audits edited to cover up the money laundering and larceny scheme.

11) A local medical clinic administrator is also involved as he provides the untraceable medications to wipe out the memories of anyone with knowledge of this conspiracy.

And lastly, of all the evil, illegal, racketeering going on, on the two previously mentioned councilmen, Price and Coffey, along with a small group of disorganized, unkempt, new car driving, European touring, HDTV buying homeowners and anonymous thread posters who throw accusations like rocks in a riot, are all that stands between total choas and the fleecing of the masses. Yet the FBI, ISP, USDOJ, US treasury Officers have not taken notice of all this despite years of claims by the same group of people led by a political science professor that teaches at no college that anyone can find has indicated that they are working with the authorities and that justice is coming soon, and has been for at least 8 years now, but yet over 10,000 voting citizens of the city of New Albany has no indication of any of this?

Before deciding to write an article about this, am I correct?

Anonymous said...

In order to indicate the seriousness of this offer to make this story known if there is credible evidence to support all of the accusations that have been posted on this site, I am willing to set up a press conference at a venue of your choice, where I will contact the local television news stations, along with state and federal authorities and have them present at a time and date suitable to you to finally get this out in the air and settled once and for all.
The ball is in your court, the decision you make will show the rest of this city whether there is any truth to what you say, or if, as said previously is nothing more than rocks being flung at whomever in order to garnish attention.
So are you going to prove yourselves and your stances, or are you going to prove yourselves as nothing more that persons seeking a little limelight by discrediting others with out evidence to back up the serious accusations that you have made?

Anonymous said...

2 + 2 = 4

Are you into fuzzy math also?

Anonymous said...

Of course the first response to the offer is no response at all, just as expected.
This could go the other way as well and contact the same authorities to pull IP addresses from Blogger, and expose the groups for what they are.
Again the ball is in your court, do you want offense or defense?

Anonymous said...

First, we don't need you or anyone else to call a press conference for us.

4:05 You forgot a few people like Jeff Fifer and Keith Henderson. I could add a few more on this list besides them. It is up to you to prove us wrong not us to prove you wrong. How many people went to Stan Faith over this? How many people have been to Keith Henderson also?

Answer: Several.

You must be new in town or deaf, dumb and brain dead or brain washed or you would know almost 99.9% is correct. The personal attacks make up the 1/10 left to residents.

If anything "could be forced/made to happen" doing an Independent audit of the sewer, sanitation and stormwater books alone would prove our case against England.

Does the Tribune not print the facts? No
Do they call Mayor England out on his lies and misinformation? No
Do they investigate? No

We can spend $81,300 for trash lids but will not spend one read nickel for a forensic audit on sewers.

If I was Douglas B. England I would be scared sh*tless that so many people know and watch what he is doing.

Were you there at Studio's when England told councilmembers: I am 63 years old and the mayor and I don't need the council to tell me what to do. Or to approve anything I will do what ever I want to do.

I and others heard those words several times at the same bar.

What happen? He spent about $3 million dollars without the council approval.

So what if a storm blew thru tore off the roof and he made money. It is still "malfeasance".

In Indiana there is NO recall law, the only way you can get an elected official removed is malfeasance. (If found guilty, and believe me that would not be hard to prove.)

We have had two, (are you still with me?)prosecutor's tell us: this is toooo political. But in order to go up the food chain this is the way us citizens have to go.

Believe me, we will NOT back down and will take this as far as we need too go.

The state board of accounts have "NO" authority. They do not do a complete audit. Which is useless! My understanding, is they use to completely audit each city and county years ago it should be done but they have 92 other county's to cover.

Question: If our general fund is $4,108,598.31 in the red as of 01/01/2009 and ends up $5,343,770.76 in the red at 12/31/2009 do you continue to spend?

That's just a small example of what we are talking about.

(more to come)

Anonymous said...

First, we don't need you or anyone else to call a press conference for us.

4:05 You forgot a few people like Jeff Fifer and Keith Henderson. I could add a few more on this list besides them. It is up to you to prove us wrong not us to prove you wrong. How many people went to Stan Faith over this? How many people have been to Keith Henderson also?

Answer: Several.

You must be new in town or deaf, dumb and brain dead or brain washed or you would know almost 99.9% is correct. The personal attacks make up the 1/10 left to residents.

If anything "could be forced/made to happen" doing an Independent audit of the sewer, sanitation and stormwater books alone would prove our case against England.

Does the Tribune not print the facts? No
Do they call Mayor England out on his lies and misinformation? No
Do they investigate? No

We can spend $81,300 for trash lids but will not spend one read nickel for a forensic audit on sewers.

If I was Douglas B. England I would be scared sh*tless that so many people know and watch what he is doing.

Were you there at Studio's when England told councilmembers: I am 63 years old and the mayor and I don't need the council to tell me what to do. Or to approve anything I will do what ever I want to do.

I and others heard those words several times at the same bar.

What happen? He spent about $3 million dollars without the council approval.

So what if a storm blew thru tore off the roof and he made money. It is still "malfeasance".

In Indiana there is NO recall law, the only way you can get an elected official removed is malfeasance. (If found guilty, and believe me that would not be hard to prove.)

We have had two, (are you still with me?)prosecutor's tell us: this is toooo political. But in order to go up the food chain this is the way us citizens have to go.

Believe me, we will NOT back down and will take this as far as we need too go.

The state board of accounts have "NO" authority. They do not do a complete audit. Which is useless! My understanding, is they use to completely audit each city and county years ago it should be done but they have 92 other county's to cover.

Question: If our general fund is $4,108,598.31 in the red as of 01/01/2009 and ends up $5,343,770.76 in the red at 12/31/2009 do you continue to spend?

That's just a small example of what we are talking about.

(more to come)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need this--
second best. Post ever on this blog. The priceless one was a little better.

What will the story be called? said...

arest 6:00
Once again this all sounds good on paper, or standard internet font, per contra, it is the same story that has been repeated year in and year out with out ever being brought before the general public.
So in your response, we can now add prosecutorial dereliction of duty spanning two separate Prosecutors.
Why would not want this story told where the entire voting public has access to the information and evidence. To date you or anyone in your group has been able to do so, and in that failure, or disregardance you have become complacent in the conspiracy by enabling the situation to continue unchecked. There is no other way to put that, nor is there any excuse to cover that. If you refuse to bring the evidence forward and include dispersment of the information to the public at large, then you as well are as culpable as those performing the alleged misdeeds.
This does not even address the damage this would readily do to any reasonability and credibility that your organization may have, not only in the eyes of the people who will read this blog, but in the eyes of future readers when this transcript is published elsewhere.
Let us digress back to prosecutorial dereliction on the grounds that is too political: You are being offered a nonpartisan opportunity to bring the evidence you have to light in a medium where they would be forced to take action by the outcry of the public at large after being presented with tangible facts as confirmed through credible investigative journalism, yet you refuse, if you are capable of stepping outside your box, what message does that send?
It clearly sends a message that there is in fact no evidence to support the claims that are being made, there is no justification for slinging the term malfeasance, otherwise it would have been done.
No one in this community has the commission to prove you wrong, the truth is, with the way these groups for years upon years have made these claims, yet shared no information with any parties outside of a select few, you will be generally viewed at best as reticent political vigilante group.
Again there is an offer on the table to stop this you are claiming is happening, or you can refuse again, and as such you will prove on your own that you have no desire to help the citizens of New Albany, but to only further your group members own personal agendas.
Will you make the right choice, or will the investigative reporting be keyed on your group to seek out the members, cross reference that with dynamic IP addresses that are recorded with each posting, which could then open the members up to civil lawsuits? Freedom of speech is tempered by deliberately attempting to damage a persons name, and courts have all ready awarded sizable awards in situations like this. Please feel free to research the cases.
The ball is in your court.

Anonymous said...

PS to 6:00
There truly is no need to post more as you had indicated. Its what everyone here has read time and time again, and heard repeatedly.
The time has come when you break out your notebooks you have been keeping while eavesdropping on private conversations at bars and restaurants, bring out the boxes of evidence for all of the citizens of New Albany to see and be what you say you are, watchdogs of the community, or show that you are nothing more than strays digging for scraps.

Anonymous said...

Look, we know the mess we are in financially was caused by England overspending.

We know the sewers do not work after England's 3rd attempt.

WE ALL KNOW these things.

What are you going to do about same?

I know, nothing, except act and think everyone else in town is crazy but for a few. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Overspending? Please expand on your assertion.

Anonymous said...

You mean you haven't read this yet!

Select: 2008
Select: Floyd
Then pick New Albany.
It really ISN'T THAT HARD!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, you did read the Annual Financial Report for 2009 didn't you!!!

How hard can it be? Take off those sunglasses and put on your readers!

Anonymous said...

School Board meeting tomorrow night. The student population hasn’t increased that much since all the school construction (lots of dollars) was completed. Better leave that touchy subject alone. You remember, the issue that finally brought the ‘elected’ school board!
Galena probably needs to go because the package treatment plant it uses needs work and is small. Greg Fifer just couldn't get that New Albany sewer connection in time. We all know Silver Street has had a hard time dodging the chopping block - just a matter of time. You think Carl Malysz can tell us what needs to be done with that building?
Pine View children are eligible for ‘Choice’ so parents can send their students to a high achieving school. The Children’s Academy replaced the previous ‘low scoring school’ to give it a blank slate. So many children of low-income families (Title I schools) usually bring down the test scores of the school. What better way to improve the district snapshot than to close the ‘low test score’ schools. Perhaps moving those children to schools with better test scores will help those children in the long run.
Moving the 5th graders to middle school isn’t such a bad idea. Catholic Schools have elementary children together through 8th grade. I can just hear the words ‘crowded classrooms’ mentioned. I know I am from ancient times (baby boomer), but there were over 40 children in my class rooms at times, when I was in elementary school (yes it was a Catholic school and I was in Louisville). But we still learned from our teachers and each other. Some people may even place their children in private schools because of this. It just seems there isn’t as many children in the city of New Albany. Guess they are taking to the hills.
I think we are still headed for tough times (more unemployment, higher gas prices, inflation). With some planning, maybe things will get better for the schools. If not, school may not be held as many days as before (only 4 days week) or perhaps children will end up having Internet classes, such as universities.
PS Ask how much money the schools didn’t get because it went into one of the many TIFs.

Anonymous said...

Correction-School Board Information meeting TONIGHT, Monday, March 8 at 7pm in the New Albany High School Auditorium. (Can't seem to keep track of the time, when I'm having fun on the internet).

Anonymous said...

Such truth about the TIF's impacting schools earlier and the monies leading to the elected school board. I simply agree.

Anonymous said...

since gonder didnt have the guts to print this on his doug england propanda blog, here it is: sewer issue facts, 1. Doug England wasted over 3 million on legal fees in the 1990's fighting the EPA, 2. His hand picked engineers Tenney Pavoni, who was found guilty of fraud squandered 20 million in sewer funds in the 1990's. 3. Sump pump inspections failed due to lack of enforcement, can we say favoritismm?, remember the "mayors club"

Now he has bankrupted the sewers again and a handful of people have made out like bandits, now how is a rate increase justified Johnny come lately Gonder

Anonymous said...

Sooo let me see that I have this straight. Gonder is scared to print rumor and innuendo but the hero Coffey is couragious for having a blog that deletes actual facts from people that don't share his views. Then after growing tired of deleting he turns off comments altogether (freedom of speech???)

Christopher D said...

Sounds like you need this,

You left out a couple of key points tying the conspirators to the North Koreans and Iranians.

Also, you misjudged my role in this, I do not provide memory erasing drugs through the clinics.

In my secret laboratory, hidden stories underground, I am working on developing an army of cyborgs that will secretly replace those who stand against the eventual goal of the conspirators, that being trying to take over the world, one new fee and one new tax at a time!

(by the way, great post, and don't hold your breath waiting for them to respond, you are more likely to get insulted, or if you toucheda nerve completely ignored)

The New Albanian said...

Coffey, who can't ever get the information, and therefore might be imagined not to have it, says on his blog that anyone disagreeing him is spreading misinformation.

How does one judge the nature of mis-information if any source of comparison is forever absent?

Anonymous said...

7:04 Again, it's his blog. I applaud Freedom Of Speech for not allowing comments. I will say this, when I have emailed them they always respond, maybe you progressives and others should try this type of comminication.

Anonymous said...

In responds to 7:11, give us a phone number to contact you. No email address, just a phone number.
The ball is in your court now.

Anonymous said...

Calm down Chris, I am not a fan of yours and I do not buy that posters crap written about mind boggling either. And, I would find this totally untrue. Some one is trying to push your buttons. So, please chill for now.

Anonymous said...

TNA, your remarks are only typical again, that's the pot calling the kettle black.
For being a person with such book smarts, you lack in common sense.
You control your blog even from your five readers so what does that make you?
What are you bringing to the table with the debate and solutions to sewers and not closing schools?

Anonymous said...

7:52 wrong again.

Anonymous said...

1:26 priceless comments. Have you noticed NO one wants to admit how much TIF'S plays in the closing of those four schools? No one is blaming the teachers, only the governor, Bush, Clere, School board. This is a wake up call for you disbelievers. Look downtown, clean your rose colored glasses and believe this will happen. Bye, bye Silver Street and the other three schools. It's been in the making since "your teachers wanted their raise and to keep their $250.00 out of pocket insurance plan."

Christopher D said...

anon 8:33

Don't worry, I am not in a tizzy over this. I found it humorous.

The New Albanian said...

I just find it amusing that cuts in education tend to be espoused by the undereducated, that's all.

Christopher D said...

I personally am sickened by it all, and when I expressed that, and my concerns about making such extreme cuts to arts and music, of course I got dragged through the coals here.

(the best advice from the anonymous horde was for me, in my expertise, to teach all of the parents how to flush the potty less and save money to pay for private lessons)

Iamhoosier said...

I've asked before and never got an answer. How much money have the local schools lost to TIF districts? I'm sure there is some, but some of you write like you know how much. Okay, how much?

Anonymous said...

Christopher D. I find it funny you addressing Roger. When he has his own blog for you to comment on and you do. Since you btought hos name up, we suggest every reader of this blog and other blogs to read the comments by Randy Smith (skin head progressive) how humble he was they chose his place. Yes the drinks were free but what did he make on his food and his personal agenda. Roger and activist? His is for personal gain and that's it. Anyone who buys into their BS is as uneducated as can be. It's the economy stupid, we've fought for two years to get caps on property taxes and it will happen. We don't want increase sewer rate nor will we pay higher taxes to keep those four damn schools open.
Get over it, it's ginna happen, they have the votes and this is not up for debate.

The New Albanian said...

Get over it, it's ginna happen, they have the votes and this is not up for debate.

What exactly is it about not being up for debate that leads you to associate such a closed topic with being American?

Funny how the Euro-Socialist me has to ask that question. You want there to be no debate, and you call it free speech. Racists here call themselves Democrats. It's very amusing, don't you think?

Christopher D said...

You know, the delusion that such a small group of people like the anonymous horde control everything from schools, to taxes and fees is very very saddening and pitiful.

Oh well, what can you. Us stupid sheeple must just continue to bleet out when we can.

Anonymous said...

Dear March 7, 2010 4:05 PM:

I wish I could shake your hand. You pretty much summed it up!

Anonymous said...

Dear March 7, 2010 4:05 PM,

I wish the people who believe in this conspiracy would actually admit who they are. If they're so confident in it, why don't they show their faces and take credit for blowing the case wide open and saving the city?

The answer is that they're not so confident of it. They know that they do not know how to read a balance sheet. They know they don't understand the law. They know that there's problems with their allegations. They know people will see them as nutcases if they sign their name to anything.

They why do they do it? Spreading facts isn't their goal. They have just one goal, to bring down anyone by any means necessary who might want to spend public money. Intellectual honesty need not apply. WHY? Because their goals have nothing to do with honesty or transparency. They want to starve the city of revenue because saving $30 bucks in taxes is far more important than any public service like police, fire, schools, parks, or economic development.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what the last guy said!

Anonymous said...

So the ball is now in my court, correct? I am to publicly post my private telephone number on here, for you to call?
The reasonableness of that is absurd, but in your mind the reasons are solid, because there is no paper trail to connect to anyone.
Here is my offer, you post your phone number and I will call you to set this up. Let's put the ball back in your court.
I do not know what caliber of person you are used to dealing with, but I assure you, I am a very shrewd, detailed, and capable business person. I did not rise to the level I have in my professional career by over looking such details.
You can choose to email me at, or you can choose not to, but I assure you, if you drop the ball on this, when you have been afforded every opportunity to share with the entire public, it will be a huge mistake as far as the credibility of your group.
In so far as the post regarding just emailing the professor, I have, and have yet to receive a response.
Choose, this can all come to an end downtown if you have the evidence you all have claimed to have, or this can all come to an end for the entire public when your bluff has been called, so please choose wisely.

Unknown said...

I keep hearing that all of the facts will come out. Maybe it will happen at the sewer meeting or the school board meeting or possibly both. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I'm still waiting for the Tribune to report on the delinquent sewer bills and who the worst offenders are. Yes, I know FOS did an article about this also. This was just a coincidence.

I did, however, make such a comment on the Coffey Corner but now all of the comments have been removed.

I know the sewer rate increase and the school closings are both hot topics but I still do not see a reason for all of the mud slinging.
It seems that if someone does not have facts they jump on everyone else. Very sad.

The New Albanian said...

Shirley, I know you probably don't want to hear this again, but again and again, anonymity empowers the dysfunction that I know you sincerely regret.

Angry and unbalanced people are able to fire shots without taking responsibility for it. It's a shame, really, but apparently it's human nature. Or NA nature.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think most of the 'mud slinging' is being done by one, possibly two people. (I can tell by the 'words' they use). They are 'outside the circle' of insider information and can't stand it.
If it bothers you so much Roger, just ignore the distractions and stay on point. Or are you also trying to side rail discussions?

Anonymous said...

Let's see. The million dollar a year lawyer from DC who wrote the Clean Water Act was hired by England to fight the EPA, not to fix our sewers. Pavoni is old news and part of newspaper accounts. The $60 million bonds for renovation of the schools were fought by a lot of citizens who felt NAFC didn't need same and after it passed the Superintendant went to work for the company who got the bid.

IAMHOOSIER, go study back financials during the time we were contributing to the schools locally.

I personally do not know anyone wanting anything more than simply being honest about OUR MONEY and fixing the durn infrastructure.

We can't do a lot about the schools closing. I'd be upset if I had a child in one of those schools and the inconvenience and the unknown surrounding same.

A whistle blower e-mail? LMAO! I am trying to think who regards theirself in such high esteem to even print something like that. Having several to choose from, LMAO.

Citizens will have a chance to remonstrate against the sewer hike as looonnng as they speak at the public hearing; there will be some hoops they have to jump thru but there are rights for rate payers. The BOOKS WILL NOT STAND UP justifying the City's claims.

Shirley, I've called upon the Tribune to do an indepth article about our year end financials but not sure they understand a year end report. I know they do not understand the history on sewers.

I believe citizens went to Indy and got the property tax cap put into place (citizens across the great state of Indiana, not simply here). Therefore, I can't play the blame game on if it's a particular politican's fault, etc. I don't think some of them were in office at the time.

I feel desperation is setting in somewhere, downtown? Could City officials really be getting their underwear in a wad? No, they would do something like CUT BACK, STOP THE SPENDING, FOLLOW THE RULES SET OUT BY DLGF (that will be the day after umpteen # of audits telling them what to do).

Even Baylor heard the dissent on the streets about the sewers and put down the people he was listening to in whatever bar he was drinking. (I'm curious, was it Goodtimes, Pasttimes or Hitching Post?)

Twisting in the wind.

The New Albanian said...

Perhaps you're referring to the scene I described in last week's column. The crowded barroom was intended to be metaphorical (yeah, I know -- 5 syllables), combining the cacophony here at this blog, the council chamber, and the Facebook site mentioned in closing. That help?

The New Albanian said...

Or are you also trying to side rail discussions?

Not at all. I was engaging the blog' owner. She expressed regret, and I offered a possible reason.

Anonymous said...

If you do not like anonymous posting, simply do not read and go to your blog where no one posts. If not then accept it. This is not your blog to run. Shirley sets the rules here.

Iamhoosier said...

Would it have not been simpler to just have written, "I don't know"?

Anonymous said...

You forgot one. Professor Erik is part of the conspiracy too. He's a double agent. He makes the little people think he's on their side but don't forget that he's rich and got his Ph.D IN EUROPE. Prove me wrong Baylor!

Anonymous said...

I hold myself in no higher esteem than anyone else does. The Choice of name for an email address has nothing to do with the situation at hand. What is does have to do with is a call to bring forth the evidence of illegal activities by members of the elected government.
Continuous stalling only serves to reinforce the growing opinion that there is no evidence, and with each passing moment the ability to get action taken, if there is in fact evidence is passing.
By keeping the evidence to a select unnamed few persons, and claiming that actions have been attempted but refused because it was too political, and refusing to release the evidence to thousands of registered voters in New Albany is in fact behaving in a manner much the same as the good old boy system that has been used against the current administration.
When approximately 0.12% of the voting population claims to have evidence of criminal wrongdoing by elected officials, officials elected by a majority of the voters, and will not release that information publicly there are two possible scenarios the first of which is the group does not in fact have any evidence of criminal activity, the second of which is the group has the evidence and simply chooses not to release it to the approximately 37,000 citizens of the city, in which case would make that group extremely irresponsible, immoral, and seeking only to gain power through threats, which is completely counter to all that this Country stands for.
Are you stewards of the sanctity of the trust between a democratically elected government and those who entrusted them to serve and protect, or are you going to choose to be as guilty of refusing to release information as those you would accuse?

Anonymous said...

12:43 wrong again.

Anonymous said...

Go get your own information. We have tried to share it but there is none so blind as those who will not see.

The financials in the paper didn't make you stop and think?

Etc., Etc., Etc.,?

Blow your own smoke.

Iamhoosier said...

Ahhhh, there it is. "Get your own information" How sweet the sound...

That response is just about as old as the hymn.

Anonymous said...

IamHoosier..How many times does one have to tell you? Look at the financials in the paper and the audit report. If you don't see any problems there, then you are never going to see any and you must only be here to divert from the real issues.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the financials are published, but they do not, I repeat they do not indicate criminal wrongdoing, as your group has been indicating for so long with out proving it.
Often, you post that it is the burden of anyone who questions your allegations to prove you wrong, but you are in fact mistaken. Persons in this country are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of their peers.
One of the stones you like to throw too often is you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
To date, you have not brought forth nay facts, only opinions. I would add that they are opinions that are being issued out of personal dislike for certain individuals, and not for the intended betterment of the city of New Albany. It is for controversy's sake only.
You had been offered the opportunity to bring forth the evidence in a manner where action would be forced to be taken, but have chosen not to, you have been vulgar in your insults showing a lack of maturity on both a professional level, as well as a personal level.
You tell me to get my own information, I say to that if you have evidence or information that shows criminal conduct by the elected officials of this city, then that evidence belongs to the people of New Albany, not any one political action committee. So therefore that is our information.
But as I suspected, there is obviously no evidence, and the years of allegations of such are nothing more than lies.
Of course the question that still remains of your Champions, Price and Coffey; if they are such heroes of the people, the only good and moral elected officials why have they done nothing with your evidence? Have they sold out justice in exchange for not jeopardizing potential votes. An act that in and of itself nullifies their high moral standings.
So I ask you, is this your fianl standing, that you keep this information from the over 37,000 citizen of New Albany?

Anonymous said...

so are you saying you see nothing wrong with the financials and audit report?

Anonymous said...

Are you saying the information you have regarding criminal conduct does not belong to the citizens of New Albany?
Q&A works by answering questions asked of you before asking a question of your own, not trying to change the subject by dodging questions, making insults, and trying to divert attention away from the biggest issue at hand. I am sure you are capable of comprehending that.

Anonymous said...

5:12, 5:23 you have made your point to whomever you are refering to and it looks there not going to give you what you want. so how about if you just ignore them and let it go. however you can give the other of us your take on the financials and the audit report. i think your input on them will determine and show your ability to understand financial records and the amount of credibility people should provide to you.

Anonymous said...

The financials in the paper didn't make you stop and think?

Etc., Etc., Etc.,?

Blow your own smoke.

We know what smoke you've been blowing, Yvonne.

Potty Police Unite!

Christopher D said...

Does anyone know if Shirley ever found a gift bag? :)

4:15, In your humble opinion will I ever be anything but wrong on anything?

Anonymous said...

yea think she got one at the dollar store.

Anonymous said...

5:12, what's your hurry?

Why do you keep denigrating us?

Many across all sides of the spectrum are taking notes.

Since we are the ones with and holding the info, one would think you just might have a different attitude.

This reminds one of the old Broadway Musical "The Music Man" where a slick talking outsider comes in to change River City, Iowa. Only he is only good at fleecing the people and the town.

Even us so called backward thinking understand eventually that they've been hoodwinked.

Is that the reason this watchdog isn't barking yet?

Democracy, Thomas Jefferson believed, could only survive if the populace was informed, and that he believed, was the job of local watchdogs.

Thank God, at least, for those local watch dogs still doing their jobs.

Anonymous said...

Citizens do not need the media. (Have thought about talking to 60 minutes, however).
Citizens need lawyer(s) to represent them TO PRESENT their case in a court of law.
Anyone willing to pay those legal fees? If there is a remonstrance against raising the rates, anyone willing to pay those costs also?

Anonymous said...

Democracy, Thomas Jefferson believed, could only survive if the populace was informed, and that he believed, was the job of local watchdogs.
Nice words, but if you are holding the information then the populace is not informed, the populace is being kept in the dark by a handful of people. That my friend creates a more dangerous situation to your theory of democracy than law breaking elected officials.
You showed your true colors, you are not interested in standing up for the citizen, you are interested in holding and hiding a ace up your sleeves and will play the card only when it suits you, not when it can help the city before anything else can go wrong. If you can not bring yourself to understand that, then you are no better than those you feel are misrepresenting the citizens.
As far as attornies, it is also true that citizens can file a class action lawsuit against a Political action committee to release information that can prove criminal activity.

Anonymous said...

I think reporting, including to EPA, qualifies as citizens doing their job. Getting EPA representatives, Attorney from the Justice Department, and the EPA investigator coming to New Albany was an accomplishment. Citizens made some objections over the years by remonstrating and making calls to Indy. Informing local officials of what is going on (city happenings to county), also helps them to do their jobs.
If a prosecutor tells you the information you have is too political, what do you suggest the public do? OK, we accept. You can pay to hire an attorney.
If you have not read and informed yourself as a citizen, that is a failure on your part.
Feel free to report any irregularities you find.

Anonymous said...

8:27 wrong again. Might I suggest you attend the Thursday Public hearding before you make anymore threats.

Anonymous said...

typo: Public Hearing.

Christopher D said...

I think I will just join a few thousand others and express my opinion at the polls. Cheaper, simpler, and available to everyone!


Does any one have a good masonry repair person they can recommend? I prefer a local company.

Anonymous said...

I am A member of MADD (MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVERS).I read the article in yesterdays Tribune about Indiana State Police patroling our streets downtown.I really applaude them for doing their job.The mayor said,we don't need State Troopers in New Albany. He also said,when we need them in New Albany we will call them.
Well mayor England, New Albany needs State Troopers just to keep an eye on you and our downtown.Be careful when you come out of Studio's and other bars Mayor we are watching!

Anonymous said...

Mindy, Mindy, Mindy...

Iamhoosier said...

Look, has money been spent unwisely? Undoubtedly. Does it rise to the level of mismanagement? Not so undoubtedly but possibly. Criminal? Where's the beef, err, I mean proof?

Management of anything is not an exact science. You can't go to the "back of the book" and look up the answers. Ever bought something that you thought would make you life easier, better or whatever and then regretted it because it didn't really do what you thought it would? Even though you may have thought about it and researched it for a long time?

Our company made a business decision several years ago that ended up costing us $200,000 in actual cash and probably that much or more in wasted time spent trying to make it work. Bad decision? You bet! Mismanagement? I guess, but how do you define that? Is any wrong decision, mismanagement? And what should be the "punishment"?

Anonymous said...

but if you are holding the information then the populace is not informed, the populace is being kept in the dark by a handful of people.

Quit trying to waste my tax dollars. We already had an audit. We had a complete audit. State Auditor said so.

You don't like the mayor so you want a fishing expedition instead of doing real work.


Anonymous said...

So I am the jerk because I called the bluff of the people who blockade every action the city tries to take? Have you ever had to wait for three or four hours for your ten minute council agenda item because a group of know it alls has to carry on ten speeches, all saying the same thing, and taking ten minutes or more each to ramble on about something someone supposedly did eight, ten or twelve years ago? A bunch of them had their chance at office and the voting public did not elect them, but they still feel as though they are the ones running the city. People are getting tired of them. People are getting tired of their lies. People are getting tired of hearing the same BS about how we may have seen their signs. They do not care that a business person is just waiting to present their case on a trivial matter before they can go about creating jobs. And they are stuck for hours on end listening to those people foam at their mouths. I want them to show what evidence they have force and investigation to happen so one way or another this city and the people who are trying to make a living can go about doing that.
But I am a jerk and not those people?

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

Does anyone other than several of us even know what malfeasance is? Well there are laws against spending money without the council's approval. So everyone else is held to a higher standard but Douglas B. England? And you wonder why we are in the mess we are in?

Anonymous said...

3-8 5:12, 5:23, 3-9 12:29 Your repeating yourself and acting just like the ones your condeming. you have made your point and it looks like your not getting what you want. so how about if you just ignore them and let it go and answer the question asked of you earlier, being give us your understanding on the financials and the audit report. let us see that you know what you are talking about. if you cant show that you know what you are talking about, it really discredits you in telling others they don't know.

Anonymous said...

Stop calling my name!


Anonymous said...

Mindy, Mindy, Mindy!!!

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell is Mindy?

Anonymous said...

9:43, wrong again. The City of New Albany "did not" have a complete audit, (and I repeat this again, that is a bare face lie) from the State Board of Accounts. You need to get your facts correct.

It is what it is, and Mayor England and Garry are misleading you and many others.

Anonymous said...

9:43, wrong again. The City of New Albany "did not" have a complete audit, (and I repeat this again, that is a bare face lie) from the State Board of Accounts. You need to get your facts correct.

It is what it is, and Mayor England and Garry are misleading you and many others.

So why is the State's top auditor lying then, huh?

Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS believe anonymous axe grinders on the internet over published reports from the state board of accounts.


Anonymous said...

What's funny, he/she acts like we need them to call a press conference. Let's see if he/she attends tomorrow's Public meeting. Nothing like stopping by to say hello to the little people.

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